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    Baked Potato

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Lets see, dark skin, tight curly hair(or at least something that has the appearance of such), wide nose, puffy cheeks,  thick lips.


Gosh, its almost like coachroaches evolved into black people. I should say blackman, I don't see any women... And something else about their body shape or something makes me think of old racists black caricatures.


And oh look, they are extremely violent.

Edited by truepurple, 27 May 2013 - 08:07 AM.



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And a guy who kills a bunch of them is a german named Adolf, and the girl who falls in love with him is younger than him and named Eva....coincidence...? I don't think so...I think Terra ForMars is an allegory of the Holocaust xD



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Here, educate yourself a little: Homo Erectus.


Crimson Century: Bratumił

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I see what your saying, your saying that the bugs somehow roughly followed the evolutionary path for human (even though humans are said to drive from apes...) male externally while keeping a coach-roaches insides/wings etc. or something, all in a matter of 500 years.


OK you convinced me, the author may not be racists, just painfully stupid.



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cockraches are black, hence the terraformars are black. they're an alien race, hence they all look the same. hell, i had a very hard time trying to differentiate one caucasian face from another when i was younger. tight hair thing isn't hair, nor is it curly(why do you even think it's curly?). it's what little they have left of the shell thing cockroaches have on their backs. the rest of the distunctly african characteristics just happens to be shared by neanderthals, whch is whati think the author was really going for.

i'm not sure why you brought up the matter of gender, but having them all appear male sounds alright to me. would you rather have 50% of them grow breasts? cockroaches aren't mammals you know. or maybe you just want a slim, curvy physique on some of them? i don't think that'll work out...

and please explain why this makes the author stupid. the cockroaches probably didn't evolve naturally you know?

Edited by Arcenciel, 28 May 2013 - 05:01 PM.




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Well, is obvious the OP is racist. I thought cavemen when I saw the aliens.



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You have to admit that when first reading this you got the hives just thinking about that creepy blank expression that focuses areound the dead look in thier face which is even more brought out by the black caprice.

But yeah really hateful in the sterotypes the roaches look more like african/thai(sounds like a stretch but thats how I kind of view them. Don't agree? think "Kenichi"'s Appachie) tribesmen, the chinese must die, germans are all named adolf they like to lie to their own people as well, japanese are the superrace, america they are just deep pockets and space junkies, but the mexicans got the good end of that stick that are some badass mofos that must all like baseball.

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and please explain why this makes the author stupid. the cockroaches probably didn't evolve naturally you know?



Even bacteria and other microorganisms, which are the fastest evolving organisms on the planet due to extremely short life span and vast numbers, couldn't come anywhere close to such a change.  Hell, those cockroaches could be there for 10 billion years and not change nearly that much, especially since with plentiful food, no weather to speak of on mars or other species to compete with or become pray to,  there would be no natural selection to create any real change at all. And as I pointed out, evolution is created by natural selection as it relates to diversity. So they would need to have evolved into difference species, with some praying on others, and I haven't read anything like that so far.


Also, if say a 100 billion years had past, they had different species with a food chain, cockroaches evolved a great deal and gained intelligence, they wouldn't look like cavemen! The difference between mammals and arthropodas are a whole phylum apart.  For even another mammal other then a primate to evolve into the physical body of a caveman is a absurd idea, much less a insect. And if they did evolve the body of a caveman, why should their insides be any different, why should their speed, durability or strength be any different?


BTW. Babies developing resistance because their parents were influenced or killed by something, is not evolution. A percentage of them would have to be different already, then have to survive when others didn't because of that difference to reproduce babys that are also different in that way. That is why it is so important to fully take antibotics, because if the disease is fully wiped out, survivors can't start reproducing and become the predominate variant. You can't call something that lacks natural selection, evolution!


I suppose someone applied some unobtainium with a large helping of mad scientistism so that the cockroaches change that much. They must have also put human DNA into the cockroaches. Even so, the result is not anything that could be called evolution.



i'm not sure why you brought up the matter of gender, but having them all appear male sounds alright to me. would you rather have 50% of them grow breasts? cockroaches aren't mammals you know. or maybe you just want a slim, curvy physique on some of them? i don't think that'll work out...


