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Individual Chapters: Rate Me!

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    Russet Potato

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At the end of every chapter, the next or last page will be dedicated just to rating the chapter, five stars. You will have an option to put in a rating or just skip rating.

I prefer if those without accounts can rate the chapters as well.

Edit: Poor wording, I didn't mean a pop up. Just the next page or whatnot.

Edited by Kalladin, 28 December 2012 - 01:14 AM.



    Babo Kim

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At the end of every chapter, a page pops dedicated just to rating the chapter, five stars. You will have an option to put in a rating or just skip rating.

I prefer if those without accounts can rate the chapters as well.

Interesting idea, however if those without accounts can rate the comics as well one person could rate multiple times. Not sure if that's such a good idea.



    Russet Potato

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Hmm I guess thats true, on second thought allowing those without accounts to rate would complicate the system far too much.




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Plus the popup would be annoying to some
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    Russet Potato

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Sorry about that , I edited my original post. I didn't mean a pop up. I just described it as a pops a page dedicated... just to describe how the page loads up. No popups, just the last page of every chapter.



    Russet Potato

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I don't know from the few ranking system I have seen so far, almost all of them overrank. Look at naver, almost all tower of god chapter have the same note:9.9



    Russet Potato

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Then do you propose a different ranking system? Maybe something like thumbs up thumbs down?



    Couch Potato

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I don't know from the few ranking system I have seen so far, almost all of them overrank. Look at naver, almost all tower of god chapter have the same note:9.9

Tower of God is not really a good example, because it is one of the few series that deserve 9.9 or even 10 out of 10. Anyway, you do not get the point of the ranking system. It's about showing how the readers found they experience with the comic and not about what the comic is worth. There is a difference.

For the ranking system idea, I think what is currently in place is enough. Every registered member has the opportunity to rate the comic by clicking on the appropriate number of stars above the title. Why would we need something more?

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    Russet Potato

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You're right it's enough. Everyone has the opportunity to rate the individual comics, but sometimes the comics rating doesn't match how good a recent chapter is. I know in some mangas, the initial chapters are really good, but later on they get "worse?".

When I rate comics, I generally don't rate it when I'm in the middle of reading it, nor do I rate it at the very first chapter, it's usually when I've read pretty much everything. So at that point, I remember the things that made the most impact and the things in the beginning and end. On the other hand, if you have a chapter by chapter rating system you can more accurately get a feel for how people like the manga.

Edited by Kalladin, 28 December 2012 - 04:08 PM.



    Russet Potato

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Tower of God is not really a good example, because it is one of the few series that deserve 9.9 or even 10 out of 10. Anyway, you do not get the point of the ranking system. It's about showing how the readers found they experience with the comic and not about what the comic is worth. There is a difference.

The suggestion is about ranking every chapter. And however good Tower of god is, every chapter doesn't honestly deserve a perfect rank. I understand what a ranking system is and I think that most of the time it is a bit useless because they are always biased toward the top notes.



    Babo Kim

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The suggestion is about ranking every chapter. And however good Tower of god is, every chapter doesn't honestly deserve a perfect rank. I understand what a ranking system is and I think that most of the time it is a bit useless because they are always biased toward the top notes.

Yeah, people tend to overrate. But then again you know people tend to do that so.. yeah. It's like have ratings that might not be that good or have none.




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Some people try to troll for the lols.

Meaning even if the content of the comic itself was good they would give it all ones for the sake of either "its another survey ill just write all ones or fives", or "Ill just give it ones for the hell of it".

So it brings issues as Mhh said people overrating but also underrating it for reasons irrelevant.
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