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The Fudge Nuggets is going on?

Ending WTF

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Reminiscent Cheeseburger

Reminiscent Cheeseburger

    Potato Spud

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Ok, I read the entire story, can anyone, ANYONE provide a reasonable hypothesis as to the ending, please? I am stumped!



    Potato Spud

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Well, just an idea, but it seems like Sanakan and Cebo merged into once consciousness while they were occupying the same body. In the moments when Davine was connected to the Netsphere he was able to steal the Terminal DNA sequence from the Safeguard (along with the level 9 body). Sanakan/Cebo get this data from him before he's killed, which allows them to conceive a child using their combined DNA along with the Terminal genes. This is that orb that everyone is after at the end.

In the penultimate chapter we see Sanakan/Cebo as a child in a strange place which is apparently the backup buffer where the minds of the remaining humans are being kept in stasis. She has been put there too by the Central Authority. Meanwhile Killy escapes with the orb, fighting off the Safeguard. In the last pages of the comic we see it finally "hatch" and in the final panel there is a child next to Killy who is almost certainly the one in question. Having the Terminal genes would presumably allow her/him to take control of the Netsphere as an admin user and fix the whole mess, against the wishes of the Safeguard who want to preserve the status quo and the silicon life who are trying to supplant humanity and control the net themselves.

So basically the story ends on a cliffhanger. Still better than Biomega where Nihei obviously ran out of ideas long before it ended.

Edited by DerSteppenwolf, 12 March 2013 - 11:48 PM.



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Remember "show don't tell".



    Baked Potato

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Remember "show don't tell".

Guess I'm a more verbal person than I thought. :)  I got weary of the dreary industrial interiors and especially tired of huge grey explosions.



So why do explosions/weapons that make 70 km long holes, or remove 40% of body mass from a very tough creature, leave characters' hair intact?  Hair has low mass, so it's not as strongly affected by gravitons, but many of the oh-so-numerous booms appear to be pyrotechnic, which would flash off the hair in a second. Artistic license?

aVylaar Xmas :) ★

aVylaar Xmas :) ★

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So, allow me to add something to DerSteppenwolf's hypothesis

To begin with, the story provides more questions than answers, which, in a strange sense is fine, as, from the perspective of the characters, they don't know either.

The most important thing to think of is the saying: "The journey is more important than the destination."

Also, imo, all the info necessary to understand the story is out there, although scattered.

The story happens in a dystopean setting. There was some kind of disaster, which fucked everything up. Causing the builders to keep building. People to mutate / be contaminated. Etc...

Someone with the terminal genes could access some kind of Admin panel for the whole tower, supposedly fixing everything.

The safeguards want to save the tower / have a status quo, whereas the silicon creatures(cyborgs) want to have the tower/city for themselves.

The sphere had to be brought to an uncontaminated place, where the child could be conceived.
I believe Killy, swept away by the water at the end, reached the surface (as in the top level), being the only uncontaminated place out there. The child with the terminal genes came to be, and in the final shot we see Killy protecting the child, venturing ever farther.

Cibo died, lost her material form, but is stuck in that backup space where she has to stay until the tower's saved.
The sphere ends up at an uncontaminated space in the end, and in the last page we see Killy protecting a child, seemingly brought forth from the sphere (as you can see it activating a page earlier).
Still on his ongoing adventure, to save the tower.

Something interesting I noticed, though, is that in the very first pages of the comic Killy is already protecting a child, with Cibo's hair. The chapter's title is also ironically enough: 'The Net's Offspring'.
Could it be?
It seems Killy is on a truly perpetual voyage.


Edited by aVylaar Xmas :) ★, 23 February 2016 - 09:13 PM.