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Taiyou no Ie official discussion

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    Potato Sprout

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Well, seems like no one's actually made one yet... so I thought I'd make one.

Although, possible spoilers to anyone who's just starting to read; so take this as your warning!

I suppose this topic should be to discuss what your hypotheses are, what you want to see from this manga, etc... Go!



    Potato Sprout

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I really liked the way this series started, but I'm not so sure anymore....

After the text from the main guy's brother and now that Mao has met the girl he works with....I forsee a ridiculously shoujo love-shape-thing developing and I don't like it. I don't mind a bit of a rivalry to add some drama, but all that "omg, I don't know who I like more so I'm just gonna sit here and not make any kind of a decision at all and let everyone push me around" just ticks me off. It's not bad when they resolve it in a few chapters and move on, but this looks like one that'll go on for-fucking-ever.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope the author takes the time and effort to develop a real plot with unique, likable, and realistic characters rather than just falling back on the oldest shoujo cliche ever to create unnecessary drama. The characters now, especially Mao, have very well developed personalities. The author doesn't need 2376423987 love rivals to appear for drama and plot. That's what you use to make cardboard cut-out characters with no depth look like more than they are. In a story like this, that kind of development would take so much away from it and stagnate what are, for the moment at least, constantly developing character personalities.

But it's only chapter 5. Hope is not lost! Hopefully the author will use these developments well.



    Potato Sprout

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I personally don't mind the pace right now.

I can't imagine Mao and Hiro being with any other people other than each other. The dynamics are there, so I find it hard to believe that anyone else can get in between. And as for drama, I don't think it'll be as terrible as other shoujo titles, at least concerning the romance portions. I'm actually expecting more drama in the family department when the issue comes up.



    Potato Sprout

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I hope you're right. I really like the story as it is now. I've just seen way too many shoujo mangas (or mangas of any genre for that matter) start off good and then lose it in some horrible, unnecessary cliche situation. I see so much potential for side characters to suddenly "like" the main girl, for that co-worker of the main guy to convince Mao to back of since she's "just a sister", and for her to be all depressed and decide that she can't say the truth to the main guy because it would "trouble" him...hell, most of that's already happened. Maybe I'm just being paranoid....or maybe the cliches really are out to get me....



    Potato Spud

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Love love love this manga!! Thank you scanlators!!
I also like the way the story is going right now. Rather than just a simple problem between 2 people, there are more twists and turns than I thought. Love itttt...! Can't wait to see how the story unfolds.



    Potato Spud

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ch. 6 made me feel good I was really worried the brother would cause a problem, but he was quickly mollified in the next chapter he appeared and was really understanding. He just had to see his brother again and talk to him I'm just glad everything went well. I wonder what kind of major problem the author will come up with.

Thanks for the work it's really appreciated.

Purple Library Guy

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Liked ch. 11. Nice developments, with the dad, with Hiro . . . but I especially like her closeness with her friend. Don't know why, but I like it when these manga have strong relationships between friends.

Purple Library Guy

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The triangle does seem to be developing, which is perhaps a pity. Though I agree with Excorcism that the two of them feel strongly and fit together, the age gap and feeling of semi-parental responsibility get in the way enough for the co-worker girl to have room to get in the way. Still, it's being handled well, and the obstacle girl is pretty nice, and there's an interesting complication with Mao's secret identity being tangled up with it all.
I do notice that in the ch.12 restaurant scene, Hiro was spending a lot of the time thinking about Mao rather than the girl he was with. Which is impressive, 'cause she's a sweet, cute, unaffected kid. I don't feel like it will go so far as actually dating her, unless they do the old "trying desperately to run away from his feelings" gig.



    Baked Potato

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I wonder what the brother will do now. Daiki doesn´t like that Mao is living there and that she is in love with Hiro.



    Potato Spud

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This is one of the best love mangas around... it makes me tear up :')



    Potato Sprout

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It started out with a fairly slow pacing, but the development went so fast from 1-14.

