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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

What Color Are your Avatar will be?

Accel World Avatar

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    Fingerling Potato

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Posted Image As the name sugest, What will your Avatar Colour If you would be a Burst Linker? and What kind of Power would it possess?
Posted Image Please try to be realistic as it can be
Posted Image or ..... Posted Image I'll cry

Posted Image But it sounds kinda fun if you able to create your own avatar, don't you think?

Here are some Color names reference

Posted ImageLet me Start it

Avatar Name: Ivory Vision
Special Ability: Premonition

Time Of Peace






    Potato Sprout

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Green musician would be my name and my ability would be creating weapons from the sounds around myself and use them to fight That would be truly grande

Green musician would be my name and my ability would be creating weapons from the sounds around myself and use them to fight That would be truly grande

Edited by mimoman, 24 March 2013 - 03:42 PM.



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I would be Screaming fantom I am a silver avatar. I am silver because i can only do punches and kicks if i want to do alot of damage to someone. I dont have blades but i sure do have a voice. I have a high pitch scream which can stop a person in their traks and will hurt your ears.My special move is the power to turn invisible for 30 seconds and i can no do a scream attack wile invisible. If i do one i become visable. I am weak to long range attacks. My avatar would focus mainly on armor and speed upgrades. Scream will do some big damage to player but only if player is close. Scream can not reach a certin hight. player will also be pushed away because of the screams force. if a player is moving at a high speed scream will slow you down but will not push you back depending on strength, power, and speed. I think this would be my avitar due to the fact that i never say or do what i truly want to say or due. I always get bullied for saying stupid stuff and for not being understood. i also have a loud voice and i always just wanted people to hear what i had to say but i never could quite get the words out right. I would also be able to turn invisible because i always feel invisible and sometime i just wanna be.  :) 




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Avatar Name: Steel Bolt
Special Ability: Volt Absorb

(Similar with Dr. Doom's but with wide variety of applications of electro-magnetics)

Weapon: Steel Screws

Persona: Kumagawa Misogi's cool looser attitude and his fighting style

Color: Grey

Edited by pijoed, 26 April 2014 - 05:12 PM.



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I opt out, because very few characters LIKE their duel avatars. The character creation process seems biased against it. It pulls out into people's issues, their regrets, their emotional scars. By all appearances, it's loaded to NOT give people avatars they like.


Any character I make up will be hogwash based more on what I'd LIKE than what I'd GET.



*thinks about it for a bit, and sighs*

I suspect I'd be a reddish character, though. Not because I particularly like the color, mind you.

Or the style of play it forces.  In games I'm more of an in-your-face fighter than a long-range one, and red is the color of long-range combat.

Buuuut... without getting into details,  I strongly suspect that Brain Burst would pick up on my issues, and they play right into red, as I read things.



The rules regarding metal colors are... very unclear, as are very low saturation and intensity values. No one's really sure what gets you, say, a silver, a black, or a white. Not last I saw, anyhow. 

I have suspicious about what jumps you off the color wheel and onto the metal spectrum. But it's little more than speculation on my part right now. ... WHOA, attempts to research that are leading me to SERIOUS spoiler territory for my current point, so that's enough of that!




GAAAAAAAAAH! Enough depressing introspection! Let's get awesome!

I'm Crimson Kingbolt! Underestimate me at your peril! MEGAMACHINE AWAKENING!




    Potato Sprout

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very few characters LIKE their duel avatars. The character creation process seems biased against it. It pulls out into people's issues, their regrets, their emotional scars. By all appearances, it's loaded to NOT give people avatars they like.

actually, from watching the anime and reading the LN, I'd say that the creation process works two different ways for different people, it either provides you with an avatar capable of what you desire or feel you are lacking and/or one that embodies your traumas

for example: Haru is free to fly away from his problems that he can't escape and resembles a hero capable of achieving anything he sets his mind to, Kuroyukihime hurts anyone who touches her, Taku wields a stabbing pile driver rather than the sword he is suited for as he was bullied by being jabbed at rather than sparring fairly, etc.

of course, the system then has to balance you, like how Haru has no special traits besides flight


In my case, I'd probably end up with something like this, tho I'll leave it to your imagination as to why.


