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    Fingerling Potato

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So, here we go again!


Welcome to the new story by Seo Kouji!


This manga will follow the story of a daughter from our beloved characters in Suzuka, Fuuka Akitsuki, and the new protagonist, Yuu Haruna. Who knows what Seo will bring to the story this time, but maybe this time we all would enjoy the ride :


So, let's discuss the latest chapter of Fuuka here! :D


What do you guys think from the first chapter?

For me, somehow it has the same vibe as Suzuka, although I hope it won't follow the same footsteps as Suzuka, in terms of the sport used in the story.


Can't wait what Seo has in store for us, bring it on!



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after reading both i know it will be good but i hope Seo does something new



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Well, so far the first chapter isn't really impressive, but sure I'll give it a chance and wait for some more.

After all not often we get manga about the next generation of characters from previous manga, probably because authors are too scared to make it boring by clinging to previous story, but I'm genuinely interested on how will this go. I can't wait for Suzuka and Yamato to make at least some appearance in this.


And it would probably be a little overboard but hilarious if Eba from KNIM would actually appear in their school at some point as well, that would probably make this work somewhat unique indeed.



    Fingerling Potato

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The second chapter!

Quite a development there, very quick for Seo's standard!

Maybe, just maybe, it won't take a long time for Yuu to fall for her. But then again, can sense the love triangle that is about to begin here...




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The way Fuuka acts reminds me a lot of those childhood friend characters in a ton of other series. A bit pushy and a bit brash but can be a tease, and a little cute.



The countdown to drama and love triangle wars begins.



The second chapter!

Quite a development there, very quick for Seo's standard!

Maybe, just maybe, it won't take a long time for Yuu to fall for her. But then again, can sense the love triangle that is about to begin here...

Al, how much you want to bet the next girl has long hair? :D

Edited by greensoulreaper, 15 February 2014 - 07:45 PM.



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^Either Seo-sensei is just plaining giving a reference to his previous work or dropping subtle hints about what the story holds in the future... That Twitter account name stands out alot...



    Fingerling Potato

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Al, how much you want to bet the next girl has long hair? :D


Luckily, I didn't go and bet anything with you for this one :P


Strong opponent for Fuuka in this one, a childhood friend, and a singer nonetheless.




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Luckily, I didn't go and bet anything with you for this one :P


Strong opponent for Fuuka in this one, a childhood friend, and a singer nonetheless.

haha, too bad. I offered a chance for you to bet your life so you can be my lackey. :D


I can see people connecting similarities with Honoka already and saying that Seo is again going with recycled ideas. It was to be expected I guess. We all have a good guess at who's going to win, Seo's style and way of doing things is too easy to predict. It goes by several simple rules:


1. "First" always seems to win.

2. Seo likes short hair. 

3. The title of the manga - Guess who?

Edited by greensoulreaper, 22 February 2014 - 08:18 PM.

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I can see people connecting similarities with Honoka already and saying that Seo is again going with recycled ideas. It was to be expected I guess. We all have a good guess at who's going to win, Seo's style and way of doing things is too easy to predict. It goes by several simple rules:


1. "First" always seems to win.

2. Seo likes short hair. 

3. The title of the manga - Guess who?


I couldn't agree more. It's giving off vibes of its prequel. Going by Seo-style plot, it would be athlete vs. songtress. It's not like the fans of the author haven't seen this routine yet. He's gonna need to recycle ideas really well along with adding new elements if he wants to surprise his loyal readers...



"2. Seo likes short hair." -> For the record, it seems strange since the lead for Princess Lucia has only long-haired girls seemingly vying for his affection(there are short-haired girls around him too, though not interested in him). As well as in Half and Half, where the lead girl sports one as well. However, these two series aren't really tied to the universe that is where Suzuka, KNIM and Fuuka are set into.


That aside, it would really be a "strange twist of fate(albeit guided by Seo-sensei)" if the childhood friend-turned-idol/singer is related or connected to Honoka in a way.  If that's the case, the past is going to repeat itself... Then again, "who could have seen it coming" if it were to be?




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I thought chapter 4 would start picking up the pace and continue building the story. Instead it kind of feels filler-ish, which is a disappointment.



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But maybe Fuuka puts that big voice of hers to work and suddenly this is the new White Album, with idol girls fighting for the guy!


...And I think I wouldn't dislike that, haha.


Anyway, liked Suzuka, really liked Kimimachi, so I'll be keeping an eye here too. So far it does seem to be following the usual Seo M.O, which is not bad. I've got to say that, at least, Fuuka is coming across as much more likeable than her mother was initially. It took me a bit to start enjoying Suzuka's character, mainly because she seemed to reserve her violent behaviour solely for Yamato, whereas she was just fine with everyone else. Didn't think the guy deserved to get that much flak right from the start, especially when they were pratically strangers. In that sense, Fuuka has her mothers genes there, but she also comes across as being a lot more carefree, and it seems like she just acts that way with everyone.

