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Selfish user who made his own discussion thread (but he explains it)

not short sacrificial read levi4eva

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    Potato Spud

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So... I've just caught up with this manga and before reading anything about whats going on in the discussions I'll just firstly say my thoughts and theories about it. I'll be surprised if this isn't popular stuff already but it's a  way to say it fresh and unbesmirched.


I think the plague they mentioned earlier in the show (do we have actual time distance from the present?) was the work of Eren's father himself and that being the reason how he so successfully achieved in neutralizing it. One of two things: The process of spreading, reacting and "neutralizing" could've been a way of making the cured susceptible to Titan transformation in the future OR just the first stages of experiment on the "medicine" he ended up giving to Eren during that one year gap (846?). The first thought leads me to think that Eren's dad is involved with the religious folk and is an evil bitch. The second one makes me think he's an ok guy and that he's trying to make Eren the saviour of mankind. I'd like to think that both are correct and that Eren's experiment is his way of correcting all the sh1t he did in the past, probably under threat.


Well I think Eren's dad has a royal background. I wonder how many days he goes off like that for some 3 or more days? I wonder if he doesn't have a proper royal wife waiting for him at home everytime he goes off to "work" huh... Now he's just there full time. I say this because of the completely random uncanonical visions Eren has at the start of the first episode wich leads me to think one thing and speculate another. Eren's dad was experimenting on his son prior to the start and since Eren wasn't brought up in a royal environment (as far as we know that's the most logical thing to assume) I'll go as far as saying that what we saw was his father's childhood memories, not his owns. What's his name probably used his own blood for the "medicine" thus leading to some celular interaction between Eren's blood. What else could those visions mean? We see a mill being attacked, a person being lifted, some sort of shape in royal clothing, boy and girl toys on a bed, a handful of recon corps lying dead on a forest (Ilse Langner's crew?), bees... In his dreams. I wonder if he's adopted like Mikasa...


Look how long this is... This was so not unexpected. I'll just dump whatever's left then. Priests want humanity to achieve god status by turning everyone into a Titan. They worship the wall wich was created by gods and since titans built the wall, we can assume they see them as gods. After being swallowed then regurgitated one becomes a titan. Historia might be an unawakened titan. Ymir has her own folk outside of the wall where she grew up. I suppose she was kidnapped to the kingdom and experimented on.


Anything new or is everthing outrageous? Now on to reading the popular and crazy theories out there...



    Potato Spud

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I think it goes deeper than what you suggest. The wall church don't want anything to be done on the wall (upgrade or made new holes etc) not because they revere them as gods but they don't want the people to find out that theres titans inside the walls. Eren's dad might be researching on titan serum but theres still too little infos regarding it. I'll let you read some other theories abundant out there.

read this too:
