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Murata Yuusuke Sensei live on USTREAM drawing OnePunch Man

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    Potato Spud

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Here is the link, on this video we can see Murata-sensei drawing OnePunch Man LIVE (depends on timezone).




    Potato Sprout

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    Potato Spud

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It's amazing how long he is correcting every page. I would go mad if i'd have to work 4 hours on a panel. And after 2 weeks non stop work he produces the manga we read in 2 minutes and whine cause its too short . But still it is amazing.



    Potato Spud

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he's redrawing Genos's colored panel several times and then compares them to see if they're identical. MIND BOGGLED



    Russet Potato

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I was actually going to make a thread about this, but then I found this one. I think we should move it to http://vatoto.com/forums/forum/3320-graphix/ or http://vatoto.com/forums/forum/95-other/ - this way more people will have a chance of reading this.

I know he's mainly drawing OPM on ustream, but I think I saw him drawing something else last week - I didn't recognize the characters and, at one point, Murata said something that (with my limited knowledge of Japanese) sounded like "What manga is this? Well... that's a secret.", so I don't think it's limited to just his current manga.


I also think that even people who don't read OPM would really appreciate the live streams - it's extremely informative about the manga drawing process.
I never would have imagined how complicated the process is, how many types of pens, etc. the mangaka uses, and how much of it is a trial and error method. Bakuman really hasn't done it justice.
Also, turns out that some of the "white dots" on the SFX that cleaners tend to remove thinking they're there due to poor print quality are actually intentional - I watched Murata drawing some SFX last week. After the sketch was done, he first outlined them with a marker, then filled them black, after which he used a white out pen to add some "noise".

Anyway, I can watch it for hours, it never ceases to amaze me. Though, you need to catch the time when he's actually drawing and not staring on a blank page for half an hour xD
I think that he's making the first sketches earlier in the week, and inking nearer Friday/Saturday (not sure, I've only had time to stay and watch it three times so far - the first time he sketched a page and inked it right after, another time he was only doing sketches for the pages, and the next time he was only inking the already sketched pages).

Edited by Ral, 13 July 2013 - 11:00 AM.

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    Potato Spud

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So.. awesomeeee!!!