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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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    Baked Potato

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yeah I definitely believe in soulmates, and I actually think people can have two different kinds: the romantic kind and also the homies for life kind. I like to pretend that I know who my soulmates are, but at the same time y'all know how people can be two faced. And I don't mean it in a malicious way, it's just a lot of people just say things to be nice even though they don't 300% stand by what they say. So it's like I could be sitting here like thinking "For sure we're homies for life YEAHDASRIGHT.png," and in their head they're just like "Nah keefnah.jpg". So for this reason, I don't really want to say who I think my soulmates are because if it turns out that they're not, I don't want to look back on this post and feel stupid or like I was duped or something.


In your group of friends, do you feel like you're an integral member of the group or do you feel you're more like a tag along?



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I have multiple groups of friends and I act differently in each one, mostly because it easier on me to know how to act what is appropriate in different situation like you wouldn't say certain things to your boss .  One group is the one whom we all struggle though blood and pain to get though uni I feel like I am integral group we generally if there a group assignment we generally group together because we know each well enough we will not tolerate or carry/piggyback a single person or multiple person in class.  You carry you weight or you are out.  Another one whom I act professional because they are mostly professor or employers, so I keep things professional give them the .  The last two, are more casual from partying or hangout,  generally I think I more like that token handicap person and generally tag along, i`m not a bad person, nor am I incredibly interesting nor do I think they need to know all the odd jobs I did while I was younger because quite frankly no one is going to believe it even though I have the credential to prove it lol,


Do you have a compartmental mind set?  




    Baked Potato

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I've already answered Lurkey's question on private, but yeah. No I don't have a compartmental mindset. My brain is a mess and I can't use it properly.

In your group of friends, do you feel like you're an integral member of the group or do you feel you're more like a tag along?

Definitely just a tag-along. In all my different groups of friends, I feel like nothing would really change if I weren't part of it. Yeah, they probably all care about me, and they'd miss me sometimes, but nothing would be too different if I weren't there. That no one would truly miss me. Whether that means all of my relationships are shallow, I don't know. I'd like to think that isn't the case. Then again, there's no one but me and my antisocial and withdrawn personality to blame for that.

Are your random acts of kindness towards people something you do out of genuine love and concern towards them, or just something you do because it's the "right thing to do?"



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I don't know, maybe I am naive in thinking remember back in grade school your teacher say "Treat others the way you wanted to be treated" ? yeah, I still keep to that and I grew up respecting my elders. So if I see a person with Parkinson's diseases is walking toward the door, I will hold it for them maybe it will take them 30 minutes to there, but I will keep it open for them. Help a blind person do their shopping, because meh why not? I think I do things on whim for my random act of kindness. or maybe I am actually evil, because I am doing this for good karma. *shrug* I don't know I do what I do because I can.


Why are people mean to each other?  





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i don't know about other people, but when i become mean, it would be bcz i find that person cute and i enjoy getting a reaction of them


something you consider a treasure but others don't?

take it all in pffffffff



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My plastic model kits.

Have you found, or decided on, what your purpose is in the world? What is it?



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Not so much as a purpose, but something I do to help pass the time. I like learning, I take classes practice languages I learned and continue to learn new ones. I teach college students. My research is making progress soon there will be new cures for diseases new ways to mediate cancer cell growth.  Now if only I can find a way to restore telomere then I can probably say. I can now pass now that a great dis-service  plunging the war into a new era of war fare.


Peace or Chaos ?  




    Couch Potato

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Chaos is a fundamental part of matter and our universe in general, whereas peace not quite so. Well, it really depends on the definition of both terms, but I am more willing to embrace chaos.

Do you wipe it after peeing?

No, I am not the kind of person that bears grudges. Even if someone pisses me off for a moment I get over it very quickly. Could be a matter of seconds and then I forget for ever!

Do you have any disabilities?

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tbh I don't know what counts as a disability. Like just thinking about my medical history, the only thing that I guess would qualify as a disability would be the fact that I'm visually impaired (in layman's terms I need to wear glasses, literally nothing out of the ordinary). But otherwise I don't have any other disabilities that I'm aware of.


what was your favorite past time when you were a kid & is it still your favorite past time now that you're older?



