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Gender identity.

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IMO, there is no male or female personalities, just we are we are. Society decides to put certain traits to certain genders where some people feel like they have enough traits in the other box that society has designed, that they belong to the other box.


So, her being male on the inside, is pure nonsense, and this whole penis envy crap is shitty as as hell. Gender assignment surgery is just one step further for getting society to accept you in the other box. But look, she's not in a society, she's by herself, or she's around people who accept her because she helps them, or because she terrorizes them or they are too busy surviving. So she has nothing to complain about. Oh woe is me, I got regen so I can't surgically make myself a crappy fake penis, and I can't kill myself for not having a crappy fake penis, so 'I'm going to be a bit evil because of my "tragic" situation. '


This part of the comic is clearly contaminated by the bad kind of social justice warrior that contaminates so much thinking now a days.


As far as them taking him as a god because of his gender and looks, maybe it's what he has accomplished. And yeah, continuously burning alive and coming back from absurdly lethal deaths might seem a bit godlike. But clearly she doesn't even want to be looked up to as a god, they have made it clear her personality is that of someone who can't be bothered with lots of stuff, and who would rather be behind the lens, than in front of it. So what is she really jealous about, that she doesn't have the option that she doesn't want anyway, of being seen as a god? "Gosh, I wish I could be worshiped as a god if I really wanted to be worshiped as a god, but I don't want to be worshiped as a god, but oh I want that option; eternal life in a youthful full healthy body where I have the freedom to go where I want and do what I want, is so unfair!"

Edited by truepurple, 19 February 2017 - 09:29 AM.

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IMO, there is no male or female personalities, just we are we are. Society decides to put certain traits to certain genders where some people feel like they have enough traits in the other box that society has designed, that they belong to the other box.


So, her being male on the inside, is pure nonsense, and this whole penis envy crap is shitty as as hell. Gender assignment surgery is just one step further for getting society to accept you in the other box. But look, she's not in a society, she's by herself, or she's around people who accept her because she helps them, or because she terrorizes them or they are too busy surviving. So she has nothing to complain about. Oh woe is me, I got regen so I can't surgically make myself a crappy fake penis, and I can't kill myself for not having a crappy fake penis, so 'I'm going to be a bit evil because of my "tragic" situation. '


This part of the comic is clearly contaminated by the bad kind of social justice warrior that contaminates so much thinking now a days.


As far as them taking him as a god because of his gender and looks, maybe it's what he has accomplished. And yeah, continuously burning alive and coming back from absurdly lethal deaths might seem a bit godlike. But clearly she doesn't even want to be looked up to as a god, they have made it clear her personality is that of someone who can't be bothered with lots of stuff, and who would rather be behind the lens, than in front of it. So what is she really jealous about, that she doesn't have the option that she doesn't want anyway, of being seen as a god? "Gosh, I wish I could be worshiped as a god if I really wanted to be worshiped as a god, but I don't want to be worshiped as a god, but oh I want that option; eternal life in a youthful full healthy body where I have the freedom to go where I want and do what I want, is so unfair!"


Now that is what I call a severe lack of empathy and a thirst to decide things for other people. It's all good and well if you think there are no such things as differences between male or female personalities; in fact you can believe any of the things you've stated here just fine. I don't necessarily disagree with all of it, though I do with most and find it distractingly dismissive to boot. I just hope you don't have much of a say on how other people with those issues can deal with their problems. 

Obviously human beings are not defined solely by their personality, the exterior matters a lot too. Neither can you separate societal qualities and the characterization placed on each gender from the what it's like to live in one, even in the frigid hell that is the Fire Punch world. In the end, it all comes down to you being incapable of envisioning a connection between inner feelings and outer appearance that isn't reliant on what society has constructed for you. Being unwilling to accept that other people have the right to feel differently and in ways you refuse to acknowledge. It doesn't really what matter what you call it - "social justice warrior issues", "absolute bullshit" or something else. It's about being understanding of other people's freedom and troubles. Gender Dysphoria is a real issue, and each issue someone deals with, holds a weight that is relative to their lives in general. The fact that people are dying elsewhere in the world doesn't make someone's depression any easier to deal with, and whether Togata struggles with her problem all comes down to how much it weighs on her life.

Edited by Aezreal, 22 February 2017 - 01:56 PM.

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Obviously human beings are not defined solely by their personality, the exterior matters a lot too.


So if she had dark colored skin, and she was jealous of his light colored skin, that's a perfectly reasonable thing to be super depressed and amoral about? Only a society she is not in would make such things matter. And even then, it would be a absurd excuse for immorality and only a valid (valid as in, not warranting mental health services for inherent serious mental illness) reason for real depression if facing racism.


All that work of feminists and civil rights workers in the past trying to get us to not judge someone by their cover so easily dismissed by you.

Neither can you separate societal qualities and the characterization placed on each gender from the what it's like to live in one, even in the frigid hell that is the Fire Punch world.

You easily can when she's she barely remembers anything from before being alone with only movies for a long time.


it all comes down to you being incapable of envisioning a connection between inner feelings and outer appearance that isn't reliant on what society has constructed for you.


Right, and if you are a cat on the inside, but you can't grow a tail or have one surgically implanted, species dysphoria is a serious real (mental health) issue too! And while being sarcastic and showing extremes of the slippery slop of absurdity, I am not just making this up either. People who believe they are wolves, (get actual surgery making their body more wolf like, hang out with others of similar delu..persuasion, calling it packs) little kids, etc. One full grown (I think he was like 40 or something) man who believed he was a prepubescent girl moved in with a family with their own actual little girl, to be treated like and cared for like a little girl, playing little girl games with actual little girls. He quite his job and abandoned his own family with children to do this.


But what about those damn trans-inanimate object folks, do they also deserve our sympathy and surgical resources? Like if someone feels they are really a clock or a plastic toy on the inside, I appreciate that might be traumatic to not see the plastic dinosaur when you look in the mirror that you know you are inside,  but shockingly I think the money might be better spent on therapy rather than surgery, especially if their depression is real about it. But yeah, I guess I can spare a shred of sympathy, but not a drop of empathy, as such, I think the last thing we should be doing is feeding into this nonsense. MC should feel sorry that her mind has fallen into mental illness even as her body remains healthy, and that there might not me a professional therapist left on the planet, is all.


And it's the LGBT SJW types that cause all this damage. They create this mythos of male and female personalities and having a exterior to match and so when a person with a penis wants to wear a pink dress, sew, cook and gossip, instead of just doing that and being happy, they must have identity boxes that must be respected, and may even go through pointless and somewhat dangerous and costly surgery (ALL surgery has risks) with complications (don't think a guys going to pee as easy with the flesh designed to facilitate the job mangled by a knife) The LGBT SJW create this expectation and pressure of trying to figure out which box you are and then of getting everyone else to accept these arbitrary boxes, and when people don't, they get depressed and suicidal. Granted some of that also comes from real asshole bigots but some of that depression and even suicides comes from the LGBT SJW community itself, some of it is their fault, some of that blood is on their hands.


It's like Black Lives Matter group insisting that not all lives matter, black lives matter! Making segregated "safe places" AKA bringing back/increasing racial segregation. Trying to take the police out of whole communities, which would only get more people killed. Battling racism with racism! Feminist who battle sexism with sexism. Just like LGBT SJW battling gender norms with gender norms! It's worse than garbage, because it's destructive and a bit dangerous, they are greatly adding to the problems they claim to be trying to fix.


BTW, let me remind you that it's her fault most of a city is dead, buildings and people, because she wanted her movie, her way. (she both tipped them off in detail and insisted with terrorism bombs they release the worst of the worst to do battle with the MC) Ah but she is depressed from penis envy, so it's alright, we all have our issues.

Edited by truepurple, 23 February 2017 - 07:32 AM.



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And it's the LGBT SJW types that cause all this damage. They create this mythos of male and female personalities and having a exterior to match and so when a person with a penis wants to wear a pink dress, sew, cook and gossip, instead of just doing that and being happy, they must have identity boxes that must be respected, and may even go through pointless and somewhat dangerous and costly surgery (ALL surgery has risks) with complications (don't think a guys going to pee as easy with the flesh designed to facilitate the job mangled by a knife) The LGBT SJW create this expectation and pressure of trying to figure out which box you are and then of getting everyone else to accept these arbitrary boxes, and when people don't, they get depressed and suicidal. Granted some of that also comes from real asshole bigots but some of that depression and even suicides comes from the LGBT SJW community itself, some of it is their fault, some of that blood is on their hands.



Um, I don't think the SJW are the types who are creating boxes. Society created male and female boxes with strict gender identities, and if anything, are the ones pushing against societal definitions of sexuality and identification. Go read liberal publications like Vice if you want an idea for what actual liberal voices present as sexual perspectives on intersex, asexual, and yes, transexual experience.

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How typical of the kind of closed-minded bigot that thinks that "Social Justice Warrior" is an insult.



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Funny how little middle ground there is in this issue. I have been accused of being a tumbler SJW even though I've never even used tumbler, hadn't even heard of it, and now a idiot on the other side call me a closed minded bigot. Well screw all of you, my beliefs are not so weak that I will bow to any of your group thinks.


"Social Justice Warrior" as an insult.


Have you seen Annita Sarkezie's(name certainly misspelled) videos on youtube? And then there is the likes of BLM.  When enough people like this embrace the title Social justice warrior, and not much of anyone else, it becomes a insult. Since the term changes to mean those who embrace it by a vast majority, represent.


I've also seen transsexuals speak on youtube. This insular enclosed echo chamber thinking is present there too. People who embrace the title of social justice warrior are usually the type that try to force said insular rigid thinking on the rest of the world. And are a big part of why Donald Trump got elected.


Um, I don't think the SJW are the types who are creating boxes.

BS, they absolutely do create boxes. They tweak boxes. They embrace established boxes. When they say, "use my pronoun", they are saying, "this is the gender box I have established for myself, accept it."  "Gender change" surgery is just the laughably tragic and absurd extreme of getting others to accept your gender box, which involves embracing that gender box more than most 'straight cis' would ever.


Society created male and female boxes with strict gender identities, and if anything, are the ones pushing against societal definitions of sexuality and identification.

Pushing against strict gender boxes just means they have more fluid boxes, and more of them, but boxes all the same. And by believing in their boxes stronger, their boxes could be argued to be stricter.


If they really rejected gender boxes.Then they wouldn't worry about pronouns, they would realize that bathrooms are for changing clothes, cleaning up, and waste removal, not personal identity, and just use the bathroom that matches their equipment; and they would really speak out against hormonal drugs and surgery. So many stories I've heard from transexuals who decide on a gender box, and then let that decided gender box dictate how they live their lives. "I realize I am X gender on the inside, therefore I will dress a certain way, spend my off time in a certain way, dictate gender terms in a certain way, use a certain bathroom, possibly get surgery or take hormonal drugs" "I will kill myself because people don't accept my gender pronoun and because my appearance doesn't match the gender box I decided for myself."


Those who truly reject gender boxes could say live and let live. like me. Live the life you want to, because there are no genders, just genitalia.


Go read liberal publications like Vice if you want an idea for what actual liberal voices present as sexual perspectives on intersex, asexual, and yes, transexual experience.


So many things wrong with this statement. First of all, unlike SJW, those who embrace the title "Liberal" are a large and incredibly diverse bunch. At the base what you are saying is, "Read this book, it will tell you who the True Scottsman is.", it couldn't possibly do that, no such thing.


And what does it matter what the True Scottsman Liberal says?


'I killed off a city because my super regeneration doesn't allow me to get my flesh mangled by a surgeon, to better fit the gender box I know I belong to.'


Anyone who thinks that type of thinking is reasonable, is one prone to making gender boxes and giving SJW a bad name.

Edited by truepurple, 05 March 2017 - 08:04 PM.



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Funny how little middle ground there is in this issue.

That's how facts work. They are either true or not. 0 or 1. Hence, you can either accept that there are 2 genders, male and female, or you can tacitly admit you're a retard who can't accept reality.

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Wallabe "Facts are that I am right, or I am right and you are a retard."


Shitty false dichotomies like that are for people who can't express a proper argument for their position no matter what, usually because they are unable to and/or because their ego prevents them from seeing past the end of their noses.


Also, you seem to be painfully ignorant of what it means to be human. I suppose you feel you have no free will and are just puppet of alien invaders or Illuminate or some shit.



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Wallabe "Facts are that I am right, or I am right and you are a retard."

Facetious and strawman as this may have been, fortunately for me I am blessed to have both of these be correct. It's doubly hilarious when you try to pretend that is I who believe in fairy tales like "alien invaders," when every other word out of your mouth is made up horseshit like "gender identity", or "there are no genders."


You need some help man. You need to step off the internet, stop chugging the kool-aid, and please rejoin us back in reality.

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I only came here to laugh at anyone trying to inject their morality and politics into this black comedy series. You really think the author is trying to make any meaningful social commentary on gender identity, or is this just for shock value? If not why are you bothering to use it as a soapbox? It's only your ego. Ego that won't accept that there are differing world views or cultural relativism. What special insight do you have, and what relevance is it to the story?

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This is a discussion of the topic in general, aside from anything in the comic, but yes because it came up in the comic is why I initiated the topic and yes it is also a discussion of the comic and a topic in the comic. In short, it's a discussion of the comic, but also stands on its own. SJW crusading on their beliefs is not a new thing, nor is the backlash, and I wanted to discuss the absurdity of both sides. This is not a matter of "injection", but extraction. Anyone who spent a small amount of time thinking about what was said in this thread and in the comic should be able to realize this.


 This is not directly a topic of morality. There is nothing immoral about believing you are a man in a womans body, or visa versa. Just like there is nothing immoral in believing you are a tree trapped in a human body. Morality comes in when a character in the comic kills off one of the biggest towns in their world for no good reason.


Yes, I think the authors are very intentionally making social commandant on gender identity their selves, since there is no shock value in it. 'Film woman believes she is a man on the inside.' *gasp!*...as if. The authors are using the comic as a soap box in the first place and rather forcefully interjecting it in a way that doesn't make sense. Part of the topic in this thread is how absurd and nonsensical this attempt at injected beliefs into the story by authors is. You really have to blind yourself to not see this.


Jahiliyyah: It's only your ego. Ego that won't accept that there are differing world views or cultural relativism.


Hah? Till I read this line I was more inclined to believe you were just a quick shot who would prefer to mock than think. But you really have to have read none of the topic or turn off your brain entirely to say something like this, such a idiotic statement. This thread is a discussion of other beliefs, which inherently is recognizing that there are other beliefs. Also, my main position is that there are no gender identities, just a spectrum of different kinds of people, which inherently is saying that everyone has their own world views, personalities, cultures; which is a direct contradiction to this inane statement.


What special insight do you have, and what relevance is it to the story?


Good questions. Read the comic and this thread with your brain on to find out.



As previously stated, there are two or three main perspectives on this subject.

1. Is the SJW one that states there is gender minds, and gender bodies, and they don't always match.


2. And the backlash perspective that says this is pretty much impossible, you are the gender you are physically and can not help being that gender mentally. In other words, two genders, two types of personality, you are what you physically are.


3. Well and there is the more moderate backlash that believes it is possible for the mismatch, but SJW camp take things too far.


4. Finally there is my minority perspective. That genitalia has little effect on the brain. And independent of how much effect genitalia has on the brain, people are who they are and that is a very diverse spectrum. There is no point in labeling and boxing people in, telling them they must be this way, or that way, either because of their genitalia or that they must choose a box to live independent of their genitalia but matching one of said boxes. I assume all replies to this thread don't fit in this camp since every reply so far has spoken against me. But considering some seem to reply with their brain off or to troll, I can't be for certain of this. I am of course not saying I am the only one with this belief, but of those vocal on the subject, I do recognize I am definitely by far the minority.


I see with some of you that as you come in to mock me and/or argue against me, you don't properly state which camp you are in or what unknown fifth camp you are in.


Like Wallabe's posts are about 100% just personal attack with no broaching the topics at all, my best guess is that someone with that type of offensive personality would belong to the backlash camp. Jahili who blindly talks about differing world views and cultural relativisms like someone who hasn't read the thread at all, probably belongs to the SJW camp. Pretty certain the other three who have replied  belong to the SJW camp. But these are only guesses till someone states their beliefs. Maybe some of you (or just Wallabe) are folks with no beliefs, just a desire to troll everything?

Edited by truepurple, 17 March 2017 - 09:57 AM.