Name: White King

Abilities: Self Governance, Royal Decree

This avatar resembles a chess piece, a white king as the name implies. Similar to Silver Crow, extremely powerful abilities consume all combat potential, and only Self Governance would be available initially, leaving me vulnerable until Royal Decree is unlocked or Incarnate is learned. As a white avatar, all potential lies in these two special moves with unique effects.


Self Governance consumes some special move gauge to imprint a command on myself for the duration of the duel and to amplify mental capabilities and focus towards following this command as needed and without limit; for example, I could command myself to evade all attacks and counter whenever possible or to find and strike my opponents weak spots.

Royal Decree would instead consume a full special move gauge to imprint a command on another avatar for the duel, basically controlling my opponent with the sole exception of suicide; for example, I could order my opponent to give me all of their items and equipment or to not move or use any skills.

Of course, the true potential of this avatar would be in amplifying these effects with the incarnate system to last after the duel ends, or even to command items or the world itself...




    Potato Spud

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This topic sure would be popular if Kawahara-sensei explained how the color system is supposed to work... so you could pick your duel avatar with one of these personality questinaires that they have for Magic the Gathering, NEN (Hunter x Hunter) and Sky Flame (Katekyo Hitman REBORN) ...




So, since this is just speculation, and a question about what would be my favourite colors, I would set with 3 different avatars...


[Indigo Parivir]

Attribute: BLUE (Close Range)

Enhanced Armment: A nodachi capable of cutting aircraft carriers. Anything in 1,5m radius will be parted in half!

Special Powers: None

Description: Maybe Cause my AB bloodtype...


[Dirty Magician]

Attribute: YELLOW > RED (Jamming and Medium Range Attacks)

Enhanced Armment: None

Special Powers: Some type of brownish flames that cause damage and impair one of the 5 senses at random... strange enough these flames are incapable of scenary damage.

Description: There were some chapters in Gintama whenever they would try to justify Dirty as a color that were incredible...


[Hyalin Archer]

Atribute: some GLASS-like color. with some RED/YELLOW characteristics (again)...

Enhanced Armment: A Longbow with transparent arrows. They aren´t invisible, but are very hard to see nonetheless...

Special Powers: being able to turn everything that I hit into glass...

Description: Although I think that a power to beat electricity in awesomeness doesn´t exist (damn you Accelerator!). Another power that I would be ok in getting is to be able to see through people/things... 


and still I'm unable to think of a color to go with a Gomu Gomu like avatar... or to go with my indecisiveness...


Até mais ver

mr. Poneis

Edited by mrponeis, 16 November 2014 - 02:17 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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actually, from watching the anime and reading the LN, I'd say that the creation process works two different ways for different people, it either provides you with an avatar capable of what you desire or feel you are lacking and/or one that embodies your traumas
for example: Haru is free to fly away from his problems that he can't escape and resembles a hero capable of achieving anything he sets his mind to, Kuroyukihime hurts anyone who touches her, Taku wields a stabbing pile driver rather than the sword he is suited for as he was bullied by being jabbed at rather than sparring fairly, etc.
of course, the system then has to balance you, like how Haru has no special traits besides flight

Balance is not exactly something I've ever attributed to Brain Burst. One need look no farther than Dusk Taker.

But Haru (at least initially) hates his gangly, scrawny, weak-looking avatar with the bulbous head. Heroic is not a trait he's ever ascribed to Silver Crow.
Kuroyukihime hates how her gloomy all-edges avatar looks. Niko's actual avatar, as opposed to all the equipment she's layered onto it, is a constant reminder that she is small and powerless IRL.
There's a trend to the avatar design, based on every character with a known opinion of their avatar. I suspect more development of other burst linkers would show only more displeasure with their avatars.

