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That slow feeling

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    Potato Spud

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This probably sounds like a petty gripe, but the manga viewer here seems to load really slowly compared to scanlator sites and Mangareader. Some pages take more than a minute to fully load, and since I'm the speedy sort of reader, it really breaks the flow of reading some manga.

I'm totally for what Batoto is doing, but this slow loading really bugs me. If this is on purpose, then it's kinda an underhanded way to get people to support the scanlators. I apologize if it sounds really petty of me to ask for a faster reader, but, at least for me, these sort of things help me decide where I should read my manga.

On a positive note, Manga Fox loads helluva slow.

Edited by Tr0pic0n, 05 November 2011 - 08:36 AM.

-Links to some sites coming soon. For now, have a pineapple.



    Voice to the Voiceless

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It's not petty of you, this is a legitimate problem. We have noticed this too.

We are taking steps to increase the performance of our site. Grumpy (owner / leader / His Grumpiness of Batoto) has just ordered some more servers for Batoto.

Just a general note that Batoto is new and experiencing heavy increases in amount of content and viewership, and we are adjusting to this. Batoto was down for various periods of time due to our then-current technical limitations. Every time that Batoto has been down, we learn from our mistakes and implement measures to make the site faster. Examples of this is changing the software we use and buying more hardware. It's frustrating, of course, for readers and staff alike when the site goes down, but downtime is a fact of life. As we grow bigger, we'll have a better idea of our needs and how to handle them, so the best advice I can give you is, "Thanks for supporting Batoto, and please be patient with us."
  • Railander and 907samfolife like this
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    Fried Potato

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i experience no problems of loading atm



    Potato Spud

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Alright cool. Good to know that this is something that's being worked on. Thanks a lot.
-Links to some sites coming soon. For now, have a pineapple.

Laurens D

Laurens D

    Baked Potato

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truth is it all depends on your internet connection and location. and partly batoto's server of course. but most common problems are that the readers have slow internet which means there will be a long waiting time since batoto does not compress the images( Making it smaller ). but it will download the whole image( there are a lot 1 or 2 MB images). and of course where you are is important. big distance from server = higher ping which means you have to wait 200-500ms or even longer for a page to react and of course download speed will be slower even if you have fast internet.

I'm pretty close to batoto's server so it does not really bother me, once in a while slow load but a hiccup can always happen. not sure but i think that batoto is creating reverse proxy to enchant user experience and more servers like stated above.

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You could have bought my cookies.