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[RP] The Invisible World

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Unbelievably Majestic

Unbelievably Majestic

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Felix Holloway


As Felix sat in his chair wondering what this unfortunate bathroom dwelling woman might look like the plane decided to get a bit creepy-weird. The lights became drowning men trying to clear their lungs, coughing out spurts of light at a time before eventually succumbing to the cold, wet darkness. And then the voices started. First, an excited woman talking to someone called Toto, the mystery of who this Toto fellow actually was, was soon solved. As he started talking next. It turned out Toto was a crazy man who seemed to think airplanes were boats on a river. In a strange way, Felix decided, they kind of were. Maybe the man wasn't actually crazy, maybe he just had a weird perspective Felix thought. At this point the plane went even crazier, shaking all over the place. Things fell out of overhead compartments, cups and trays went tumbling all over the place, the strap of a bag slapped Felix in the face, there was screaming, some of it may have been Felix's but I guess we'll never truly know, basically, it was a great big mess.


And then it stopped.


The lights returned. The mess was, well, a big mess that Felix hoped he wouldn't have to be the one to clean up. And everyone seemed to at least try and calm down in the aftermath. "Well." Felix thought aloud. "That was rather odd." Luckily he'd already been sitting when the crazy man and woman seemingly decided to shake the plane so he wasn't hurt any worse than a slightly stinging cheek from where the bag strap hit him. He got shakily up onto his feet and grabbed his Jacket and trousers from where they'd slid in all the commotion on his way back towards the bathroom. He knocked on the door once again. "Hey, it's just me again, Felix. Are you okay in there? And you know, if you are okay I brought the clothes back for you too. I figure this will probably be a whole lot easier to deal with when dressed. Though if you're not okay I don't see clothing mattering all that much... I'll just sort of hang about... You know... Until you're ready to talk... Or not... I guess.

Edited by Unbelievably Majestic, 24 April 2015 - 03:54 PM.

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    Fingerling Potato

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Victor Beaulieu 


The electronical disturbance. The message over the radio. Suddenly Victor's mind tightened in to lucid awareness of the situation around him. Whereas he had stumbled into the conversation like a dreamer, distant and disconnected, seeing the world in a strange third person perspective, he now found himself very much alert and on the lookout. The German and the Malcontent had resumed their conversation, chaining the same few retorts one after another. Victor looked around - scanning the airplane. People were moving about. Other aware dreamers, perhaps? 


No. It doesn't matter. This is no regular dream. There is a sort of logic to this. A problem to solve. The voice over the intercom suggested as much.


Think Victor. Think. There - a thread. Something he could follow, or try and discover if it had any bearing on the situation. 


"Ach, Ja.  It is...all my fault.  Obviously.  Mein Friend, I had small suitcase which I handcuffed to my wrist.  Very, very important.  Yet, I was tired and the metal chafes.  Also, the most amusing gentleman next to me kept asking me what's in the box.  Not seriously.  I could of understood that.  No, he kept quoting Brad Pitt from that movie.  Every few minutes.  So, I put it away and went to sleep." 


"Wait. That suitcase. No. That man. That man who kept asking you what was in the box. What did he look like? Is here with us now?"  As he talked Victor was looking at the man's feet and surrounding, trying to spy a suitcase or anything that would resemble it. 


"That suitcase - it might be more important then either of you suspect. I need to know  - what happened to that box?"


Johnny Paradise

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Oscar and Cat


Maybe he was dead after all. The strange corpse man, not Oscar--he was very much alive. He knew because of the cold sweat, panic, and pain of being hit in the shit with a cast iron pan. He picked up the pan and held it at the strange corpse man threateningly. Oscar was aware of the kind of damage a cast iron pan to the shin could do, and he was ready to bring all of that pain and more to the zombie if he wanted to mess.


"Thanks cat..." he said, not looking at the animal that had saved his life, not taking his eyes away from the shambling asshole that tried to kill him. He was vaguely aware of some laughter in the background, but adrenaline clouded his thoughts and he paid it no mind.


The zombie clambered back up and charged at Oscar with all the speed available to a dead guy on a shaking airplane. It was about as fast as it sounded. Unperturbed by the corpse man's sickly and probably wimpy arms, he aimed his weapon at the dude's face. With a full vertical swing, he brought the pan crashing down on the zombie's skull, then kicked him away.

here's to a long life and dead friends





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At the first flicker, Kaila dug into her pockets for her phone. When the lights died, it did too. Her other phones, devices, all dead. The scream began. Could it even get here, miles into the sky? No. Stupid question. Would it slow it down any? Kaila broke out in cold sweat. More than the darkness, more than the eerie rhymes on the radio, her helplessness made her dizzy with fear. She'd not been this reliant on so few others for years.