But certainly, the system seems less than wholly spiteful. These traumas and shortcomings, within Brain Burst, are sources of strength rather than weaknesses. That would tend to encourage one to face their problems. And it's been demonstrably good for Haru.
But then there's Dusk Taker. Maybe Brain Burst just couldn't find anything positive to seed within Noumi. He WAS pretty screwed up.

I am definitely looking forward to seeing more details come out.

I'm still probably a red. Still not sure what exactly would come out. Still think Crimson Kingbolt is just about the coolest thing ever(and thus highly unlikely to be related to anything I'd get).


I guess I'll quit being a wet blanket.

Were I given control of character generation, I'd craft a fast, melee-focused character. A blue, in short.
Doesn't seem like sapphire is a spoken-for color yet, so that's half a name.
With blade tonfas, those always look awesome.

And thus would be born Sapphire Hawk. Despite the name, not capable of flight, or even unusually impressive jumps.
More appropriate to the name, it'd be slight of build, lightly-armored, and very fast.
With some backswept angular designs that might imply wings(or merely speed). Something like the V2 Gundam's torso would work well(always did like the over-the-shoulder doodads on that one).

Defense would be important due to low durability. Dodging and blocking with the tonfas would be critical.

I can see Sapphire Hawk getting booster upgrades to accelerate his movement. Nothing useful for augmented jump HEIGHT, though. Initially single-direction. Think Megaman X's dash boots. Later upgrades could make this dash multi-directional and usable for lateral movement in-air, thus greatly enhancing agility.
Upgrade option to gain a bladed boomerang weapon would definitely be there for the taking. It would be useful, but I'm unsure if it would be chosen.
Armor upgrade options would be available, but they would be ill-advised choices and thus ignored.

And there's the avatar my mirror universe counterpart will receive when he first utters "BURST LINK!".
And ingrate that he is, he will do nothing but complain. It looks so fragile. The color is ugly. Blade tonfas are stupid why can't it have wolverine claws or a katana or something. There's just no pleasing some people, I swear.







Edit: I realized Falcon is a reserved word, and changed my (mirror counterpart's) duel avatar name accordingly.

Unlike color, there is nothing to imply the noun half of a name is unique, but it is a road I would tread lightly upon. There should be a good reason for noun reuse.  The fact that Chrome Falcon is an important character within Brain Burst  makes me very uncomfortable with the overlap. Had I realized what I was doing two years ago, I never would've considered Sapphire Falcon an acceptable name.

Having remembered a few days ago that I DID spec out a duel avatar named $COLOR$ Falcon, I spent a while kicking around new nouns and debating if I should even bother with an edit this late. I decided to fix it because there are too many bad Accel World fan-characters on the global net, and I don't want to be part of the problem.

Edited by Jistuce, 20 March 2017 - 04:29 AM.



    Potato Spud

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in the game, what color your avatar is decided by your character right?
if its is i will probably get dark red or black, but if i decide with my favorite color i will choose blue. 

about name and ability, still haven't think about it



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Avatar Name: Console Hijack

Special Abilities: From the most stamina demanding: OP's Godmode, Access for the server remote console, Noclip and Instagib/fragging with railgun.

Passive Abilities: High knockback from weapons, runs at 10 meters a second, strafe jumping, CPMA-like air control.

Weapons: Railgun, Lasergun, Rocket Launcher, Buzz Saw, BFG (Very Limited Usage)

Weaknesses: Aimbots (unless godmode),Cannot Prone (but can use noclip), Server Operators and Hackers



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actually, from watching the anime and reading the LN, I'd say that the creation process works two different ways for different people, it either provides you with an avatar capable of what you desire or feel you are lacking and/or one that embodies your traumas
for example: Haru is free to fly away from his problems that he can't escape and resembles a hero capable of achieving anything he sets his mind to, Kuroyukihime hurts anyone who touches her, Taku wields a stabbing pile driver rather than the sword he is suited for as he was bullied by being jabbed at rather than sparring fairly, etc.
of course, the system then has to balance you, like how Haru has no special traits besides flight


Judging my own characteristics, traumas and desires ( respectively: fucking strong sloth, bullying mixed with religious trauma (fuck christian parents forcing church stuff) and a desire to have a lazy and easygoing life for the rest of my life(If I won a million dollars, the first thing I would do is retire and live with these savings, never ever working for life)), It would be :



 -Avatar Name: Flamming Emerald

 -Avatar Color: Green with yellow details.