Cockroaches have males and females too, sexual reproduction (as opposed to asexual production where a organism can reproduce by itself) is a great fuel for evolution. And even in insects, males and females are different, yet all of these male/female mars "cockroaches" look exactly the same. Now for some impossible reason these cockroaches have human forms, now if human DNA had been put into them, or what ever other impossible insane reason they have human forms; why wouldn't the difference between there males and females be the same as humans as well? I mean with every other aspect of their physical form being similar, why stop at gender? 



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Even bacteria and other microorganisms, which are the fastest evolving organisms on the planet due to extremely short life span and vast numbers, couldn't come anywhere close to such a change.  Hell, those cockroaches could be there for 10 billion years and not change nearly that much, especially since with plentiful food, no weather to speak of on mars or other species to compete with or become pray to,  there would be no natural selection to create any real change at all. And as I pointed out, evolution is created by natural selection as it relates to diversity. So they would need to have evolved into difference species, with some praying on others, and I haven't read anything like that so far.


Also, if say a 100 billion years had past, they had different species with a food chain, cockroaches evolved a great deal and gained intelligence, they wouldn't look like cavemen! The difference between mammals and arthropodas are a whole phylum apart.  For even another mammal other then a primate to evolve into the physical body of a caveman is a absurd idea, much less a insect. And if they did evolve the body of a caveman, why should their insides be any different, why should their speed, durability or strength be any different?


BTW. Babies developing resistance because their parents were influenced or killed by something, is not evolution. A percentage of them would have to be different already, then have to survive when others didn't because of that difference to reproduce babys that are also different in that way. That is why it is so important to fully take antibotics, because if the disease is fully wiped out, survivors can't start reproducing and become the predominate variant. You can't call something that lacks natural selection, evolution!


I suppose someone applied some unobtainium with a large helping of mad scientistism so that the cockroaches change that much. They must have also put human DNA into the cockroaches. Even so, the result is not anything that could be called evolution.




Cockroaches have males and females too, sexual reproduction (as opposed to asexual production where a organism can reproduce by itself) is a great fuel for evolution. And even in insects, males and females are different, yet all of these male/female mars "cockroaches" look exactly the same. Now for some impossible reason these cockroaches have human forms, now if human DNA had been put into them, or what ever other impossible insane reason they have human forms; why wouldn't the difference between there males and females be the same as humans as well? I mean with every other aspect of their physical form being similar, why stop at gender? 

In the author's defense, if it was scientifically correct, they'd never have that special organ or even send cockroaches to mars because none of it makes sense. It's a manga, lighten up.



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Racism? They are cockroaches, what color are they supposed to be? The author even included black people that played a role in the manga, and they didn't look like any of the roaches, not even close. If anything you are racist. And btw like already mentioned: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cb/Homo_erectus_new.JPG/480px-Homo_erectus_new.JPG



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I came here because of a report, but I must say that you're trying to apply logic to a fictional work... that in itself is illogical.



Also, if say a 100 billion years had past, they had different species with a food chain, cockroaches evolved a great deal and gained intelligence, they wouldn't look like cavemen! The difference between mammals and arthropodas are a whole phylum apart.  For even another mammal other then a primate to evolve into the physical body of a caveman is a absurd idea, much less a insect. And if they did evolve the body of a caveman, why should their insides be any different, why should their speed, durability or strength be any different?


You can't call something that lacks natural selection, evolution!


Nothing is certain, No scientist in the world can guarantee that statement at all.


Also on the notion that "You can't call something that lacks natural selection, evolution!"

That assertion is not true, natural selection is a driving force for evolution, but there's more driving forces to it such as natural mutations that are anomalies. Also please keep in mind the evolution is just a theory, no I'm not saying evolution is not true. There's a reason why after a century of time they still call it a theory that is because evolution has yet to explain every possible outcome, and that is mostly due to mutation-driven evolution, because most of the mutations that took place were not dictated from natural selection.

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I was told to report offensive attacks against my person, even though I felt certain that it would do no good, and it apparently hasn't.


Feel free to debate or refute me, but it is not appropriate to accuse me of racism, I have said nothing racist so please keep such offensive comments to yourself. 