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SJW and BLM are irrelevant in Japan, and as such, the author was extraordinarily unlikely to be making a comment on either.


Any commentary beyond that is retarded politics soapbox shit.

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So many things wrong with this statement. First of all, unlike SJW, those who embrace the title "Liberal" are a large and incredibly diverse bunch. At the base what you are saying is, "Read this book, it will tell you who the True Scottsman is.", it couldn't possibly do that, no such thing.


And what does it matter what the True Scottsman Liberal says?


'I killed off a city because my super regeneration doesn't allow me to get my flesh mangled by a surgeon, to better fit the gender box I know I belong to.'


Anyone who thinks that type of thinking is reasonable, is one prone to making gender boxes and giving SJW a bad name.




First of all, you obviously have no idea what I'm referring to. Second of all, you're an idiot. Why? Because this series of articles doesn't present a "this is what trans is, this is what intersex is" etc, it only interviews a range of different people and provides a variety of perspectives.


Dude, a) stop & think before you go on your rants about what your opinion is. b ) I don't think anyone actually cares about your thoughts in these rants. c) If you need to rant, go yell at the world on Facebook or another message board whose purpose is ranting, NOT on a manga forum.

Edited by eliterun, 18 March 2017 - 12:19 AM.

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Blah blah blah nonsense from you. Nothing can possibly speak for most or all liberals since those who embrace the label liberals are a incredibly diverse bunch, period.

SJW and BLM are irrelevant in Japan, and as such, the author was extraordinarily unlikely to be making a comment on either.

LOL. Japan is connected to the internet along with everyone else. Some people, *gasp* even travel abroad. BLM might not matter much there, but SJW would. From what I understand, Japan is a extremely repressive place for individuality. Which is why their outlets for release can be so strange.
Regardless, the author is pointedly commenting on "transsexuals". As unlikely as you may find that coming from a place like Japan, it's infinitely more unlikely that the author thought this stuff up on zir own without any outside influence.

Edited by truepurple, 18 March 2017 - 03:54 AM.



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Blah blah blah nonsense from you. Nothing can possibly speak for most or all liberals since those who embrace the label liberals are a incredibly diverse bunch, period.


Reading comprehension must not be your thing. In the original post, I stated that if you wanted to expand your arbitrary definition of "liberal views on sexuality" there was a place you could go to do so, and instead, you launch into a diatribe about how one site doesn't encapsulate all of liberaldom. 


I find it very ironic that the one who's bitching and moaning about "liberal view on sexuality this" and "SJW view on sexuality that" is ranting about how other people are apparently putting boxes on things. Take a look in the mirror brah.



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1. This topic has nothing to do with sexuality. And not once did I bring sexuality up.


2. I never once mentioned "liberal" aside from responding to your posts. The connection between SJW and liberal is more akin to the connection between Hitler or the crusaders, and christianity. They may claim the title, but it doesn't mesh all that well with others who also claim the title.


You are inventing arguments for me/putting words in my mouth, as the expression goes, and then attacking said argument/words. That is the definition of strawman arguing. You even had the nerve to put your strawmans in quotes. So you are the one lacking reading comprehension, and/or you just prefer to argue in a incredibly dishonest way, either way, not good.

Edited by truepurple, 18 March 2017 - 08:53 PM.



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I can't be bothered to read any of these pointlessly long-winded uneducated opinions. As a Russian and a neuroscientist, I find this Western holy war between liberals/SJWs and conservatives/alt-right disgusting.


The question of gender identity or number of genders is scientific, not philosophical or socio-political. There is obviously a multitude of identities, including gender identities, and the social problem is whether they should be considered variations of the norm or just mental disabilities. For purposes of illustration: we have people who believe their limb should be amputated, and feel genuine relief when this is done. It's called apotemnophilia or body image identity disorder, and has a clear biological basis; the only thing that society does here is define the specific form of acting out the delusion one develops due to the disorder. Are post-operation apotemnophiliacs as normal as healthy people who had their limbs amputated for medical reasons (behaviorally, it seems they are)? Also, if we developed a reliable way to repair body image by means of some neurological intervention, would it be more ethical than cutting off legs, and should it be forced upon apotemnophiliacs who naturally don't want anyone messing with their subjectively just-fine identity and being essentially brainwashed?


