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What will happen in upcoming chapters

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    Potato Spud

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  • LocationOlympia, Washington, United States

I do not have access to any information the rest of you lack, but I want a page to voice my opinions. 


My first prediction is that either the school will face be disbanded unless something happens (test scores are raised, or something like that), or the schools will be combined. 


Prediction two: It is uncommon in these kind of manga's for the parents to return, but I feel like this one is a little unconventional, and will do so. I do not think the parents are dead, but if they are, there will probably be a chapter or two dedicated to memorial. 


More to come (Probably)

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    Potato Spud

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Hmm, if following what I think is conventional character developmet, there'll probably be an arc (maybe the current one?) where Kagami will "lose", and he has to overcome that. Like, a situation where he really feels driven into a corner or something. In any of the previous situations, he calmly handled everything like a pro. And previously he hasn't gone against anyone "better" than him. That'd be a normal thing to do though, and I'm fine with Kagami steamroling all obstacles.


There's also the concept of going up against a teacher and their students that follow a "results" based approach versus Kagami's "do what you like" one.


And something was mentioned near the end of Madoka's story that could suggest some sort of international arc, with gifted students from other countries.