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The Web Novel is Over! How did you feel about it?

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Poll: Mushoku Tensei's ending (195 member(s) have cast votes)

Did you like the way it ended?

  1. I liked it. It was satisfactory. (133 votes [68.21%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 68.21%

  2. I thought more could have been added. (44 votes [22.56%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 22.56%

  3. I didn't like the ending at all. (18 votes [9.23%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 9.23%

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What you want is Oldeus, with cliff and everyone killed he no longer have to waste his time spending it with family and friends. 

Without any comrades there to make up for his weakness, he can now hog all the spotlight in fights.  


".....You became really strong, didn’t you? I never would have thought that you would become one of the Seven Great World Powers.”

“If it’s the you right now then even you can become one, Ruijerd-san. If it’s you, I would be done in by just one punch, in just one punch.”

“Don’t joke around.”

“But I’m certain that I didn’t become one only on my power alone.”

“That power might be yours as well.”

“I wonder.”


This is the real difference between Rudeus and Oldeus. 


To add, it was Rujierd who wanted the slave traders dead, not Rudeus. 

Edited by sidus03, 28 November 2015 - 03:27 AM.



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I completely agree with what you said Youkissass, it's exactly what I felt when I finished it.

I kept reading hoping he would finaly become strong. How can he not beat even one of the 7 powers on his own when he has the same mana pool as the demon god and an powerful armor ?...

I skipped a lot of fight too at the end, especially the one against badigadi that was really lame IMO.

Without any comrades there to make up for his weakness, he can now hog all the spotlight in fights.

It's not a weakness, he is a burden that has to be saved every 5 minutes... The author made us hope that he would become strong since he is a "genius" but it never happened.



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But that's the point. Oldeus is meant to represent what Rudeus could have become if he abandoned restraint and all emotions other than anger. The entire story is meant to show how he used to be lonely and detached from people, but after reincarnating he found power in the people around him. This Rudeus is not FOCUSING ON BECOMING POWERFUL. Vengeance pushed him to become even stronger, to push past his limits. He had no one to care about, so he devoted himself to revenge.

Rudeus was never trying to become the strongest. He just wanted to protect the people close to him.
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Just a few points I want to add..

Rudeus' mana pool may have been the same as Laplace but there was no way he would have been able to cast the same Magic Power Laplace used since it would tear his body apart.

There's no way his Magic Armor would ever had been able to go toe-to-toe with Bagi in the FG Armor which is a very VERY POWERFUL Armor that was created by Laplace himself and who can't even friggin' die. And that very same Armor was what killed Laplace in the first place. So no way Rudues would have ever beaten him alone. I mean even Oldeus couldn't beat Atofe (in fact, it was Moore who was a bigger threat than Atofe herself!) who also wouldn't die even when killed.

Edited by Ladius, 01 December 2015 - 06:14 AM.



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I like the battles in this story, it feels mmorpg-ish. Like use skill "a" to counter skill "b" in melee. Balance your party, time your magic, and chose your magic and equipment base on the dungeon/journey/boss. Seal the heads/arms so they won't regenerate. Rudeus mostly use practiced movements in fights and isn't good at reacting from unexpected things that break out of the game format so it's very relate-able and understandable.



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By far the best Asian (I read a lot of Chinese as well) light novel I've read so far. I'm not too familiar with the novel/fiction realm of the internet. But strictly for translated Japanese and Chinese novels that I've read, definitely the best. Of course there were times where it was kind of a slog to read, but the characters are so well developed in my opinion. It is also just so different from so many other stories. And I will be honest, there were multiple times where I cried and the most prominent was when he meets with Paul again in the city again after the teleportation incident and they reconcile.  Also, some of the best parts of Mushoku Tensei was when it took the perspective of Shut-in Norn. Umg, made me teary. dem Redundancy chapters dou.