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Taking photos.


Do you know who you are?

Song of the day:
Castle On The Hill
- Ed Sheeran




    Baked Potato

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I am Supreme_Lurker_Primo, Shepherd of 2 little spawnlings, B.A in cell biology, Teacher Assistance to few, Graduate researcher in Protein science/engineering, epigentic , soon-to-be Dr. MF Supreme_Lurker_Primo (if all goes well this December)  spawnling to heinous Overseers, grandchild of the Outer God, great-grandchild to the Old Ones, Great-grandchild of the Outer Ones. Friend (?) to a few. God-Tentacle Parents to Eilenna John Johnson John-Smith (still wonder why her parents give her that name) Avid (pretentious(?)) wine love. Forever a Folk-metal enthusiast. I think that sums of who I am.


There can never be a perfect clone of you ?






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Never. Because no one would be interested. No one would ever try. Why would they?

You are now the SecGen of the United Nations. What would you do?



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Trash bums me out. I'd intervene with international treaties like the Basel Agreement --try and rough 'em into action. Less-developed countries get the burn in the end because of loopholes in the system, it drags on any real progress. It also freaks me out how uninformed the masses are with recent upgrades like, for example, the Food Pyramid. Rarely anyone's aware of how outdated it is. I'm pretty pleased with the current food charts but there're hardly any promotions regarding them. It's really important to highlight what we put in our plates, especially concerning resource. On the subject of racial/religious/sexual discrimination I'd vie for cultural assimilation. Projects that would give people lots of opportunity to experience what's different from them, and to hopefully broaden empathy. I'd placate tension where is most receptive first, in general. 


What was your opinion of the last documentary you saw? 




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Not enough cowbells. haha okay enough jokes aside, the documentary is about the Japanese and Chinese relationship and it on-going geographical dispute. While I may not care or is the one the lesser things I care about.  It does intrigue me each both claim they have historical documents claiming the rights of islands. To me it just two infant fighting over toys granted these toys are people livelihood at stake plus the inhabitants  and who ever control these island is a boost to their fishing industry which is profit going toward the country. So there is a lot at stake here, this isn't a kind of toy one can simply share.  It would be difficult to resolve without plunging into war/skirmishes. There can be one winner. However if anything the world should learn is carving territories and giving it to people tend to be missing like back in WW I and WW II.  


What is your opinion on your current government has it done what it can with the resource it has, made the correct amount of displeasure so the nation can progress forward without tossing away it core values ?    




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I'm gonna be 300% real right now I'm retarded when it comes to government & politics so I pretty much don't know how to answer this question. I feel like there are always gonna be groups that fight for extra funding and attention from the government. Nobody is ever satisfied, so regardless of what the government does with its resources everyone is always gonna complain and say they're doing a shit job.


What do you think will cause the end of humanity?



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Humans have proven to be pretty resilient and resourceful, so I don't think humanity would end with some sort of disaster. Probably we'd survive long enough for evolution or maybe through our very own altercations turn ourselves into something that would be different enough to not be correctly classified as "human" anymore.

Have you come into terms with death? How about death of a loved one? What do you think you would feel if someone very close to you were to pass away?



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Losing folk is a major deal-breaker. I'd be in a serious blue funk. 'Don't mind my own death, though I'd fight it if I could.


What have you improved in yourself recently? 




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I've been able to drive more freaquently this past few weeks, so I guess I've improved on my driving.

Is following your dreams a good thing? Or is it just pointless idealism? Is it right to compromise on dreams? On the other hand, is it right to pursue dreams even of you have to step on other people or do questionable things to achieve it?




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Is following your dreams a good thing?


is it just pointless idealism?


Is it right to compromise on dreams?


is it right to pursue dreams even of you have to step on other people?


do questionable things to achieve it?



your biggest regret so far?

take it all in pffffffff



    Fried Potato

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Throwing what I already have because of some stupid reasoning.



Peace or Chaos ?  

Song of the day:
Castle On The Hill
- Ed Sheeran
