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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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    Baked Potato

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The same way I deal with almost every problem. Go find a safe spot to nap if I know i have time.  If not step back and deal with it as they come one piece at a time.   Seem to work for me so far in life.


What do you want out of life and have you make any further attempts to pursuit your ideals?




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i want to enjoy it. it must sound quite simple and it actually is. just waking up with the same euphoria feeling every morning. and enjoying the shit outta people and the world. that's what i desire the most.
keeping up with the bs that's trown at you every day little by little is the easiest shortcut i've found.

what is your darkest fear?




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Caring too much. I can't really explain it clearly, but caring for anything/one other than myself will slowly erode away my circle of peace and contentment.

Everyone's a hypocrite to some extent. What hypocricy do you believe is necessary and how fo you justify it?



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I don't know to be honest.  I grew up really early from a really adolescent age that hypocricy is the norm.  I just grew up accepting it not questioning it because it would save me from being discipline in talking back to your elders.  I think it sometime best to let them enjoy themselves like let them feel good about themselves.  Even though they may do perform an action that in contract of what they say or do.   IF they make the effort to live up to their ideals or mantra.   It okay no one is perfect such imperfection is what make me like life and it a place to be constantly improve oneself.  So I don't think it nescessary, but when you been around for a bit being a hypocrite just comes up.


What is the most important? Receiving  a paternal figure 's praise or Maternal figure receiving love ?  




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The answer is different from person to person. I myself don't really yearn for paternal praise,the reasons being they don't exactly expect much (or anything at all, really) from me, and that I never consciously and intentionally try to earn anyone's recognition, even from my parents, cuz I believe that trying to earn someone's praise is conforming to that persons' standards.

What does being in love mean to you?




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To me, it means having their happiness and well-being to be the most important things in the world.

Have you ever felt hollow, like you don't have a dream or ambition in life? What do you do in such a situation?

Edited by sjoe, 30 August 2016 - 03:48 PM.



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Yes, I been there numerous times. Yet time and time again I continue life.  You know why? because I scare myself if I can't bring myself to kill myself then at the very core of my existence I have not given up on life and I still want to live to see the next day.  Just step back think "what do I want?" "what do I need?" "why should I even bother?" If you are living by yourself then at the very least one need a job to paid for rent so you have a roof over yourself.  money to fund your various basic needs and dump the rest into a saving account cause you never know maybe in the future will come a time you feel most alive and want to travel to see the wonders or go to different places, things that you enjoy and love. If you are living with your parents, maybe home is not the best right now, so go find a place you feel at peace and slowly rebuilt yourself to what you imagine yourself to be and work for it never give up.  Do you feel broken and hollow inside? Then take your time and continue to function don't forget to eat sometime it a chore, but food and sleep will help one move on to the next day. Just keep on moving so long you still have the will to live you can be filled.  This probably doesn't help much, but that what I did and some where along the way I was like "Wouldn't it be cool if I can make this happen?  or I will can now call myself Dr. Supreme_Lurker_Primo sounds like a villian name? lol"


One know doing something is wrong and yet it feel like the right thing.  Basically, how does one discipline themselves to doing the right thing even if it pains them ? 




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You don't. Unless you found yourself a compelling reason not to do wrong, more powerful than the reason you are doing it in the first place. People always talk about changing yourself for the better and all that. That's just condescending bullshit. Different people are built to handle temptation differently.

Do you like children? Do you have kids or want to have kids? Why/why not?



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I do like children from the age of 13-18.  I used to babysit when I was younger and I taught kids how to ride a horse some were nice and most were greatest fools I ever meet.  I want to have kids yet it not practical cause I spend how longs in lab and at work so I won't be able to shower the kids with attention and love they need.  They are kind of like having pets in that sense.  If I do have kids it would irresponsible of me not be able to provide for it and kids are expensive. 


What makes you happy ?




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Being able to freely chase after my dreams.



Do you plan for the future or live in the moment?

