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air gear manga review

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    Potato Sprout

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so, after my mind is drawn in completely by this masterpiece (not really) of oh great, i read the entire thing in like a week and it is so far on my top 3 favourite manga list

and i didnt like the anime cuz its not loyal to the manga

so lets break this manga down into 3 parts

part 1: first 10 volumes  or so (right after the battle with behemoth), where the anime covered

this part is probably the reason why the manga is popular among everyone, so far it is a shounen manga about teengaer Minami Ikki and air treks, which is basically high technology roller skates that can climb walls and jump off buildings. ppl wear air treks and they race and battle and some physics is applied and its a fairy good manga with a lot of fan service, both sexually and action-ly. so far it is popular with the majority audience

part 2: volume 11 to 24

so volume 11 is when giant arcs begin and the story gets.....a little slow paced, sure, some awesome battles happen and i am still sitting on the edge of my chair with my eyes glued to the screen. However the story gets a little confusing for some people, and some of the arcs is almost pointless and look like fillers instead of actual contents that move the plot forward. this part is when I am getting a bit tired of this manga since nothing really interesting happens except for the flashback about the gravity children (which some people hated) and the battle between spitfire and sora (which was awesome), I was almost about to drop this series, almost, until the next part comes in

part 3: volume 25 to 37

okay okay, so this part is where some (or most) people hated the most since the story becomes so confusing that you can barely keep up with its pace, its battles and the philosophical dialogues and thoughts oh great uses which can be summed up in one word: he knows how to bullshit, and make it really good. Oh great also came up with a lot more physics theories that before and the philosophy gets deeper and deeper and it becomes very hard for most people to understand. the only reason I like this part is probably because im a science and philosophy freak, and also because of the art. you see, oh great, no matter how confusing his stories can get, has godly art. this is not something that ANYONE can disagree with. the 3rd part of the manga, well, if you are interested to see interesting science theories and philosophy (aka hardcore bullshit) being applied and you are not some university geek who goes like "this theory is clearly wrong, according to newton...", then you would definitely enjoy the third part. if you are not, then you might as well just drop it, or just read it for the art. if you cannot determine whether you would like it or not, try watching evangelion and read 20th century boys first, if you liked them and can understand the bullshit (i mean, psychology and philosophy) applied in the final 2 episodes of evangelion and the movie end of evangelion, then you should give air gear a try. 


now theres something that has been bothering me, its not some people are like "how the hell can a freaken roller skate cause so much impact on the world, what the hell they changed gravity?" well, if someone can climb buildings and jump off them without getting hurt by wearing a freaken roller skate, then yeah i think it would cause some major impacts on the world. and also, not all of oh great's amazing scientific bullshits r correct (actually most of them r wrong), so this is what i'll say: JUST ACCEPT IT AND READ THE FREAKEN STORY



overall, i give this manga, an 8 out of 10

if ur just looking for action, read the first 10 volumes of so

if ur looking for something more, read the whole thing

if ur some girl looking for romance, then u might as well just f*** it

if ur a fujoshi  looking for yaoi, well, it does have a bit (agito/akito)


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