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Translation problem - Volume 7-8 confusion / pls help

mistakes translation mistakes problem mushoku tensei School entry Adventurers arc

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    Potato Sprout

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(Don't bother fellow manga readers, you should not worry about this comment unless you are planning on reading LN)


Hey, I wanna ask something to those LN veterans out there. Its a kind off long topic but pls talk to me about this issue.

What's the deal with the LN? there seems to be a whole volume missing, the Adventurer arc I think?


Basically this http://www.world-three.org/books/mushoku-tensei/volume-7/


I downloaded the whole LN from here in pdf http://armaell-library.net/author/rifujin-na-magonote


Which apparantly is Baka-Tsuki's work (don't really know), you can see in armaell library that the person who made the pdf, in volume 7, says that he had no idea where to put the illustrations, which is why I wanna ask, if there is an obvious problem with the LN volume translation/order, how did you guys read it? I mean this mistake (It is a mistake right?) is everywhere, even in other lenguages sites.


I realized of all of this because in the pdf I downloaded there aren't any illustrations after the Homecoming chapter (which is a complete let down) so I looked for them and found something completely different from what I have read, and the next volume illustrations do match what I'm currently reading, to resume.


Volume 7 "School entry" chapter its not volume 7, volume 7 is that adventurers arc this



And volume 8 seems to be "School entry" chapter, this:




And I'm having doubst about another volume missing (most likely not) from between this 2, well I must say that is kind of a let down the need to read this after being already 1 volume ahead but well.


Here is baka-tsuki post https://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Mushoku_Tensei:Volume_07


You can see the illustrations don't match the text at all, at the end I just wanna ask, What is going on and where can I read this without problems? is world-three the only site that has succesfully come into knowledge about the real volume order? (if it is not much to ask, thanks)


Edit: And I just realised this "volume 7" (volume 8) its really short in comparison with the other volumes, adding the fact that some illustrations events are missing from the text, is this (not)volume 7 unfinished?


Pls correct me if I'm wrong about anything, true to be told I have no idea what is going on, I don't read many LN and I don't know if this issue is already known or if there are certain circumstances.

Edited by GianKiller, 30 April 2016 - 09:51 AM.



    Fried Potato

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The difference is that what you're reading currently is the Webnovel not the Light Novel of mushoku tensei. The Light Novel is still very similar to the WN, with the exception of Volume 7, however it is not completed and the illustrations have so far only reached to volume 10. Volume 7 in Bakatsuki (which is the completed WN) details what happens after Rudeus  was dubbed Quagmire, and getting accepted to the University. The Volume 7 in LN is something to fill in his adventuring days before he was known as Quagmire, and recently after his breakup with Eris. It is simply extra content for the LN, and you're not missing anything if you were to continue reading the WN. 

Just continue reading as it is while ignoring the illustrations from volume 7, and any that doens't seem to match up with the WN's text. 


There is a group who are currently translating the LN version of volume 7



I really didn't understand why Bakatsuki would put the illustrations there.

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    Potato Spud

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Light Novel usually have differences with it's web novel counterpart. It's getting trough editorial process by it's publisher so it's highly possible that there's some chapter being altered; either by cutting unnecesary/redundant scenes/chapters from the WN, adding new contents to enrich the original story or simply reordering the the events. If you're reading WN version and looking for the illustrations in the LN version you're bound to found differences and it's completely normal.

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