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Kubera timelines and relationship chart

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    Couch Potato

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Oookay, originally this thread was named "List of Kubera characters and plot points" and had some brief character descriptions. They were quite out of date and there's better information on the wiki now, so I'm making this thread focus on chronological events instead.

Ages (for reference):


Kubera Relationship Chart

Basic Plotline overview

For those who don't know: somewhere along the line I learned to type Korean, and so I typed out bits of text, sent them through Google Translate, and tried to descipher the result. So far, I can't guarantee a 100% accuracy, but I do seem to get it at least 80% right when I compare with translations that have since come out (also because I simply skip out on the parts that I don't get "at all", so you're left with more or less accurate stuff).

This thread is Full of spoilers. Beware. More information in posts below.

Edited by Mizura, 23 August 2012 - 02:10 AM.

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Nice. Good job putting all the info together. ^^
I should re-read it too.. kinda forgot few things =_=



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Current events:


Edited by Mizura, 16 April 2012 - 10:53 AM.


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Past events


Edited by Mizura, 01 April 2013 - 06:22 AM.

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    Potato Sprout

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Just a question about Kubera the God. When did it say that Kubera was the dude who owned the bracelet thingy? I think I missed that part :blink:



    Couch Potato

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Isn't that in the latest scanlated chapter? Here Lots of things happening in the current arc! :)

Maybe it isn't clear yet, but that guy there is the real God Kubera. He made the bracelet to control his strength so that he wouldn't cause destruction by accident.

By the way, hahah, apparently in Hindu mythology Kubera is the God of Wealth. It's kind of ironic that Leez-who-has-his-name is poor as dirt instead. ^^;


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    Potato Sprout

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Hmmm. Now I feel like I keep missing things when I read.... But thanks A LOT for gathering the information I've learnt more about Kubera!
I also follow the 'raw' release even through I don't understand what they say... but I readedsom of your 'spoiler' So I began to wonder if you had info Futher into the story than what has been released in the raws? It just seemed like it.

Kubera my favorite Manwha! xD



    Couch Potato

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^ Ah that, more like, I learned how to type Korean so I could put everything through Google Translate, though a lot of it is gibberish. ^^;;

But some of that information may be from the blog: http://currygom.blog.me
Naver blogs don't allow straightforward copy/pastes. :( But you can still access the source this way:

- See the links on the right? The ones relating to Kubera are under the 쿠베라 (which stands for Kubera). They are roughly: Locations, Races, Magic, Transcendent magic, Major Characers and Minor Characters in that order, which are what you want to click
- In Firefox (I don't know about other browsers, sorry), Ctrl-click the link in the menu you want to open in a new tab. This step is necessary to access the source code of that frame, and not the entire site
- With the page you want open, choose whatever you want and open the page source (Ctrl + U in Firefox). You get a whole lot of code and very little text. :( The bunch of Korean text you want is located at about 2/3 downwards, you can also do a Ctrl+F and try to find a specific term (there are a few terms in English you can try to find to locate the right bunch of text, for example)
- Copy the bunch of text you want into a text editor. This step is optional but will Really make the reading more pleasant. Now copy the most common of those html tags and replace them with nothing. Repeating this just 5 or 6 times will get rid of 70% of the junk. Remove the big chunks of codes (which normally point to images) manually and you'll have a mostly "clean" text with under a minute of work.
- Now paste all that into Google Translate.

There's a trick to google-translating Korean, and that's knowing that in Korean, grammar particles are often tagged to the end of a word. These particles aren't always recognized by Google Translate, so if something isn't translating correctly, you can try separating the last character or two of the culprit word to see if it gives something that makes sense. You'll also want to separate bits of sentences in case the grammar translation screws up too much. You may also want to replace some of the names and terms before, or you'll get screwy translations like Mathematica instead of Nastika (now that is scary!). I have such a list made for myself, I can share if anybody finds it useful, though since the blog often has the English name besides the Korean ones, it's easy to just copy/replace from there.

Or you could, well, read all of Zero Breaker's threads. He's already shared the most interesting elements in the blogs. x)

Anyway, is there something specific you want to know? I'm not too sure what some of the revelations in the newest chapters are about, but here's some:


Anyway, I also went to look up the various Hindu gods and terms out of curiosity. Currygom says that the characters are only loosely based on Hindu mythology, and that's really the case, but there's still some interesting parallels with the Kubera world:


By the way, Ran is funny. From what I could figure out, he thinks that:
1. Asha is a guy
2. Ran's childhood crush Rana has a crush on Asha
3. Leez is Asha's girlfriend
4. So Ran decides to help Rana by checking up her "opponent." So far he's concluded that Asha's a mean scary guy who doesn't care about whether the face looks nice or not as long as there's boobs. x'D
In the meantime, because Ran is always worried for the safety of Leez and Yuta, and because he's afraid they'd be cold, Asha and Leez interpreted that as Ran being scared and cold and made fun of him! At one point Ran got mad and declared that he'll take everything off to show that he's not cold at all, only to be glared at by Asha (he concludes that it was stupid of him to declare that he'd strip in front of Asha's girlfriend, ahahaha!)