Kaila got up and tried to make her way down the aisle, grasping at chairs in the darkness. She didn't get farther than three. The world shook, screams from others surpassing her own. The ground fell out from under her, only to slam back into her knees. A sharp pain stabbed into her skull when an armrest introduced itself to her cranium. Kaila curled up in defense and prayed for the freakish turbulence to pass, for all of this to pass. Only the former did. Kaila crawled to her feet, examined her head, and felt a bit sheepish when her hand came back without any blood on it.

Relieved her phones were working again, she dropped into a nearby chair, next to an old gentleman, The Dreamer, still asleep. Kaila gave a wry smile. She didn't begrudge him his peace, but it felt very unfair, somehow. How could the man not have awoken? Suddenly worried, Kaila turned to the woman to The Dreamer's other side, The Troubled.
“Hi,” Kaila said, attempting a smile. “Is he-?” She gestured at her neighbor. The gentleman slept, smiling. Here and now, a corpse would have looked less out of place.

Diabolical Rhapsody

Diabolical Rhapsody

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Annabelle Di Santi


Her call for help seemed ironically mistimed as a wild jolt of turbulence sent her tumbling. It was quite funny had it happened to someone else. But it was her and luckily she landed far from the controls to have accidently be gutted by anything on the panel. What was weird though was a sound from the speakers. It seemed unreal, like if she was trapped in one of those games that she saw on the television sometimes. The special horror hour.


Though the elderly gentleman remained calm, as if he has seen too many things in his lfe to be surprised. He made a smart comment as he remained seated while Bella tumbled about the place. Her initial fall had been enough to set this turn of events. Though, she listened to the man clearly. He was asking for trust, wonder and iron. 


She got the meaning of the first two but sadly missed on the context of the third. Was this a neo-age vampire flick? that instead of stakes they had iron. She was confused. As the turbulence quiet down, she helped herself up. Seeking others for help would come later, she wanted to get the basics sorted so that she didn't feel dumb.


Wiping a trickle of blood that seemed to have come from a little nick, she asked the gentleman. "What do you need Iron for? do we have it on the plane?"


She may or may not surprise the old oak, seeing he had seen so many seasons. But for someone amid such a circumstance for the first time, she sure held her nerve quite well.



If you have the time: 




    Fingerling Potato

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The older man introduced himself shortly before all the lights went out. In that moment Cal's eyes fell on only one thing. It was the Moon, and it was far, far closer than it had any business being. The sight of it so close held his attention so fully that when the plane began to shake he was entirely off-guard, and so Chris was sent flying into a wall and thereafter onto the floor. It was massive turbulence, more then one expects from inclement weather. This was more like a child recklessly shaking their toy. During the violent shaking came the radio so recently mentioned. A line from the Wizard of Oz was followed by a fondly remembered bit from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory. Judy Garland and Gene Wilder spoke their terribly fitting lines throughout the chaos and when they finished, so too did the shaking. Just like that the plane leveled out.


"Stop the boat! . . . We're there". Chris spoke, taking it upon himself to finish off the scene. It was his own way of showing he was alright, though a rather solid bop to his skull kept him dizzy enough to delay standing up. He wasn't bleeding at least, which was unfortunately not the case for Annabelle. The older man calling himself Grant had gone through without a scratch, which was sign enough that he knew what was coming. So when he asked them to trust him and help gather some things, Chris took to listening.


Iron and Childlike Wonder? What a strange request. Annabelle chimed in "What do you need iron for? Do we have it on the plane?" her own curiosity making itself known.


"Probably cookware or cutlery if you're looking for plain old-fashioned iron". Chris looked up at her from his dazed little spot on the ground as he spoke. "Not much else in the way of iron things can be taken on a plane. Well, unless something like iron supplements would work". Cal dusted himself off as he stood back up. "I'm a bit more curious about how childlike wonder is gonna help, but that can come later. You're bleeding. Take care of that first, there should be a first aid kit just outside. I'll check on the other passengers then see about getting what we need".


Before heading out to the rest of the plane Chris turned back towards Grant. "Mister . . . Grant you said? I've got plenty of questions that can wait, but is there anything you'd like to add before we head back out there?" The suspicion in his eyes was intentionally visible, but his expression remained non-aggressive. 

Edited by Inumori, 01 May 2015 - 02:05 AM.

The Dog's Woods


An Adventure by Mischief