For the ending, I liked it. I didn't expect anything more or anything less. It had some loose ends but there still are some more chapters/arcs coming out. For what it was, it is a masterpiece in my honest opinion. It never was a story about a power grubbing main character. (That Rudi was in the universe where he failed miserably. Though gravity and time magic sound pretty legit). He just did as he did and it had a certain Slice-of-life feel/peace to it. Which is my favorite genre. To be honest, most of the battles bored me(But it was never about battle to begin with). Mushoku Tensei shined most in character development and social character interactions between one another. 

I don't actually like Oreos that much.



    Fingerling Potato

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This world would make a great open world RPG, although Japan is usually a little weak with that, with this source material it would be very interesting and could sort of revive JRPGs too.


In the WN obviously he never becomes #1 and he doesn't take out people on his own.

But imagine a video game version where you branch off, can develop more powers, maybe even betray Orsted and kill Hitogami (or seal Hitogami), beat the 7 powers etc. Maybe even an option to go more as a swordsman, abandoning a lot of the magic growth by going down that specialization. That would also give another alternate path.

And then of course choosing the wives. Perhaps choosing Ninohoshi and that Princess, or one of the Beast Princesses. Just so many possible routes that are already hinted at or even sort of written out.


Different world areas too obviously. Maybe become a summoner with Cliff's help and build an army of doll fighters as a necromancer. Or the time and gravity magic. Or perhaps specializing in earth, fire, water whatever. Or even blood magic.


A diplomat, or a conqueror, or a teacher. Perhaps even an adventurer as that was one thing he did. Or perhaps leaving it all behind and finding a way home (although not to be a fatass, that was pointless).


If say Obsidian did a collaboration with Camelot/Treasure and this writer, they could really build something amazing. And imagine if that was one of the first VR titles to ever come out too.


You could even make it an MMO, with VR seeing a massive world with changing ranks and stuff would be very interesting too.


Of course then people would never unplug and would just die, but still.


My point is basically this is a great world, the author did an excellent job creating it. It's much harder than you'd think to create something and flesh it out, to put options out in front of people so that they can think of other possibilities.


To me this is like a Japanese Star Wars. Star Wars wasn't that great but it spawned so much stuff after. MT feels the same to me. There can be an entire EU for MT, the world is so vast there is more than enough room for more heroes and more adventures.

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    Fingerling Potato

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My point is basically this is a great world, the author did an excellent job creating it. It's much harder than you'd think to create something and flesh it out, to put options out in front of people so that they can think of other possibilities.

This sums up how I felt about this book entirely. The way Rifujin na Magonote manages to flesh out the details of the world and the characters has always impressed me. Especially writing from multiple points of view instead of just staying at one. It made me actually give a shit about the characters. Even some of the villains I genuinely felt bad for. Auber, Reida, and Gisu come to mind. Add on to the fact that redundancy chapters release every month and it just goes to show that he really cares about his project. 

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dr kurochan

dr kurochan

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Though I can understand that some people are disapointed that Rudeus didn't become OP at the end, I am not regretting he wasn't OP. It's not like he wanted to be the n°1 magician in the world or something like that. So, at the end, there is no sense of defeat or regrets. On the contrary, he had a very succesfull life : familly, work (how he changed the world he lived in), friends and so on.

I see more MT like a seinen story with more realistic views : a typical shounen hero would go save his friends without thinking of the dangers. Rudi, like a normal person, would hesitate because he knows he could really die, but he will still do it.

At last, I think it is according to the message of the WN : be humble and work together, unlike his previous life when he was an arrogant, selfish NEET.



    Fingerling Potato

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Though I can understand that some people are disapointed that Rudeus didn't become OP at the end, I am not regretting he wasn't OP. It's not like he wanted to be the n°1 magician in the world or something like that. So, at the end, there is no sense of defeat or regrets. On the contrary, he had a very succesfull life : familly, work (how he changed the world he lived in), friends and so on.

I see more MT like a seinen story with more realistic views : a typical shounen hero would go save his friends without thinking of the dangers. Rudi, like a normal person, would hesitate because he knows he could really die, but he will still do it.

At last, I think it is according to the message of the WN : be humble and work together, unlike his previous life when he was an arrogant, selfish NEET.


I'm actually writing something now that would be sort of like a light novel, but in English of course. It would be cool if it took off and people on here read it, but eh, I don't really have too many high hopes.