Edited by Mizura, 10 December 2011 - 06:39 PM.

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    Couch Potato

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I spent quite some time last week to finish this. I love this series, the way the characters are inter-connected is just so complicated. xD

Just completed! Spoilers:
Kubera Relationship Chart

I'm still missing a few arrows, but I think the chart is messy enough. :S Anyway, a person who has no idea what this series is about will not understand this chart at all. xD I think it's more to show how awesome the relations are. Hoho!

Edit: Now in the first post.

Edited by Mizura, 16 April 2012 - 10:54 AM.


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The charter is great! It's really helpful to understand the relationships among the characters.




    Couch Potato

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Okay, as some of you may notice I've done a major overhaul of this thread. The major information is in my first 3 posts of this thread. The other posts are blabla, so I've left them as they were.

Content-wise, I've made a few updates to Current and Past events.


Edited by Mizura, 16 April 2012 - 11:02 AM.


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so the name kubera is completely leez's now, am curious as to what that makes her (demigod, dormant new god? etc) and what sort of potential she possesses.

and i find it very suspicious that leez was born at the same time as NO CATACLYSM was it somehow caused by the birth of a human with a gods name?




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that's quite a helpful chart!

and speaking of relationships, I'm kinda excited on the Leez-Yuta development that might[?] come... If that was really the two of them back in the prologue

---------- In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. ----------



    Couch Potato

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Glad you found the chart helpful! It's missing a few arrows, I should update it...


About Leez, her role isn't clear yet, but I do suspect she might become immortal. After all, God Kubera said that she won't be allowed to die unless he says so. Leez wouldn't have such a hard time if she can just wait to die of old age.

As for whether her birth Caused the N0 Cataclysm, I'm not sure if it was the cause. There is a lot of mystery surrounding her name, because think about it: even though God Kubera himself is one of the major Gods, he's not a Primeval God who can change the rules of the entire Universe. So, his name Shouldn't be holding that much disruptive power, either. But, the reason he lost the name may be holding some clues.

Edited by Mizura, 18 April 2012 - 02:54 AM.


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    Potato Spud

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Wow, such impressive work! I don't think I'd have the patience to do what you've done Mizura! I have the Naver app on my iPad, and there are so many manhwa, that are either untranslated or, like Kubera, way behind. But, I find the whole scrolling art style fascinating. Like manga, the Asian POV makes everything seem fresh and exciting.
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    Couch Potato

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Glad you found it useful! :D A lot of other people are also contributing to providing more information, like those doing the hard and tedious job of filling up the wiki. Compared to that, I consider what I do to be more for fun. >.>;;

Speaking of fun stuff:


Ah, finally updated the Relationship chart (oh wow, so glad to get that out of the way).

Edited by Mizura, 25 April 2012 - 03:33 PM.


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Mizura, how did you figure out Yuta is at least 300 years old ? And more importantly, Ananta died after Yuta's birth for sure ?



    Couch Potato

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Sorry, the stuff here is super old, so some of it isn't accurate. Back then, nobody knew when Ananta had died. xP

For Yuta however, in Chapter 49, Yuta is telling Maruna that he's envious of him for being perfect, at which point Maruna retorts that he's been stuck in 2nd stage for 700 years. In Chapter 38, Urvasi makes fun of Maruna for not growing to 4th stage even after 1000 years. I had deduced this from the webtoon, but his blog profile outright states that he's at least 300 years-old.


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    Russet Potato

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Glad you found it useful! biggrin.png A lot of other people are also contributing to providing more information, like those doing the hard and tedious job of filling up the wiki. Compared to that, I consider what I do to be more for fun. >.>;;

Speaking of fun stuff:






Major Chessmaster

1. Visnu

2. Kali (she must've had a reason to have a son)

3. Shiva (there must be a reason he dissapeared.)



1. God Kubera


Major Player

1. Asha

2. Saha

3. Sagara & co

4. Claude

5. Rao Leez (yes, I suspect he is)

6. Maruna


Powerful Pawn








....Good Grief, Leez need all the luck she can.