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A little bit of both to be honest, I plan for my future as an end goal or I for what I had done broken down the end goal to a bunch of mini goals I need to accomplish to get to where I want to end up.  Sometime, you know plans don't go according to plan and get sidetracked.  Like falling in love with someone that never planed it just sort of happen.  Living day by day one crumb at a time I will reach the end short burst of happiness.


Do you find certain music soothing and help one manage stress, pain, and sorrow ?




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Punk, through and through.


What are you unsatisfied with, regarding yourself? 


v Boy. I feel ya. Motivation and passion are exhaustible, though -you can't rely on inconsistency. Discipline is far more dependable. 

Edited by E L I E, 05 September 2016 - 05:11 PM.




    Baked Potato

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The easy answer: everything. Something more specific: I really hate that I can't find anything to motivate me, something/one I could care about and love enough to spur me to action. Something or someone that I could be passionate about. I keep hearing people saying you need to find one yourself, PLEASE STOP WITH THE CONDESCENDING BULLSHIT IT JUST MAKES ME WANT TO PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE. I also hate that I get too philosphical/existential about life/the world/reality. It does nothing but get me down and distract me from what I need to do in the present.

How do you define happiness? How is it different from joy?



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Joy is something one like doing and Happiness is something that make you feel positive and safe ? I am not sure how to answer that question


What do you do to blow off stream ?


PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

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you mean steam. Ok, so the classic way to deal with civilization and discontent is by playing video games like killing zombies whom you pretend are your bosses/ex-girlfriend/etc. etc.   Lately I've found that to be tiring because my hand-eye coordination has been going down hill, so I have decided to just stop worrying and start loving... the bomb, global warming, geopolitical conflicts and fights over precious resources, etc.. etc.. For some reason I take strange comfort into knowing that the humanity had a great run and when we crash we would crash at 100 miles an hour. 

I've been failing to get a good night sleep. Any ideas?



    Fried Potato

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Hm. Disconnect from the internet. Wake up early. Do exercise. Occupy yourself during the day by doing physical labor. You'll be tired, of course, so drink lots of water. Set your mind to sleep before 2300. 


How do you cope up with stress?

Song of the day:
Castle On The Hill
- Ed Sheeran




    Baked Potato

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Go as far away from the cause as possible. If the cause is people, minimize contact with them to as little as you can. If it's situations, do your best to avoid them. I believe you can't do anything about stress itself, but you can do something about whether or not you get stressed out.

What omens/superstitions/meaningless rituals do you believe in/don't really believe in but still practice anyway because why not?



    Baked Potato

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My family believe in the Chinese Zodiac and certain years I have carry this triangular paper in my coffer that suppose to ward off the bad lucky that suppose to be inflicted on me because I was born in a certain year.  Other is wearing this necklace charm to ward off bad luck and the likes this year, this year is suppose to be exceptional bad, but I think it just coincidental since I got deathdoor sick this year. I practice these only because my parents enforce these and whatever it make my parents happy so I just go along with it


Do you get annoy when people say "that not a healthy way of doing things" then you ask them what would they recommend and they respond "I don't know, I just feel it not right"




    Potato Spud

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Not particularly though that's probably because I don't really care what someone else thinks unless they are someone important to me.

What have you done that you still regret to this day?
If you're reading this theres a possibility I've done something strange for that I apologize...



    Baked Potato

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All the beautiful and ugly quality of being human.  Knowing what is good for oneself yet still succumb to one own weakness and take the detrimental route.  Gaining and losing friends especially those that had such a large impact on my life.  Loosing someone who one can be at peace with.  The many "Had I known" scanrio while it doesn't change the outcome it still hurts knowing your friends are slowly dying or change so much one is no longer compatible.  So I guess my regret is the connections I once had with people both the good the bad and the dirty.  I don't carried a lot materials with me, my room is barren I know people have objects to help them remember things.  For me memories are both a source of regret and salvation,  I am waiting to get old and get dementia, then I will really know what memories sticks and what didn't.  Those memories that didn't I guess it mean they didn't have much of an impact as I though. I really can't do anything about the things I done all I can do is some how continue carrying these regrets.


I like this question I think I`ll take it


What have you done that you still regret to this day?