BTW, it is very different to call a drawing in a manga racist verses calling a person racist, for one, one is a personal attack, I will leave it to you guys to figure out which one.

Edited by truepurple, 08 July 2013 - 12:47 AM.



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You know, in all fairness, you chose to start a topic about one of the most inflammatory subjects you could have possibly found in the whole wide world. Hard to find much sympathy for someone who knowingly opens up such an obviously confrontation prone can of worms. Restraint is often the greatest virtue. 




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Sounds like a good excuse for lack of restraint svines, but in fact it isn't a good excuse. Just because I talk about possible racism on a comic, means people are free to attack me personally? Sell that somewhere else, I am not buying that. The rules do not support this logic either.


Like I said, there is a big difference between saying something about a comic drawing, and saying something about a fellow poster, please learn that difference!

Edited by truepurple, 09 July 2013 - 12:44 AM.



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Once again I'll be very blunt about your character. You somehow find it surprising that fellow forum users find what you say insulting?


Like I said, there is a big difference between saying something about a comic drawing, and saying something about a fellow poster, please learn that difference!

You just insulted this person by insinuating that they're not smart, that they may not know what the difference is. Also that assertion you made is all a matter of point of view you may view it as different things but I may view it likes this "these comic drawings can be viewed as an extension of that person because these original works originate from that authors mind and as such the statement that these works of fiction can be viewed as an extension of oneself." proves to be true because I view writing as a forum that one can express oneself in a way that can be interpreted more easily by others.


Also you say there was a personal attack against you? Really?


Racism? They are cockroaches, what color are they supposed to be? The author even included black people that played a role in the manga, and they didn't look like any of the roaches, not even close. If anything you are racist. And btw like already mentioned: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cb/Homo_erectus_new.JPG/480px-Homo_erectus_new.JPG

All he/she said was that you may be a racist for implying that the author may be racist because of his story? This is not a personal attack he is just stating that if you think this author is racist it may be because of your own personal views that cause you to view it that way. No matter how you look at it this is not enough to be considered a "personal attack" which is why no action was taken. Also one could say that these comments you made about the author being a racist could be viewed as an attack according to what you view as a personal attack.


But of course you being you, you assume that the staff here is out to get you and you view it as us slighting you or ignoring your reports.



Sounds like a good excuse for lack of restraint svines, but in fact it isn't a good excuse. Just because I talk about possible racism on a comic, means people are free to attack me personally? Sell that somewhere else, I am not buying that. The rules do not support this logic either.


Like I said, there is a big difference between saying something about a comic drawing, and saying something about a fellow poster, please learn that difference!

Once again this is all a matter of point of view and this "big difference" you speak of may not be the same to everyone. Like I already said I have the view that there isn't a big difference. For example if I was the author of this work and had someone call it a racist piece of work I would view that as someone "bitch slapping me across the face" and I would say "how dare you assert that claim, because this piece of work reflects what I feel has happened in our history"


I would also like to say that by the looks of it you may view the movie Django unchained as a racist movie just because it used the word "nigger". No I will not censor that word because guess what during those times it was a common use word.

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I talked about a image, not the author directly, aside from which, I am sure the author isn't here to take personal offense.


Your analogy with nigger is total off base, doesn't match up at all. Actually, if we were to flip it on its head and inverse it as well, then the analogy could work. It's like I said nigger by saying the drawing seemed racist. Then I got personally attacked by being accused of racism (and in other ways too). But since you felt that my speaking like that was inappropriate or something, you figured you'd allow people to say stuff personally against me. A way of censoring me by allowing people to attack me for speaking my own beliefs.


If I imply that someone said something stupid, which implies that they are stupid (or at least human and occasionally say stupid things), that is different then directly calling someone a idiot. It is also a more serious a accusation and insult to call someone a racist then a idiot.


My threads have been closed for MUCH less then this, so yeah, that's like your out to get me.  And its not like you ever bother talking to me about such actions in PM first. I've been "officially warned" for much less then this even.


BTW, refdow, who has apparently registered just to attack me,(or has a different account and made a multiple account to hide behind)  didn't say maybe, instead ze said 


 If anything you are racist.


