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Anime Adaptation?

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    Potato Sprout

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Recently, according to animenewsnetwork, A My Hero Academia domain named "HeroAca.com" has been registered under the name of TOHO ad, the advertising group for TOHO. TOHO, for those that are unaware, is a Japanese distribution company. Some recent anime that have been attached to that name are Akame ga Kill, Haikyuu, Psycho Pass, and Kekkai Sensen. Does this mean that MHA will get an anime adaptation already? Is this the big announcement? What are your thoughts?



    Potato Sprout

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According to WeeklyJump Livejournal, there'll be a HeroAca announcement next week. WSJ "big announcements" have usually been anime adaptations (or OVAs). I've been reading that blog for a long time and that pretty much seems to be the case.



    Potato Spud

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Whatever happens, I hope they market this extremely well. It'd be nice for a quality and differently themed shounen manga like this to become big alongside the likes of One Piece, Dragon Ball and Bleach now that Nardo is over. It'd work especially well now since we've got kind of a westernized hero boom with series like One Punch Man.

Pretty rarely do I genuinely enjoy a JUMP battle manga, and usually when I do they get axed or end in ways that feel half-hearted. I mean, next to Dragon Ball, my favorite JUMP manga has got to be REBORN!, next to that, Beelzebub and Medaka Box, all of which are over, and only one of which ran long enough to get a substantial anime adaptation. I mean, yeah... we have World Trigger, but I really don't understand the appeal of that series in the slightest. This is the first time in a while that I've genuinely hoped a JUMP series would run long enough and do well enough to garner 100+ episodes, I could see myself watching this weekly for a few years. Sadly, considering the amount of material, I bet this is going to be a 24 episode run, the manga will run on for a while after then the ratings will tank.

Probably the biggest reason I want this to succeed so much is because I really hated Naruto, and really; the last true "big thing" in Jump was Bleach. Maybe Toriko, but that plays the tropes even straighter than this does, lol.

I just want to see a good, heavily funded anime from JUMP that doesn't suck get a 100+ episode run, if that can happen in this day and age, anime is still healthy.

Edited by Bloodshotdaze, 26 October 2015 - 06:11 PM.

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A nation with a Mahou Shoujo army is something to be feared, not only for the star system busting power output; but the ridiculous amounts of flashing colors.



    Potato Sprout

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Whatever happens, I hope they market this extremely well. It'd be nice for a quality and differently themed shounen manga like this to become big alongside the likes of One Piece, Dragon Ball and Bleach now that Nardo is over. It'd work especially well now since we've got kind of a westernized hero boom with series like One Punch Man.

Pretty rarely do I genuinely enjoy a JUMP battle manga, and usually when I do they get axed or end in ways that feel half-hearted. I mean, next to Dragon Ball, my favorite JUMP manga has got to be REBORN!, next to that, Beelzebub and Medaka Box, all of which are over, and only one of which ran long enough to get a substantial anime adaptation. I mean, yeah... we have World Trigger, but I really don't understand the appeal of that series in the slightest. This is the first time in a while that I've genuinely hoped a JUMP series would run long enough and do well enough to garner 100+ episodes, I could see myself watching this weekly for a few years. Sadly, considering the amount of material, I bet this is going to be a 24 episode run, the manga will run on for a while after then the ratings will tank.

Probably the biggest reason I want this to succeed so much is because I really hated Naruto, and really; the last true "big thing" in Jump was Bleach. Maybe Toriko, but that plays the tropes even straighter than this does, lol.

I just want to see a good, heavily funded anime from JUMP that doesn't suck get a 100+ episode run, if that can happen in this day and age, anime is still healthy.

As long as it doesn't get adapted by Studio Pierrot or Toei I think it will be fine. They get the adaptations for Jump series most of the time and it ends up just not being well recieved because they run their budget into the ground consistently. They never have any time to let their money gather because Toei always uses it on One Piece, which we know isn't ending for awhile and Pierrot is very inconsistent. One moment they do Baby Steps which is good, then bam, second season of tokyo ghoul, which was horrid compared to the first. Then the next they do Yona, I've heard great things, but they also did Re-Kan! which isn't great. Now Osomatsu-san is pretty good so far but I really am not a fan of the inconsistency. I would personally prefer someone like Bones to do it because then there is a chance for a second season once they catch up to the manga.

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I knew it could do it. This series felt like KH reborn! to me. But better since we don't have someone reluctant and pushed towards destiny, but someone who fought against his fate of never being a hero with his courageous spirit that inspired a great mentor to place his hopes on him. 



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i wouldn't count the Baby Steps anime towards successes at all... if referring to faithfulness, then yeah, but it looked rly bad and for a sports series it just has to be animated well or there is no point. Most of the time I didn't realize smth impressive happened until the character thought "that was fast!" right after lmao



these days the trend seems to be "pick up for a season. adapt the next chunk 1-2 years later". it's what's happening with Shokugeki and Assassination Classroom. i previously thought this is only happening to sports series since those are easier to predict the end timing for but eyyy this is great

i just really really wanna know what studio has their mits on it OTL"
plz no Toei



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it's getting animated by studio bones!!


my best guess is that it is coming out sometimes next year and i would say during the fall

fall 2016 gET HYPE /0/ 



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BONES is animating this. The world is at peace...

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