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The secret of Saitama's strength

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    Potato Sprout

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Saitama's strength really comes from his simple exercise. Given the world he lives in and everyone's reaction to his explanation, it's entirely possible that no one else has actually maintained this workout. Everyone ends up getting cyborg parts or genetic treatment before they can reap the rewards of a regualr work out.



    Potato Spud

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not a lot people can boast of doing 100 sit-ups, push-ups, ect...


without taking a break between all of the steps


It is never said that he didn't take breaks in between. For all we know it took him the whole day to do his training.





    Potato Sprout

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to me Saitama was just strong with his training to begin with, and could kill some weird being and eat them.
Because he was so poor that he was hunting them regularly and it became his usual food.
By eating them everyday he is now this strong !



    Potato Spud

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It's just like others have said. Bang, Garou(human) and Darky followed a more normal training. I'm not ssaying it was weaker nor anything, but they slowly build up their strenght(you can see that Darky started with small weights and from then he followed a "normal" training routine) while Saitama, an average guy, started this training(and this is not an easy training, i guess this forum is full of MMA fighters and ninjas, but for a normal person this is by no means easy) just like that without building his strenght first. EVERY SINGLE DAY. He didn't stop even when he started vomiting blood. Did Garou, Bang, Darky, or any other trained so hard they started spitting blood and then continued their training normally? Eating just a banana in the morning?


The point is not even the number 100, if someone can make 100 push ups then they should make 1000. In another forum someone wrote that what he said to Garou("I'm winning because i took my hobby as a hero more seriously than you!") was stupid but it wasn't. He took this hobby way more serious than Garou. Garou trained all his life(he didn't but whatever)? His training wasn't as strenous as Saitama's(again, not about the number of push ups but about making something that is beyond your strenght), and he only came to hunt heroes after training while Saitama was taking monsters on even before having infinite strenght. He was taking monsters even before training with his guts and dream of being a hero(when he saves the buttchin kid and when he went after the pig). As a final world, Garou didn't break any limiter, he only started changing into a monster. You don't break your limits by thinking you need more power or speed, but by doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and running 10km. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.


You're all underestimating his sacrifice, all the pain he went through, all the willpower he needed to have to make this training everyday without skipping it. Saying he was some sort of test, he gained power eating monsters, god gave it to him(i believed that for some time too, but i saw the light). You're being exactly the same as the people you don't like: the ones that doesn't recognize him no matter what he does(considering you don't like them, if you do just ignore what i wrote).

Edited by SaitamaBro, 30 March 2015 - 04:30 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Hello everyone.

First of all, i know its all about gag. There isn't needed to be a plausible explanation. In fact i would be totally ok if the writer said "he just suck at counting"

But i like to make theory and here i am 



i'm agreed this -and other post that i don't want to take in here because both would be too long:D- than any other theory here

So i wanna add up some details

Why people lost their hair? When they get stressed right? I think that's the whole point.

He is doing that regular training everyday for 3 years while push up not his muscles but his "spirit"-ok i have a better word here in my native language but that's the best i can translate so just go with it.-

He stressed about being powerful so much, he is doing his training same but increasing the stress and focus on it.

Like when he is doing push up, first he was just try to lift himself but after 2 years or something he was try to push the Earth itself down and after 3 years he could actually able to do this. In other words anyone can become as powerful as Saitama in this fictinoal universe but even though they trained hard they didn't push themself so much that they lost their hair


i don't know if i can make myself clear here but here i am. 

One more thing, if Saitama somehow become not normal-eating what he defeat, Mysterious Being etc.- i would be so so so disappointed

Edited by darkspeed, 03 April 2015 - 08:44 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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Ch11 p. 6

Saitama: "You have to force yourslef to keep going no matter how tough it gets"

Quoting him again "he didn't set for an half assed objective. He didn't lower the hurdle."


That's it. Pure willpower.


We have some flashbacks of the three years of training. After 1 year he was already strong and fast and tough, but was still human (hair, wound, blood, needs). After 3 years he became something else.

He is no more a human and when he will realize that the other humans are just ants for him will be the end for everyone.



    Baked Potato

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the fact that Saitama became powerful through completely normal means is one of the main jokes.


Except that Saitama doesn't give things much thought, being simple minded. Saitama may indeed sincerely believe that is how he got his power, but that doesn't mean that is how he got it.


My theory is like what OP theory is, plus. I think it is also where he lives. He lives in a area more prone to produce mysterious beings, in a town pron to produce mysterious beings. It's believable that most, if not all, mysterious beings use to be human. Maybe some of them use to be animals. And yes, that is where heroes get their power too.


Something in that area, accidentally or intentionally, is giving off some kind of energy that under the right conditions, changes them based on who they are and how they live. It can affect things far away (or weaker versions elsewhere). But since Saitama is too stupid to move out of the most dangerous part of town, and instead lived and trained in said area, near or on the concentrated source of this energy, and because he pushed himself so hard, and with the right attitude, he became the unbeatable One punch man. Remember the mysterious pains he had during the training flashback, that seem to have little directly to do with his training.


from what I recall of the version of this comic direct from this author the (one) or whatever (which I haven't read for a long time, so please use spoiler tags)



Yes, they are all killing people, when they kill monsters/mysterious beings.  But these are humans that have given up on or lost their humanness for no fault of their own perhaps with some. Their attitude is monstrous and they do not hesitate to kill at all. The human monster guy, he may be a jerk with a messed up attitude, but he still only beats people up, not kills them. And only people who carry the label hero and villain, not anyone else (except to say, rescue a little boy who endears himself to him)

Edited by truepurple, 07 July 2015 - 12:37 AM.



    Potato Spud

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He could just be Blast with Amnesia.