 -Characteristics: A melee warrior with great resistance, good control skills and extreme lack of damage (except by absolute mirror skill) and mobility. LITERALLY EVERY THING HE DOES makes the user fell extremely TIRED, making him fell that he is making a really hard effort for every little thing. Doesn't have a real effect at combat capacity, but remember him that his desire for a easy and lazy life won't make effort.

 -Appearance: He will look like a green templar( With exagerated christian symbols ), he will be huge and heavy armored and the armor will feel extremaly heavy.

 -Special Abilities: Low Level Abilities:

                           - Gravity Field - creat a field that increase endurance of all units inside and strengthen gravity by triple. Cost some stamina.

                           - Energy Shield - like tha name implies, create a shield that parry damage. Low stamina cost

                           Mid Level Abilities:

                           - Flaming Immolation - Imbue your body with flames, causing little damage over time. Cost some stamina

                           - Guard Stance - Changes to defensive Mode, lowering even more your mobility in exchange to more resistance.

                          High Level Abilites: - Absolute Mirror - Creates a Absolute Mirror that reflect every long range skill (and melee skills as well, but they won't be dumb enough to hit the mirror) with twice effect.

                                                          - Ressurection - With very specials conditions, he has a chance to ressurect with full life. Almost impossible tought, and if he does it, we won't recieve any benfits of victory such as Brain points or whatever. He will be unable to win duels trough time condition as well, forcing him to kill his opponent even tough he doesn't have mobility and damage at all.

Edited by armenguer, 03 October 2015 - 06:35 PM.



    Potato Spud

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I probably wouldn't meet the neural reaction speed requirement... :unsure:

But if I did, then I suppose the trauma would be pressure and the desire would be more time. An obvious way for the system to grant that would be trough a special that let me slow down an opponent - something like a gravity amplification debuff. A second and more costly mode of use would be an omnidirectional force burst which would push everything away (without directly doing damage to any enemy caught in the effect) and would be primarily used for breaking out of grapples, bonds, etc.

Level up options could include area of effect slowing, greater energy efficiency of special moves, the ability to center the defensive force burst on an ally within range, etc.

The avatar would probably be a slim-built humanoid. Due to the focus on a special effect its primary color would be yellow. Because of the nature of said effect some red and green (-> brown) would be mixed in. So that's 'Banana' for the first part.  :lol:  Not much of an idea what the second part could be... maybe 'Masher'?

Edited by Fortis9001, 13 October 2015 - 01:12 AM.



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This is an interesting question.  It asks, essentially, how well a person knows their own weaknesses, their own faults, and their own fears, as well as their deepest and truest desires.  It's also interesting because people can sometimes change over time.  The me of Middle or High School for example could possibly be a completely different color/ability than the me of today, for example, having overcome some insecurities and issues but developed others.



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If I had a duel avatar, I´m not sure what it would be precisely, but maybe something like this:


color~ black


name~ shadow teller


appearance~ a black man, clad in shadow, holding a book, sitting on a chair.


ability #1~ story summons: by reading a page from my book, I can summon any hero that has ever been written down, but they will only be at half the power described in the stories


ability #2~ shadow weave: pull shadows in around one or more people, providing concealment and disrupting vision


deficit~ teller´s seat: unable to move from the seat, the seat however, can be modified to move.


special ability~ reign of the hero: gives up to three summoned heroes their full power for as long as the special move gauge lasts (drains at a rate of 1% per hero per second) can be activated at any percentage of the move gauge


passive~ shadowy army: can summon any number of heroes.


the reason for this is that I always am frustrated that heroes never translate to film or real life, so with this ability, I can summon them, plus I hate fighting myself