But I mention this because I'm writing different characters in with different motivations. Rudeus is an interesting, more realistic style. But other people prefer the traditional selfless hero style. Still others, and this is more the route I'm going, prefer a more anti-hero with a bit different motivations.

Actually my MC is more of the selfless style because it's easier to write around that. But I like the alternate viewpoints and will be spending a lot of time on a more driven character that people mention, that drive to be number one.

But one thing I've realized while writing these different characters, and this goes all the way back to the Iliad now even, it's that the likable, selfless hero style tends to become a family man and pull back, creating other priorities in life. The driven character has very little in their lives, that's why they cling so hard and try so hard to be the best at their field. It's cold and lonely, despite it not necessarily appearing so. Exploring that style, a more Achilles style if you will, is to me indeed more interesting.


I think we all have little bits to ourselves but generally we don't commit, and if we do, we do the family style because it's easier to go to, is respected by society and there's a lot of assistance for it. But the dominant/ambitious style, whether it be a young prodigy, a great conquering leader in his prime, or a lone wolf veteran, they all share an incredible loneliness. They are outliers, not part of regular society really, even if they play at it. And so many of them hit the wall and can't go beyond it, which I've written in for a couple of my characters, because obviously they can't all just win and go onwards. Obviously just trying hard and working at it is not enough, and while Rudeus failed in his previous life and just wanted a family mostly and some success, he seemed to just back off really going for it. Although taking on Orsted could be said to have been where he realized his limitations so maybe he did try.


Sometimes though it's also cool to see the guy that makes it all the way to the top. It seems for good writing you have to have someone else that's already gotten there, and your character may or may not make it and displace them.


Sorry for the rambling, guess I'm kind of sharing what I hope are some solid insights from someone that's been working on something similar.


Speaking of which, I don't really have names listed for my characters, good ones anyway, anybody want to shoot a few names at me? lol.

dr kurochan

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I'm actually writing something now that would be sort of like a light novel, but in English of course. It would be cool if it took off and people on here read it, but eh, I don't really have too many high hopes.


But I mention this because I'm writing different characters in with different motivations. Rudeus is an interesting, more realistic style. But other people prefer the traditional selfless hero style. Still others, and this is more the route I'm going, prefer a more anti-hero with a bit different motivations.

Actually my MC is more of the selfless style because it's easier to write around that. But I like the alternate viewpoints and will be spending a lot of time on a more driven character that people mention, that drive to be number one.

But one thing I've realized while writing these different characters, and this goes all the way back to the Iliad now even, it's that the likable, selfless hero style tends to become a family man and pull back, creating other priorities in life. The driven character has very little in their lives, that's why they cling so hard and try so hard to be the best at their field. It's cold and lonely, despite it not necessarily appearing so. Exploring that style, a more Achilles style if you will, is to me indeed more interesting.


I think we all have little bits to ourselves but generally we don't commit, and if we do, we do the family style because it's easier to go to, is respected by society and there's a lot of assistance for it. But the dominant/ambitious style, whether it be a young prodigy, a great conquering leader in his prime, or a lone wolf veteran, they all share an incredible loneliness. They are outliers, not part of regular society really, even if they play at it. And so many of them hit the wall and can't go beyond it, which I've written in for a couple of my characters, because obviously they can't all just win and go onwards. Obviously just trying hard and working at it is not enough, and while Rudeus failed in his previous life and just wanted a family mostly and some success, he seemed to just back off really going for it. Although taking on Orsted could be said to have been where he realized his limitations so maybe he did try.


Sometimes though it's also cool to see the guy that makes it all the way to the top. It seems for good writing you have to have someone else that's already gotten there, and your character may or may not make it and displace them.


Sorry for the rambling, guess I'm kind of sharing what I hope are some solid insights from someone that's been working on something similar.


Speaking of which, I don't really have names listed for my characters, good ones anyway, anybody want to shoot a few names at me? lol.

