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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

A way of thinking, Parasites or Providers

Parasites or Providers

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ol turkey baster

ol turkey baster

    Potato Sprout

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When I realized that I should use this site for reading due to the constant reminding by Prozess( aka " pissed off translator" a self proclamation) I came to this site in order to give the hard working translators thier wishes. This seemed proper because I wanted to be thankful for thier hard work. the second reading I wished to see was Nozoki Ana. When I discovered it was unavailable, due to content
deemed undesirable by the site controlers, I also came to another conclusion, " look at what we want you to, where we want you too". This left a bad taste in my brain. I do not pretend to have any bussiness telling anyone how to run thier site. I will say that on some of those sites Nozoki Ana has a high position in readership also advertisers do not seem to shy from it. Those sites are "parasites" ( again another quote) but most people want what they want. When a site controller makes a reasonable request like use Batoto because we are " the correct way" that is good, but then in that context "refusing to provide" is a direct contradiction to being a provider. I do not like some of the things provided by many of the media outlets, I imagine some of them don't like things they provide, but thinking wrong and refusing to provide causes people to go somewhere else. I see this going on all over.The Google boys not supporting adobe flash in chrome. Its like don't look at anime with our browser, wait til the sites a forced to use other deilvery methods. So do people really use Chrome without flash? Really? People simply go get a differant browser, and with manga people will just go somwhere else because people want what they want.