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Marginal Operation RAW

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    Potato Spud

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If any one interested in raw up to chepter 17

 you can finde them hir --- http://raw.senmanga.com/Marginal_Operation/

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    Potato Spud

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Well they speak english on one-two page so is interesting



    Fingerling Potato

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OMG then why has it taken so long for AK to translate this.  This is like the series that held the most promise in the long run for me.  Most of the other stuff AK has been doing has kinda fallen apart since the first couple of chapters.  



    Potato Sprout

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I kinda have to agree. For a group which insists on adding their cocky credits page every time (even if it is meant as a joke), they sure aren't very fast with their releases.

I know it's a free service and all, but man. If you sound so damn cocky, at least deliver the stuff quickly and awesome enough to warrant such cockiness. I am not saying they should release a chapter each day, but the one before the latest one is from November for fuck's sake. Would be nice to at least receive one chapter a month at the latest. I don't think that's asking for too much. I've seen web novel chapters getting translated in a couple of days.

Yeah, you gotta redraw and stuff with scanlations, but does that really take THAT long? I really kinda doubt it.


I know I may kinda sound like some entitled brat on the internet who only whines and moans about slow releases, but that's my honest opinion regarding that scan group. I am thankful for their services, but I think they could do better.

Edited by GuiltyKingOumaShu, 22 January 2015 - 05:21 PM.




    Potato Sprout

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/ak/ scans is doing plenty of project at once, and their mode of operation is not really like most scanlation group. I see them more of a gateway to find LN to read, since most of their projects are LN adaptation.


I kinda have to agree. For a group which insists on adding their cocky credits page every time (even if it is meant as a joke), they sure aren't very fast with their releases.

I know it's a free service and all, but man. If you sound so damn cocky, at least deliver the stuff quickly and awesome enough to warrant such cockiness. I am not saying they should release a chapter each day, but the one before the latest one is from November for fuck's sake. Would be nice to at least receive one chapter a month at the latest. I don't think that's asking for too much. I've seen web novel chapters getting translated in a couple of days.


They do multiple projects at once, not only this one. The translator for this also translate other stuff. About cockiness, the page is designed to get people to read it. It's also a joke. I've been in one translation project, and having people breathing down our necks all the time is the major reason why translators quit, resulting in more delay.


Yeah, you gotta redraw and stuff with scanlations, but does that really take THAT long? I really kinda doubt it.


I know I may kinda sound like some entitled brat on the internet who only whines and moans about slow releases, but that's my honest opinion regarding that scan group. I am thankful for their services, but I think they could do better.


I offered to help in translating a korean LN few years back because updates was slow. The amount of crap they had to put up with is a lot, for something they do for free, in their free time. I quit after a few chapters because I'm not man enough. It's not about countless people complaining releases were slow, it's more of the annoying people that keep on saying "Some dude translated a whole volume in one week. You guys suck." without even bothering to find out our situation. 


http://ak-scans.wikia.com/wiki/Projects_Status <all their projects, and the status.


It's not hard to look up stuff. But no, whiners time are too important. The scanlators time is not, they must work more, no need for other stuff. I can see why they adopt the "cocky standpoint", they do their stuff, it is done when it is done, and take no shit from complaining peeps.


Can they do better? Sure. But did you ever ask yourself can you do better and help them out instead? You can't? Lacks the skills required to scanlate? Then don't whine.





    Potato Sprout

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Having other projects is no excuse. Who forced them to take multiple projects? They did. If they can't handle that many without slowing down as a whole, then they shouldn't take them, simple as that. You pick up multiple projects if you have much "down-time" due to a break that has been forced upon you. For example, if they reached the  latest chapter and the next one will only come out in a month. They pretty much can't do anything during that time, so picking up a new series would be a reasonable choice. But if you have other stuff to translate in the meantime, you don't pick up new projects. Why would you? It's not as if you didn't have enough stuff on your plate already.


For that reason, I can't help but feel disappointed. I once translated one LN volume and decided to never do it again. I know how much it sucks and I respect everyone who chooses to do it for free, but if you choose to do it, stick to it and deliver. It sucks to expect new stuff and just never receive it. Even more so than knowing a project is dropped as a whole, because at least then you don't even expect stuff to come out.




    Russet Potato

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I have to completely agree with Fazwick.