Your speech about the loneliness made me think about the first time I read One Punch Man synopsis : "Follows the life of an average part-time hero who manages to win every battle with a single punch. This ability frustrates him as he no longer feels the thrill of fighting a tough opponent, which leads him to question his past desire of becoming strong".

Although, I really like OPM, I found it too bad that was not a more philosphical approach of what a superhero is.


But, I don't understand what you call a "selfless" hero (I'm French, so I don't usually speak in English).


At last, we could help you to find some names but tell us what kind of background you create. For example, you wouldn't name a French or US hero, Goku...

Edited by dr kurochan, 16 December 2015 - 07:00 AM.



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By selfless I mean your standard shonen main character, a person who fights for others just to do it, not for personal gain or for money or anything like that. There are degrees for it, but it's a very old trope.

As for names, without giving too much away, initial setting would be in the US but then sort of become post-Apocalyptic/turn into a more fantasy setting. I would write for a different audience, but the money is in the US and that's where I live too, so it's easier that way. I don't want too common names though, naming everyone John or Jane or Peter is a tad boring. I guess with last names it's slightly less, but still. Anyway not a big deal, names are something that can always be added in or changed later, right now I use common names or substitutes.



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I loved the LN. I think that the universe is big, well made and interesting. One of the most interesting thing on this universe is ( SPOILER ) ( SPOILER ) ( SPOILER )the long and legendary fight between hitogami and the dragon tribe. And even more interesting: Rudeus WILL NOT FIGHT THE DECISIVE BATTLE. The decisive battle to put an end to this conflict will be fought by Rudeus descendants. That alone make room for lots of others stories (I'd love to see the sequel focused on Lucy, Lara and/or Sieg, the most promising heroes between Rudeus sons. Also, stories about Paul's Party, or the Ghyslaine journey would be pretty nice.

This world would make a great open world RPG, although Japan is usually a little weak with that, with this source material it would be very interesting and could sort of revive JRPGs too.


In the WN obviously he never becomes #1 and he doesn't take out people on his own.

But imagine a video game version where you branch off, can develop more powers, maybe even betray Orsted and kill Hitogami (or seal Hitogami), beat the 7 powers etc. Maybe even an option to go more as a swordsman, abandoning a lot of the magic growth by going down that specialization. That would also give another alternate path.

And then of course choosing the wives. Perhaps choosing Ninohoshi and that Princess, or one of the Beast Princesses. Just so many possible routes that are already hinted at or even sort of written out.


Different world areas too obviously. Maybe become a summoner with Cliff's help and build an army of doll fighters as a necromancer. Or the time and gravity magic. Or perhaps specializing in earth, fire, water whatever. Or even blood magic.


A diplomat, or a conqueror, or a teacher. Perhaps even an adventurer as that was one thing he did. Or perhaps leaving it all behind and finding a way home (although not to be a fatass, that was pointless).


If say Obsidian did a collaboration with Camelot/Treasure and this writer, they could really build something amazing. And imagine if that was one of the first VR titles to ever come out too.


You could even make it an MMO, with VR seeing a massive world with changing ranks and stuff would be very interesting too.


Of course then people would never unplug and would just die, but still.


My point is basically this is a great world, the author did an excellent job creating it. It's much harder than you'd think to create something and flesh it out, to put options out in front of people so that they can think of other possibilities.


To me this is like a Japanese Star Wars. Star Wars wasn't that great but it spawned so much stuff after. MT feels the same to me. There can be an entire EU for MT, the world is so vast there is more than enough room for more heroes and more adventures.

The universe is by far the best thing on MT. There are rooms for much more rich story, and the universe itself is Large, diverse and interesting.



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I thought it was terrible. But the last time I voiced my opinion on this story, I was threatened to banned so my answer is:





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Satisfying ending. I loved how at the very end when he met with hitogami in the afterlife his soul took the form of his current self as Rudeus Greyrat. 


That being said i'm sad to see that the story of Rudeus is over. LOVING the redundancy chapters but when the author does decide to write a sequel and whether the MC is Akihito or one of Rudeus' descendants, it's gonna be hard for them to compare to Rudeus as an MC. MUCH looking forward to it though. 