So, back to the issue. People with gender identity disorder are pretty much in the same situation, except sex change operations suck. 

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liberals/SJWs and conservatives/alt-right


Immediate fail. If you were paying the slightest bit of attention you'd know that I find this absurd to lump these together. You want to look down on us as uneducated, and you as the voice of scientific reason, but in actuality your approach is very unreasonable and unreasoning.


The question of gender identity or number of genders is scientific

No, it's not. First of all, way more is unknown about the brain than is known.  So any discussion includes opinions including socially imprinted opinions. Likewise, as little known about the brain as there is, we know that environment does play a big role in who are are as people. Some even believe humans have something called free will, but clearly no one in this thread does besides me.
How are you defining gender? Is the number of genders or gender identities you speak of, include ones that like sports, burping, fighting, and aggressive dangerous stuns? Is there a gender or gender identity proven by science, where definitively if you are born with Z, you like shopping, cooking, gossiping, and taking care of cute things? Tell us the study that scientifically shows these gender identities with known biological sources that assuredly trigger these set of likes, dislikes, and tendencies.


Also,(not directed at textor) explain how genitalia can interfere with or help your likes, dislikes or tenancies. Explain how not having a penis will interfere with your enjoyment of sports or fighting, for example. Explain how having a penis will interfere with shopping or adoring cute things, for example. Or for that matter, explain how having a vagina instead of penis is a excuse to kill off one of earths bigger/biggest towns, like in the comic. Everyone speaking out against me is basically saying this logic/excuse flies/works.
On the other hand, there is a wealth of anecdotal evidence to show any trait assigned to any gender identity, can be found to defied by someone of that same gender identity, or embraced by someone who identifies of the opposite identity. So in the end, "gender identity" is just something someone arbitrarily decides on and boxes themselves in with. If anyone has any proof otherwise, provide it. So many words people have spent speaking out against me, but so little actually spent on the topic itself.

Edited by truepurple, 20 March 2017 - 03:34 AM.



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LOL. Japan is connected to the internet along with everyone else. Some people, *gasp* even travel abroad. BLM might not matter much there, but SJW would. From what I understand, Japan is a extremely repressive place for individuality. Which is why their outlets for release can be so strange.

Regardless, the author is pointedly commenting on "transsexuals". As unlikely as you may find that coming from a place like Japan, it's infinitely more unlikely that the author thought this stuff up on zir own without any outside influence.

Tourists doing tourist things rarely if ever run into political flashpoints.  When you visit Greece, nowhere on anyone's list of things to do is visiting Greek internet blogs to read about Greek social flashpoints in the Greek language.  You visit the Parthenon and the Acropolis, take photos, eat the spanakopita and go home.  Japan's social repression is not political in any case.  People vent on the internet about politics all the time.


Furthermore, the notion that people's minds "have genders" is not inherently SJW.  Manga featuring a guy getting stuck in a woman's body are legion and have been around since before the first misbegotten shithead coined the word "SJW."  Rarely is anyone neutral on it the way you would expect in a world where the understanding was that we were all unique individuals not bound by gender categories.  Your specific position - the "minds don't really have genders one" - is a concept tremendously alien from any sort of traditional viewpoint, and the fact that the writer (along with everyone else here) doesn't subscribe to your worldview no more suggests that he is some sort of SJW than that he has a relatively binary concept of gender identity.  You know, close to the one that traditional people had.



Or for that matter, explain how having a vagina instead of penis is a excuse to kill off one of earths bigger/biggest towns, like in the comic. Everyone speaking out against me is basically saying this logic/excuse flies/works.


Japanese media is loaded to the gills with "sympathetic" characters who were still wrong.  Girl gets bullied and decides to murder her entire school, guy's brother is killed and decides that genocide is the answer.  None of these excuses work, but we listen to their sob story anyway.  


As for killing off a whole town, this series has been one massive murderfest full of shitty and edgy events all the way through.  Towns are murdered before breakfast in the morning.



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Gender roles are healthy and largely biological. It's ridiculous to think that Homo Sapiens is the only sexually dimorphic species that is somehow immune to instinctual behavior differences between the two sexes.

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