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What's your childhood like?

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    Potato Spud

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In my experience, my childhood relations with my sister was pretty damn close too. Age wise she's older than me by 7 yrs. BUT, there was no incest if any of you readers were wondering. At most, we only shared and showed our affection with each other with kisses on lips and cheek, hugs, hand holding, or waist hugging. Never thought it was weird at all and done that everywhere: publicly and at home, which my parents were ok with. We even share the same bed, since we don't have the luxury of having our own room in a cramped apartment. Mind you, there were some confused times when I showed some hints of abnormalities toward her when I hit puberty and can't do much about the raging hormones, but thankfully, nothing ever went down due to her wisdom as an older sibling as they were tactfully disarmed by her. It even kept me out of danger too in junior high when I was told by the girl, that I was lusting over, " you make me horney", and that's when I abruptly understand what I was doing and abort my actions... Yes, I do wonder what could of happen and sometimes I also regretted nothing did happen, but logically it was the right thing to do. I have no doubts I might of end up as a father at age 13 then and there if I weren't so. I just stuck with my usual skirt peeping, chest and face ogling, and my occasional "accidental" bumps to the bum, thank you very much.

My sister did more for me, saved me, and cared more for me than my parents ever did. She was a pretty damn good guide when I was growing up and even taught me what it means to care for her 2 newborns with her husband... God that 1 week I spend individually for my niece and nephew and the trust she bestowed on me to clean, feed, put to bed was literally father training. Did you know new borns for the first 3 months must eat every 3 or so hours?! It was really 24 hours non stop work of restless nights. Eat, poop, need a burp, or the milk's too hot was my new found dogma on keeping a baby from their abysmal crying. And it was ABYSMAL. Well, at least I was of help for them and they got some rest out of my care. Not that I was exceptionally good at it and I had some major screw ups with (hehe) that I had to quickly clean up. That's when I discovered children is a well of infinite joy and infinite misery (depending when it's not woefully crying lol) and is well worth having.

Anyways, when I have my family one day I hope my kids would be as close as I were with my sis...

AS LONG AS THEY DON'T :batoto_004: AROUND!!!

Now that I finish sharing a part of my life to you readers; share me yours :D



    Fingerling Potato

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me i'm 20 and the oldest of 9

there's ~ 1.5 years between me and the next

then there's an ~ 5 year gap between 2 and 3

3's in high school but i have had to look after 7 babies in a row and it is hellish when they cry

so dude you got lucky com pared to me

oh and theres only 2 girls which are 5 & 6