Looking forward to the continues releases of the LN volumes to see those beautiful illustrations.

Edited by Phobiiii, 28 March 2016 - 12:43 PM.



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That was a ride and Orsted turned out to be one of my favorite characters. Such an awesome boss. Especially his reasons to get into the fight alongside his allies.

The ending, though I have a hard time putting what I feel into words. Rudeus dies a natural death, encounters Hitogami one last time who tells him he's still planning ways to avert his sealing, and then Rudeus fades away and that parting left me like: ...................

And that ending prequel got me curious. Because of what the rewind Miko did, Rudeus appears and his appearance caused Hitogami and Orsted to manipulate the dynamics of world powers. So couldn't that mean that she basically caused a timeline split where the events of her time might not happen? Or are there a group of beings greater than Hitogami's existance who are trying to restore the proper history?



    Fried Potato

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That was a ride and Orsted turned out to be one of my favorite characters. Such an awesome boss. Especially his reasons to get into the fight alongside his allies.

The ending, though I have a hard time putting what I feel into words. Rudeus dies a natural death, encounters Hitogami one last time who tells him he's still planning ways to avert his sealing, and then Rudeus fades away and that parting left me like: ...................

And that ending prequel got me curious. Because of what the rewind Miko did, Rudeus appears and his appearance caused Hitogami and Orsted to manipulate the dynamics of world powers. So couldn't that mean that she basically caused a timeline split where the events of her time might not happen? Or are there a group of beings greater than Hitogami's existance who are trying to restore the proper history?


The original history is all messed up because of Orsted, what really hit the nail in was Rudeus's appearance but the world itself had already organized itself through the metastasis event. So it'sya'llgood



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nope, there is a lapse of 200 or so years where orsted is looping, the loop ends 100 years after rudeus is born; which is right after the laplace war so orsted cna kill laplace and open the portal to kill hitogami. he has never managed to kill hitogami because the laplace fight does not leave him with enough mana to do so. teleport and summon magic are similar, so the one hour time rewind miko summoned through time that one kid who's a friend of nanahoshi so he helps them winning the demon/laplace war ; later she summoned rudeus and nanahoshi to a point earlier in the past so nana's friend does not get killed in the demon war, rudeus was pretty mucha  bonus as him being just a soul landedhim 10 years further in the past than nana, nana actually gets summoned to the same point of time in which the metastasis event happened.


so rudeus is the weird in the orsted loop, and so is nanahoshi adn probably the kid later in the demon war, a fun detail is that rudeus, etc.. do not comeform a different world the mushoku tensei world is just a prehistoric earth, complete with the demon continent being america (the manga has a fun line "explaining" where newyork adn paris are) , begaritto africa, the elven/religious/demihumas continent southamerica and the continent where the history starts being eurasia, the oni island is japan (where they have soy).



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Nice story . My only complain is Roxy . I just hate how she rape Rudeus and Elinalize tricks him into cheating on her granddaughter by forcibly having roxy-bitch and Rudeus marry.. She has more plot-armour than most shonen MC combined : King-class magic in a small kingdom/surving in a dungeon 1 month ++/tha whole ordeal with Death God Randolph in which she survives a fatal blow .

The author just gives her too much credit for what she's worth (nothing) . Her daughters are the "SAVIOR" and some genius engineer or something . Sieghart would make a more beliveable Savior and Christina(Eris's 2nd kid) would make a more better engineer trying to "play" with her father's MK3 given that she's a Daddy's girl


The Story would have been better with her an apostle of Hitogame sent to try to control Rudeus as early as possible .In the dungeon she would kill Paul under Hitogami's instruction to try to rape Rudeus so that Oldeus would appear. But that would fail and Rudeus resists / he ditches the roxyism and adopts the sylphyism( and later on erisism) . in the final battle in biheiril kingdom Rudeus kills her to avenge her father . 


At least that's what would make the story better in my eyes

Satou Pendragon

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Just to you now (this was said by the author) Mushoku Tensei isn't the main story, is just a spin-off about the story of Rudeus.

LOL right ?