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What are witches really?

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    Potato Sprout

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I am really sorry for my probably grammar mistakes. Hello all! During watching and reading this story i got a question that doesn't want to leave me. What is really drassils and witches? Is the drassil really the soul and mind of witch? The prof of this theory is hastsuna's hatching for example... But... What can we say about Kuroneko's memory so? Why she got all memories back when the 3th button was pressed? What we can say about Kotory's hatching? Ichijiku said she must have Rena's mind, but she hasnt's got it... He said, if drassil ate the brain of the witch it means it got her mind. Is it a real? Can be the same for all other witches? If it is a real, they don't have brains? Or they have created brains? Or maybe drassil has his own mind what takes control when witch is hatching? Is it a real that drassil is directly a witch? I cant understand this question... If smb has some ideas about it, let's discuss it) And, if the witch is not a human more, we ll get the sad final of the story? i don't want to see it actually(
And also, what is directly happening with  the girls who are becoming the witches? Are drassils born in them or they are put into by scientists? Let's discuss all this question)

And one more: what it is really the mind of the witch? is it mind of girls who was turned to witch? It is the mind of drassil? Or is it the 3th mind of new body? It is the totally containing of my question)

The Mooman

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    Potato Sprout

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Lol, shortly method of explaining of my post XD



    Potato Spud

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Short answer: They are aliens, presumably anyways.

Long answer: Their true form is that of a seemly mindless giant flesh-eating black blob monstrosity. Presumably, the scientists at that institution was able to put them into canisters and insert them into the spinal cords of human girls (there's probably a reason why its all girls). Due to this, they were able to from some kind of connection with the brains of the host, copy the brain and emulate it. They then replace the host's brain and act as the brain of the host's body. While emulating the host's brain, they act like any normal human in pretty much every way, unaware of their true nature the same way how we knew little to nothing about our own brains until the advent of neuroscience. When they "hatch," they revert back to their true form of a man-eating abomination but it seems they still retain some of the memories of when they were still emulating a human brain.

An important point to note is that the identity associated with the "drasil brain" is distinct from that of the original host's brain. This is why when Neko "awoken" during her fight with Mako she seemed like a completely different personality, because she most likely is.  The amnesic sweet Neko we see for most of the story is the "Drasil Neko" and the brash one who fought Mako is the original Neko, Murakami's childhood friend.

My assumption on why Drasil Neko loses her memories when she uses her power is because her drasil brain overexerts itself when using its powers, causing something similar to brain damage, which results in memory lost. I also assume that the reason why the original Neko resurfaces when Drasil Neko releases her full power is because in order to use her full powers, she has to suspend her ability to act as brain, allowing the original's brain to resurface.

I read somewhere in the manga that the drasil actually eats the host's original brain, or at least part of it, and uses that as the basis for emulating a human brain but I'm not too sure.

As for the ending, given what I said, it will probably not be a very happy ending. I can think of 5 possible endings:


1) Murakami ends up having to kill them all because they've reverted back to their true hideous nature or in order to prevent them from doing so. He endeavors to come to terms with it and moves on. Bittersweet farewells.


2) They come to term with their monster nature and leave the host bodies, going back to where they came from. The host bodies are either returned to the original ownersor are left for dead. Bittersweet farewells.


3) The girls sacrifice themselves and return the bodies to the original owners. Bittersweet farewells.


4) The original host's brains are gone and cannot be recovered. They find a way to permanently incorporate the drasil brains into the host bodies and the girls can finally try to live as normal girls. I would say bittersweet farewells to the original owners but we've never even met the originals except a few scenes with the original Neko so it probably won't be that sad.


5) The original's brains are incorporated into the drasil brain and the girls learn to coexist inside the same body.

Edited by KaazaLite, 01 January 2015 - 01:01 PM.

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    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for this extended post. As i can understand you, you think that the witches have two mind (original and drassil) and during the story we observing the drassil mind who ate the piece of original brain of the girl and became to the same character. I am really interesting in your position and viewing. Your theory contains and approaches to all question i had asked. Neko's awakening seems more certain now... Thank you again... About your ending: As we could see during the story the author doesn't like to kill his main character, especially Murakami's harem) For the confirmation of my statement i can remember some cases, Kazumi's and Hatsuna's deaths from Valkirie, Hatsuna's hatching, time recharge of Satori and etc... All this cases had the happy end. They finally got the drugs, they finally won the Valkirie and Ichidjiku. It shows the author position. So if your theory is really so right and if we consider the author preferences I can tell that your 4th and 5th ending is the most likely. And actually  i cant suppose some endings before i read your theory because i couldn't collect and reflect all the facts of this story) Ok, we ll see whether you was right closer to the end^^)