Refdow didn't say "if you think this author is racist it may be because of your own personal views that cause you to view it that way" either. If ze had said that instead, I wouldn't have taken such offense.(and certainly wouldn't have reported it)


And its crazy that I have to defend my obviously valid report here, since few of you do PMs, the only ones that have ever discussed anything with me in PM are the two admins, you mods may be  (you said these words make accusing people OK) too lazy and mean to bother.


BTW, that the author was just being a idiot by modeling them after neanderthal cavemen was half sold to me as a possibility. I mentioned this, but yet individuals who may be narrow minded jerks with no consideration of my  feelings or belief in my right to express my own independent belief act like I didn't say it. 

Edited by truepurple, 10 July 2013 - 11:14 PM.



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On the actual topic.


It doesn't make sense for the author to model these guys after neanderthals, not from a scientific perspective, or from a basic logic perspective.  And more importantly it shows a lack of creativity and thought on the part of the author, if that is the case. It's no wonder to me that I didn't think of that being something the artist was doing. Instead it would have been much more effective if the author had imagined a evolved coach roach, I mean apply some creativity and effort and they could have been done much better, would look much better and work much better storywise for reading.



Evolution is a theory, (a theory long accepted by just about all reputable scientists, considered "proven" even, as much as any scientific theory can be considered proven)  evolution is a shortened term for that theory. So you can't call it that if you remove one of its vital components, and natural selection is one of those vital component. It's like E=MCsquared without the concept of mass, it just doesn't work then.  

Edited by truepurple, 10 July 2013 - 11:42 PM.



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Like I said I do not refute the facts of evolution, but I also made the note that natural selection is not the only driving force of evolution, which you just decided to ignore.

On the actual topic.
It doesn't make sense for the author to model these guys after neanderthals, not from a scientific perspective, or from a basic logic perspective.  And more importantly it shows a lack of creativity and thought on the part of the author, if that is the case. It's no wonder to me that I didn't think of that being something the artist was doing. Instead it would have been much more effective if the author had imagined a evolved coach roach, I mean apply some creativity and effort and they could have been done much better, would look much better and work much better storywise for reading.

As for this... You're trying to apply real scientific logic to a work of fiction. This is not real. The author is not a scientist. And you saying "It doesn't make sense for the author to model these guys after neanderthals, not from a scientific perspective, or from a basic logic perspective." Once again what you view as "not making sense" is not necessarily try for the author. To the author this could all make sense. Remember he is not a scientist, and as such he could've made them into blobs and you would still be here arguing that this does not make sense from a "scientific perspective".

I can imagine you being one of those people that try to apply scientific reasoning to action movies. And all I can say to that is " dude it's a fucking movie... Get over it"
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Like I said I do not refute the facts of evolution, but I also made the note that natural selection is not the only driving force of evolution, which you just decided to ignore.

I did not ignore it. That was what I was replying to when I was talking abot e=mcsquared without the mass. 


Natural selection is not the only force in evolution, but it is a required component for that which is known as evolution, you can not have evolution, as described by the theory of evolution, without it.  And when I say natural selection, I include mutation over generations, even without a predator/prey system to go with that, as part of it. In this comic, mutation doesn't exist ( I do not call adults pushing out a baby resistant to what they were vulnerable, mutation, more like self DNA modifying, mutation is random)


Some effort should be made for it to even be slightly realistic. Using your logic, they could have made the coachroaches turn into carebears (complete with belly icon blasting) or teletubbies (with working TV's on them getting in prime time shows that distract the astronauts while they get killed) and it would be all the same to you. If you try to make something realistic-ish and fall short of perfection and/or require something unrealistic for your story, that is very understandable, I ignore lots of those.  But if your going to write sci-fi and totally ignore the sci, that is less acceptable.


Also, you missed a important point of mine, putting some work into what they turn into, rather then simply superman cavemen, would definitely improve the story. The authors laziness is showing and it really has a negative effect on the story-line (not just talking about the caveman thing)

Edited by truepurple, 12 July 2013 - 12:57 AM.



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Alright... simple answer. Don't read the comic. If you have a problem with how the author writes his stories that's fine, but remember no one is forcing you to read it.

"I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul." - William Ernest Henley
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