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Really like Sex and the city?!?

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    Potato Sprout

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I was reading the promotional that this manga has and Japan's publishing house compares it with the TV series: "sex and the city"??  Personally I haven't been able to sit through an entire chapter of this tv series... 


But do you really think that it can be compared? From what I have been able to take in from the series it is not.  If I had to pick and choose a USA tv series that this manga would/would be like I would say: any  serie can do:  drop dead diva; friends... etc


what do you guys think?



    Potato Sprout

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I think it's like Sex and the City. But worse. I watched a few seasons of the show. Sure, it was sparkly and girly and naive and whatnot, but they didn't pretend to be otherwise. The main protag, Carrie, was vulnerable and made bad decisions. She was humbled and there was comedy to lighten the heaviness of the show. I liked Carrie because she knew she was a trainwreck (in designer clothes). This manga, however, is a load of sh*t. It just feels like some old woman satisfying her weird fantasies and while one can ask "what is wrong with that?" and I can't say what is and isn't right, but as far as "good mangas" go, this is not a good manga. 



I wrote this on another site, but here goes:


"I've read upto chapter 19 and this is officially one of the worst mangas I've read across all genres. I can tell she is intentionally being misogynistic and obv going for the "saucy drama" to please bored housewives but if she's being satirical about it, it's definitely not coming across very well. I hate the "i'm telling you to stop but I don't really mean it" garbage because let's be honest, that's kind of the basis of rape culture. I honestly kind of classify this as trashy old-lady Harlequin romance. If I could un-recommend this manga, I would but i'm just going to leave a caustic comment about how you seriously you should take this. Or maybe not, you can love it if you want, I'm not going to tell anyone to stop liking something, but please be aware of what the intentions of this manga are." 


EDIT // If you guys want good josei mangas, Sekine-kun no koi, Dame na Watashi ni Koishite Kudasai, Hotaru no Hikari, Udon no Onna, Sumika Sumire....are all most excellent titles. They're heart-warming, real, dramatic and emotional without having to resort to bored-housewife drivel.

Edited by metrikfire, 27 October 2015 - 05:49 PM.

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I'm in a bit of a mope, I'm always in the wake of the hope
that you'd might just sit and talk a bit.



    Potato Sprout

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Hey!  thanks for the recommendations!  I will definitely start to look for them and read them through and through.