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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

Science and Development of Maoyuu Maou Yuusha

EducationForum Theory Spoiler Science Discussion

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    Potato Sprout

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This series has an extraordinary amount of science and development incorporated into the works which I believe is on the same level with how the economics should be treated.
This forum is open to any form of science and development weather it'd be; engineering, medicine, magic (scientific phenomena), military advancements, agricultural development.
I would like everybody who is interested to share their theories on the development of the world of this series as it closely links with relevant historical issues based on religion and science of the modern era. Thank You and hope you enjoy this forum (y).

Please Note : State and underline what kind of field you wish to talk about that way people can find what's relevant to them easier. e.g; Engineering and Architecture - blah blah blah.



    Potato Sprout

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This is sort of related but on the field of scientific venture on Magic. I'm working on a project that would allow humans to convert food that enters the body directly into energy for a matter transfer from the realm of dreams into reality. This method is not simply limited to matter, it would be quite a simple matter to simply redirect the energy into a new form of energy which will of course exhaust the initial supply. That being said it would likely be the closest any living creature, of non sentient energy (aka that would be a god incarnate) can muster.

Pax Empyrean

Pax Empyrean


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Oh for crying out loud, MAGIC ISN'T REAL.

Agriculture - The four field crop rotation system described by Maou is identical to the system which arose in Flanders and became popular in the 17th-18th centuries, replacing the same three field crop rotation. I wouldn't be surprised if she introduces some rudimentary genetic engineering later; breeding semi-dwarf wheat like Norman Borlaug did, for example.

  • Rave Jai Ho , Purple Library Guy and Nocturnion like this



    Fingerling Potato

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I thought the use of futures contracts was really interesting. That's pretty much exactly how futures arose and eventually wound up to the system we have setup now. Seeing it kind of laid out more to the ground level like that ties it into our era kind of nicely, since some things really didn't change that much.


Until several years ago, you could even demand delivery on the contracts, but I think that changed more recently (I am no longer involved in these things). I've heard stories of pigs, cows, soybeans and the like on the trading floor, but I don't know if those are just stories haha.