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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

Music: How It Affects Us

music effect mood

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    Russet Potato

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Hello my fellow musical potatoes.


Music has a mystical charm over people. Since man first discovered sound, it has been used to lift

people's spirits, raise morale, demoralize enemies, march people to wars, and even to entertain and educate.

Music is as diverse as we humans are...nay, I would say it is diverse precisely because we are.


But I'm not here to talk about how music affected humanity, or even a specific mass.


No, this topic is about you.


Have you ever had a certain song or a musical piece that always seem to put you in a certain mood or state of mind?

How music is interpreted tells us a lot about ourselves, as well as other people.


Whether it's an instrumental that never fails to put you in an excited, happy mood, or

a song that has a tendency to whiplash you into a melancholic, introspective insight.


Share with us your music.

Share with us your feelings.





Street Spirit is one of my first experiences with this phenomenon. 


This song starts out dark, and end in dark, as if entering a tunnel with no exit. Listening to it felt like

going on a journey with no destination, but instead of hope and excitement, you're filled with dread and despair.

You're a wandering spirit, lost on earth with no purpose or memory of what you're doing.


Worst of all, it ends that way. There's no closure, no alternatives, no happy ending.

All I'm left with is a heavy heart, and the thought that I, too, will "fade out" one day.

My only respite is to "immerse my soul in love", until then.

Edited by Mushiren, 06 June 2015 - 01:13 PM.



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Edited by shasssss, 16 September 2017 - 03:15 AM.

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    Russet Potato

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I grew up with Harry Potter. This series made my childhood magical and it has shaped me into the person I am today.

This song from the films makes me literally homesick for Hogwarts every time I listen to it. It brings back so many fond memories it almost hurts.



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Yan Q

Yan Q

    Fried Potato

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Back in '11, while I was finishing up a major body of work (Art), I'd be cooped up in my studio listening to SIA's albums - half singing, half shouting the words out.

I'd had both albums since they were first released, but I wasn't in a very good place in '11 and her songs just sort of gave me hope.

Little Black Sandals and Breathe Me were the two that always made me cry - even now

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yes, i bite

fp | ig



    Sweet Potato

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This one reminds me of fucking with the old guy in the apartment above me.....I was there first, dammit, and had moved into that building exactly because there weren't many people living there. Asshole called the cops on me the freaking day he moved in without even talking to me.


Yup, needless to say, I made the walls shake with this one the next day   :D


Neither the police (or my landlord) were nearly as amused as I was  >_<




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    Fingerling Potato

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I basically grew up on classical music and I have listened to a lot (and I really mean a lot) of classical music over the years. I also happen to have a pretty darn awful memory so while there's a lot of segments of pieces I remember, a fair lot of the time the actual name and composer of the piece escapes me. There are a lot of pieces that mean a lot to me but I doubt anyone would appreciate me rambling on about all the ones I remember enough of, so the piece – well, pieces – I'm posting here are Mendelssohn's "Songs without words". Choosing just one is quite difficult since I like listening to all of them together. I do the same thing for Chopin's waltzes, actually. 


I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the piano, but generally it's a really really wonderful thing to play and to listen to. While Mendelssohn is not my favourite composer, and his "Songs without words" haven't exactly changed me as a person or anything dramatic like that, they never fail to calm me down and stuff. Listening, I mean. Playing can be frustrating business when you're like me and you hate the sounds you make. I could rant on forever about that but I'll spare your eyes and this thread.




And if you want to read more of me rambling (idk why you would man don't waste your time):



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Sometimes a song takes me back to the moment I first heard it. This song I first heard sometime around the end of 2013, I'd started uni for like 4 months and it was my first time away from home for more than a couple of weeks. I was in my dorm room, it was night time and I was feeling pretty bored then listened to the song. The feel of the song was just so sombre it took me in. The lyrics were pretty serious too (talking about pirus and all that). And its so saaaaaad.

Every time I listen to the song I get transported back. 


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Oh, you didn't know before?




    Fried Potato

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There are a lot of songs that puts me into a certain mood or makes me imagine myself in a certain place just like this:



It makes me daydream that i'm walking alone on an empty road with big trees on the side and the sunlight passing through the leaves of the trees and even though i'm walking alone I am very happy. I listen to music like this in the afternoon when the weather is neither hot nor cold but I can still feel the cool wind brushing my skin while i'm having my afternoon snack. Haha. It's just a beautiful feeling.





It's one of the tracks of the album Reanimation by Lights & Motion. I love anything that Lights & Motion creates. I listen to his tracks during my morning walks or when I feel like writing something, still in the morning. Or when I just want to wait for sunrise. Sometimes, after exercising, I relax by sitting on one of the couches facing this huge window in the living room, it’s the place where I wait for the sunrise. Music like his motivates me to do something good every day, seize the day, spread happiness, lightens my mood when i'm sad, makes me feel like I can conquer my fears, sometimes makes me cry but for a good reason and just feel good.


About two-three years ago, I've written on my Tumblr account (best place to vent, haha) that I've been listening to funeral songs more than wedding songs, that I've been listening to the sound of the world falling apart but when I discovered the music like I posted, I realized that no matter how rotten the world can get, you’ll discover something new or beautiful or amazing every day. Like perhaps a new feeling, um, picking up a new joke that when you tell your friends you’ll all laugh at how unfunny it is. It’s wonderful. That’s how much music has affected me. It even changed my perception of the world that I used to see as grey.  

Edited by GeorgeAlex, 14 June 2015 - 07:30 PM.

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Song of the day:
Castle On The Hill
- Ed Sheeran
