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    Fingerling Potato

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I'm currently making a game in Rpgmaker, and I was just wondering what you guys think of the program? As in what are your experiences with it and stuff? Do you think a game made in rpgmaker could be just as fun and immersive as a higher budget game? Or do you usually not like rpgmaker games?

What are some of your favorite Rpgmaker games? What  do you like about them?

And if you've made a game, you should post it along with your experiences with the program! What was the hardest thing to do while making your game? What was the most frustrating bug/issue you ran into while making your game? Did you like the outcome of your game, or did it stray too much from your original idea? Are you planning to use the program again? Why or why not? And if you're planning to use it again, what did you learn from your previous game?

(Sorry if I sound like I'm giving out homework or something. I'm still not really used to creating topics yet. :P)

Also, Number of times I said "game/games" for those who were wondering but too lazy to count: 10 (I think)


This is why I haven't finished my game.

(aaaand that makes it 11)

Edited by Hummingmoon, 01 December 2014 - 03:57 AM.

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Shion Arita

Shion Arita

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Y'know, I've used RPG Maker back in the days (like, a loooong time ago, when you needed a separate RTP [I think it stood for "Run Time Program?"]). That's probably not the case anymore, though, right? I've played plenty of RPG's and while the "big budget" titles are great, there were some great indie gems made by RPG Maker and various other tools (RPG Kit, Game Maker, etc), too. The worst games are the ones that just rip off the sprite from existing games and slap them together, thinking that graphics makes the game (it doesn't).


I can't remember the names of any games I've played that are made with RPG Maker, as I haven't been part of that community for years and years, but I do recall some really smart people doing some really cool things with the RPG Maker script (e.g. making games that were real-time and/or turn-based strategy). I think there was this one particular fantastic game made with RPG Maker that took place in a post-apocalyptic zombie world (I know, I know... isn't that like every third game ever made these days?), but it was surprisingly refreshing as the battle events happened on the same map you were travelling through, so no transitioning to a battle arena, but you planned out your moves and fought in the map itself with terrain, obstacle, etc. taking into account. Can't remember the name of that game now, but boy was it fantastic when I first played it (;


Anyways, good luck with your game, and let us know when you're done or ready to demo it (:!

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I'm currently translation Tetsuwan Birdy II.
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    Baked Potato

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Kanye Quest 3030 is the best RPG Maker game I've ever downloaded in my entire life.



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Red Ranger

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Kanye Quest 3030 is the best RPG Maker game I've ever downloaded in my entire life.




This got me rolling.


New Sentai, here we go!




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Well, I've never tried the previous ones, nor game maker, but I am getting familiar with RPG Maker VX Ace. I also have installed the RPG Maker 2000, but never tried it. I am planning to make my own horror game using vx ace, and had the idea to use 2000 in order to make my own YumeNikki-like game! Also, I am developing a standard RPG before working on the horror game, so that I get a full understanding of what I can do and how far can I go on using the program.

I would like to say that I am no programmer to begin with, and that I am just a student who is a work in progress Graphic Designer. And well, I am still working on the dialog, maps, setting, plot for the horror game and writing all of that down in a notebook. Am not sure if I should publish it here. Oh! also I got my notes for the YumeNikki-like game.

And nope, not a spriter.... yet.


Well, yeah, it is a very fascinating tool, and I have played a few that use it, or its previous versions. I would like to try the Wolf Editor, but I haven't checked if it has already an eng version.  

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"I swim through a sea of stars                         "That's no good. Was I asleep?                         "Zu'u Alduin. Zok sahrot do naan ko Lein!"
without looking back to shore.                           No matter how much I sleep,                             -"I am Alduin. Most mighty of any in the world!"
Faster than light, bending time                          the exhaustion doesn't go away..."                              —Alduin, (Elder Scrolls V, The)
                                                                                   —Kenjirou (Kagerou Project)
Wherever"             —R-Type Final




    Potato Sprout

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Like nekoXrebellion, I also want to make a Yume Nikki fan game... It's been a dream of mine for about a year or two learning how to make pixel art, particularly as I played Castlevania Symphony of the Night.. the art in that is so beautifu! Well-made pixel art is one of my favorite things of an RPGmaker game, the other things being a trippy/scary atmosphere, great ambient music, and that afterwards there is just enough to piece together a theory about what happened in the game. My favorite RPGmaker games then are mostly Yume Nikki fan games, .flow, Yume 2kki, and I also liked The Witch's House a lot. 


I also want to learn about more RPGmaker games, so I'll be keeping a close eye on this thread.