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Dragon Ball Z Kai sucks.

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I don't know if anyone made a post similar to this but I want to complain. I wanted to watch the new better quality of Dragon Ball but it sucks, they took out some of the emotional moments.

For example, the depth of how Vegeta was tortured and a bit of his back story where he had to be a puppet doing cruel things and viewing the world in a such a warped way because of the way he was forced to grow up by Frieza and how he was raised as a warped warrior by him. By cutting some of the stuff up, the emotional crying scene was devalued, cause if you didn't watch the original you wouldn't know... how Vegeta began to see himself after his meeting with Goku, how his pride was damaged when he seen how pathetic he was made by Frieza.


Also, the other thing was cut would be Krilin's death was the emotional boost for his super saiyan transformation... they didn't show the details of that. A lot of violent scenes were cut, for example even some kick and other stuff was cut cause it was made for kids. Such a disappointment.. I felt I wasted my week re-watching it.... I am so far at nearly episode 50 of kai and so much content was taken out, which couldn't be considered fillers...


Now I am afraid to even start watching the rest. Also, I watched the latest of subbed version.... I didn't see Chichi slaap Buu.. neither how they were eaten, that was epic and now it's taken out.


Sorry, made this to rant and hopefully find some more to share the pain. I grew up watching Dragon ball to z on a satalite on the germans and even italians, which were a different language, that's how into it I was as a kid... they kinda ruined it.



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if they cut out every time krillin died there would be nothing left

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Anaïs la Baguette

Anaïs la Baguette

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I don't remember vegeta being such an edgy emo kid




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Still watching kai... yeh, Vegeta is or always was emo. I mean, remember he purposefully got possessed in the majin buu saga so he can go against go... he was full of insecurities because of Goku and that he felt at peace living on earth. I liked that, it gave it more depth and it wasn't so childish... they went deeper about the feelings of the characters.

Another example is after the reach earth and they tell them that Goku didn't escape planet namek, he goes laughing hysterically saying that now he is the strongest in the universe because Goku and frieza died. It was a grazy laugh which kinda showed his frustration of wanting to defeat frieza and especially Goku. Then Gohan comes and says that he will stand in his way instead of his father.

That was just one example and there's plenty more, which kinda frustrates me. I liked Vegeta because of his determination and emotional struggles, whether it was as a bad guy or coming to accept earth and his friends. Now you can't really see that.


There's so many more stuff missing, I'm amazing how I can remember since last time I watched.


@2hot4u - lol, yeh... that was a good joke. Still loved how it developed, it sure was dramatic.

Edited by defry, 02 June 2015 - 05:04 PM.




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Yeah, Kai skips A LOT of scenes that give emotional deph and those intense moments that are sensored as well. The only pro is that I guess it has more quality in terms of the appearance?


Aaand I sometimes feel like everything is kinda rushed, but I lso konw that the pacing in the original was, at some points, slow.

"I swim through a sea of stars                         "That's no good. Was I asleep?                         "Zu'u Alduin. Zok sahrot do naan ko Lein!"
without looking back to shore.                           No matter how much I sleep,                             -"I am Alduin. Most mighty of any in the world!"
Faster than light, bending time                          the exhaustion doesn't go away..."                              —Alduin, (Elder Scrolls V, The)
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Yes, I remember clearly getting really annoyed how things got dragged on for so long and found it really irritating. In the end, I watched it now.. the buu saga and it seemed perfect. I think as I got older the slow or the parts that were delayed were great, I find it really interesting. Even the training and where there are times like that Goku'll never show up but that sort of built the tension and got my anxious, cause I watched it before and knows what happens so the build up to it was entertaining.


Anyways, you are right. The better graphics are really, really great and I really appreciate that but I wished they kept at least some of the emotional stuff and character backrounds, even the gore. They made it with the target group of spoiled western kids. Not really meant for me or us who grew up eating dragon ball 3 times a day.