I know I may kinda sound like some entitled brat on the internet who only whines and moans about slow releases, but that's my honest opinion regarding that scan group. I am thankful for their services, but I think they could do better.

Don't worry you don't maybe sound like an entitled brat, you completely do. Most projects they do have a long down time and when they come out they translate and typeset them in a matter of hours. Margina operation may just be a low priority project that a single guys does in between, SO WHAT? If it really bothers you that much then contact /ak/ scan and find some group that will take it over.



    Potato Sprout

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it does kind of bother me, actually. If it didn't, I wouldn't post on these forums. The thing is, I have no desire to get into contact with anyone only to get the same lame excuses thrown at me like they always do. "Doing it for free" here, "our own pace" there. "Don't like it, do it yourself" bla, bla yada yada. It will just end in the same way it always does. They get pissed off because of me, I get pissed off because of them and in the end nothing really happened. The manga won't get released any quicker, I wasted time voicing my discontent and everyone just gets into a bad mood. That wouldn't really help.




    Fingerling Potato

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Having other projects is no excuse. Who forced them to take multiple projects? They did. If they can't handle that many without slowing down as a whole, then they shouldn't take them, simple as that. 


To parallel your argument: who told you to read their projects? If you can't wait patiently, you shouldn't read them in the first place, simple as that.


it does kind of bother me, actually. If it didn't, I wouldn't post on these forums. The thing is, I have no desire to get into contact with anyone only to get the same lame excuses thrown at me like they always do. "Doing it for free" here, "our own pace" there. "Don't like it, do it yourself" bla, bla yada yada. It will just end in the same way it always does. They get pissed off because of me, I get pissed off because of them and in the end nothing really happened. The manga won't get released any quicker, I wasted time voicing my discontent and everyone just gets into a bad mood. That wouldn't really help.


So to translate: you KNOW complaining isn't going to help, and you don't want to do it in a place where you KNOW people will disagree with your lack of empathy, so you post elsewhere, STILL KNOWING it's not going to help. 


Call it what you want, you are whining for whining's sake. 

Edited by Rasen, 10 March 2015 - 04:43 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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To parallel your argument: who told you to read their projects? If you can't wait patiently, you shouldn't read them in the first place, simple as that.


There was no clear indication this series would end up the way it eventually did when I started reading it. If I had known I would get stranded on a series which would only see an update every decade, I would have never bothered starting to read it in the first place.


 So to translate: you KNOW complaining isn't going to help, and you don't want to do it in a place where you KNOW people will disagree with your lack of empathy, so you post elsewhere, STILL KNOWING it's not going to help. 



So, what? Am I not allowed to voice my dissatisfaction anywhere at all just because you feel the need to disagree with me? Yeah, I can't be bothered to go onto scanlation group's home pages, register on their forums and get involved with them whatsoever. That's too much of a pain to do, knowing it will yield me absolutely nothing from the get go. But here? Heck, I see the info that this group is slacking off, get kinda disappointed with them and decide to voice my disappointment in these forums. Given how I already have an account and thus simply have to scroll down and write a small post, I figured it was a reasonable trade-off, seeing as to how I could vent some of my negativity that way. I never expected anything to change from that. But it sure as hell made me feel better to blow off some steam.


 Call it what you want, you are whining for whining's sake


fine. Call it what you want it. I don't care anymore. Two months later and still seeing no further releases will do that to you. With breaks such as these, it's not even worth following this story anymore. By the time this actually gets updated again, I might end up having to reread the whole story from the beginning anyway. And then? Wait half a year again to repeat the same process? The group might as well have never bothered to pick this series up in the first place. For your information: voicing your dissatisfaction is a way of showing you actually care. If I wouldn't have cared, I wouldn't even have said anything and silently dropped this long ago. Thing is, I actually was really interested in this, now I will have to drop it anyway. If this doesn't warrant at least some frustration, I don't know what does. Not everyone can be a buddhist monk, meditating on the top of a remote mountain for an eternity while waiting for story updates. Being patient is one thing, being a monk another.

I can deal with hiatuses every once in a while. But the stuff this group pulls off? Nah. It's the equivalent of having to wait months between reading paragraphs of a book. repeatedly.

Edited by GuiltyKingOumaShu, 26 March 2015 - 12:04 AM.