Purple Library Guy

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OK, so ch 15, the dad's story . . . OK, so this girl he married is a complete and utter idiot and treated him absolutely like shit. And then just walked out on her kid. So she's a gullible lying self-centred bitch.
So OK, I feel sorry for him, and I understand why he would potentially feel like transferring some resentment towards his kid. But you know what? Too bad. It wasn't the kid's fault. You don't get to take it out on her. He was too much of an emotional coward to face himself, deal with his feelings and get through to the point where he could treat his daughter properly. Plus he was too much of a plain old coward coward to deal with the situation properly in other ways. This fraud-artist boyfriend dude took the girl he loved for like thousands of bucks; in a litigious society you sic the law on him, in a non-litigious society you beat the crap out of him. You don't humbly beg him on your knees to break up with her, you explain to him that if he ever comes near her again the fishes in the river will have a new food source, or at a minimum that he should plan on learning how to type with his toes since every bone in his hands will be inoperative. If he'd handled that properly in the first place the little bloodsucker wouldn't have come around ruining their marriage later.
So this story does put things in perspective, yes. And the dad is in many ways a victim, yes. He loved not wisely but too well, and he's an emotional basket case because of it. But I still do not respect or entirely forgive him. Still, compared to his ex-wife he's a flipping prince.
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Purple pretty much said most of what's worth being said about this chapter.

I don't know if she treated him like shit, though (before they got to together).
She's kind of a tsundere type so...

Chapter 15-


Purple Library Guy

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I do agree that the "working so hard 'for the family' that you're never there for that family" gig is a terrible idea and he was dumb and/or thoughtless to have done that.
But near as I can make out, she flat out admitted that she started cheating way before she could have gotten particularly frustrated with his working too hard. Like, when he found them:

"Since when?"
"Pretty much right after we got married."
"That was surprisingly quick."

But there are girls like that, with absolutely terrible instincts--they just cannot settle for a decent schmuck who loves them, they feel absolutely driven to shack up with poison, and if you take one source of poison away from them they will go find another even though they often realize the damage these creeps are doing them. Basically, that asshole was doing her so much harm that with the help of the guy, self-preservation kicked in briefly and she left asshole and married someone sane. But self-preservation only held for, like, ten minutes or so apparently.
So if you read it that way she was just indulging her extremely weak will, more like an addict than anything. But betrayal doesn't become not-betrayal because you're weak. It's still treating him like shit. Before they got together, no, she was just a friend and nice enough--the only thing that was hard on him was he loved her and she didn't see him that way, which, them's the breaks. He'd have been better off if things had stayed that way.

O well, a nice daughter came of it all.
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    Potato Sprout

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Purple pretty much hit the nail on how I think of that chapter. Their relationship shouldn't have went as far as marriage and a kid. And while I do understand Kaito's bitterness, it's not the kid's fault and never will be. But, I hate how Yuzuno told Kaito to leave her and Mao even though she's the one that cheated on him. What gives her the right to tell him to leave his own daughter? Especially after what she did. Sure, he was away from the family a lot, but that hardly justifies what she did. Then she goes on and leaves Mao anyway for some asshat.

Ahaha...this chapter really frustrated me. The selfishness of these two parents really hits home for me. -_-

Chapter 16- I like where the relationship with Mao and Hiro is going, but that cliffhanger.....
As for Hina, I kind of understand why she wouldn't want to go back, but still. Poor Hiro.



    Russet Potato

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YES,YES,YES GO FOR IT DAIKI!! Gambare!!  :batoto_017: Even do he attacked too soon, he should have waited for more romantic stuff to happen. But still kyaaaa :batoto_015: 

Edited by RainbowDepression, 10 October 2013 - 08:24 PM.




    Potato Sprout

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omo omo omo! He did it! Hiro finally went and did it! 

Uhh... I hope Mao understands what this means.



    Baked Potato

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if I learned something about this author is that she just does the unexpected. I mean who would have thought that the girl from the office would actually confess?

and now with hiro kissing her? I really like how the author is doing things in this manga.

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    Potato Spud

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yup yup, i like taamo-sensei the most XD

especially the development on chapter 33. totally hillarious to see Daiki too >.<



    Russet Potato

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Yey Hiro finaly got a spine and kissed her! I feel sorry for Daiki now but when Hiro kissed her out of the blue I was like wat...WAT...Then incredibly happy that he actually did something

Even do I as going for Daiki because of my 2nd guy comlex, I have no problem with Hiro and I won't be dsissapointed if she ends up with either of them.

This author really does the unexpected and makes it so you honestly like all of the guys in here, that is why this is probably my favorite shoujo manga ^o^

Edited by RainbowDepression, 09 December 2013 - 05:23 PM.