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Nice troll-turned-twist, Seo-sensei...

At first I was wondering if the newly-introduced character is Yuu's rival for Fuuka's affection.

Suddenly, it turned out that he is actually a potential rival(LOL. You never know, right?) of Fuuka for Yuu's affection! :lol:

(I was also thinking that the new guy is like the female version of Akari from KNIM due to his part-foreign heritage.)


Nevertheless, it seems like Seo-sensei decided to include a certain character with an issue into the plot which at times is a touchy subject for some folks.

(Yeah. It's amusing and adds color to the story but, you'll definitely hear from people who are sensitive to to stuff regarding LGBT.)

Though the subject isn't that touchy in Japan, apparently...

Edited by anfunatohi, 08 March 2014 - 05:44 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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*read the first 14 pages*


Oh, here comes another rival for Yuu, this story might be moving faster than I thought.


*page 14*


Oh, wow... well, you got me there, Seo. I don't know how far he will go for the touchy subject, but I suspect he wouldn't develop it that much.


It seems Mikasa is one sharp guy, have a feeling that he would be the one who would brigade the gap between Yuu and Fuuka in the future.


And Fuuka's face in page 19 is quite cute.



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I gotta say this manga is looking good so far. I don't get the complaints that the story is moving to slow, its only five chapters in and we are still getting a feel of the characters involved. He's only just starting to realize they might like each other. He may not think he's at that point yet but he was certainly getting jealous over her. Even if he thinks it's nothing now we all know where that is going. But it'd people just admit to themselves hours they feel and openly communicate there thoughts the story would be boring as hell.

Edit: also First Post on here woohoooo! :-D

Edited by FirstLordsFury, 09 March 2014 - 08:55 PM.



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Don't worry, complaints are what you'll hear the most when following any given Seo Kouji work. Of course it does not apply to everyone, but some people seem like they are pretty much programmed to complain about it, after all these years it's just something natural to them, haha. (:


Anyway, it was a fine chapter, and I actually really liked Mikasa's character. It didn't fool me for one bit, though -- as soon as he mentioned the 'hair product' thing to Fuuka I was sure he was going to turn out this way, lol. Of course, the chapter's title also helped out my little deduction, but putting 2 and 2 together there was easy. Still, it'd be nice if Seo actually gave him some focus and did something interesting with the character. As for Yuu and Fuuka, they make a cute pair, but things seem to be moving going far too well for them. Gotta wait for childhood friend to do *something*!



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Don't worry, complaints are what you'll hear the most when following any given Seo Kouji work. Of course it does not apply to everyone, but some people seem like they are pretty much programmed to complain about it, after all these years it's just something natural to them, haha. (:

Anyway, it was a fine chapter, and I actually really liked Mikasa's character. It didn't fool me for one bit, though -- as soon as he mentioned the 'hair product' thing to Fuuka I was sure he was going to turn out this way, lol. Of course, the chapter's title also helped out my little deduction, but putting 2 and 2 together there was easy. Still, it'd be nice if Seo actually gave him some focus and did something interesting with the character. As for Yuu and Fuuka, they make a cute pair, but things seem to be moving going far too well for them. Gotta wait for childhood friend to do *something*!

You know that's what I was thinking. I see complaints About how slow this manga is moving but to me it seems like they are getting very close very quickly. I mean chapter 4 was a date in anything but name... It's an annoying trend to witness with every Seo work. I've been following his stuff since maybe thirty chapters in to suzuka, waspresent for the start and end on KNIM and it's getting bothersome. Half of these "fans" do nothing but complain and yet the still come back every week. (The mangafox, and one manga forums were absolutely awful) its just sad to see to be honest.

And in any case I like this guy, my favorite gay character was Cortez from ME3 because his attiduewas so chill about it. Being harry wasn't his only trait he didn't act like l being was was all that important just that if was a fact. He was a chill guy that had a badass back story (like every body in ME) and being gay was just one part of that nothing stereotyped, and if he didn't joke about it you might never even know. I right now that's what I'm seeing In This guy and I hope that stays low key but still present. Thats what make him interesting, the other parts ofc hit character in conjunction with the fact that he's gay.

Edit: spelling. .. I hate posting with a phone. :-/

Edited by FirstLordsFury, 10 March 2014 - 05:47 AM.

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Here comes the cliched girl becomes famous and record company tells him if you love her stay away from her so she can fly or something.



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Indeed, next time he should make a story where the girl actually has Godzilla's genes inside of her and if she falls in love she'll transform into a huge kaiju and obliterate human kind, so she'll have to fight off her impulse of falling for the guy. Then it might not be cliche, but even then who knows, I'm sure someone else thought of writing something as dumb as this before, somewhere out there in the vast world.


On the actual chapter, though, that was good. Every other page had some nice writing that helped flesh out a bunch of characters in one go, and I, for one, am glad we're going for the "music" development this time around. Should put the fears of those who were afraid of a Suzuka repeat with track to rest, at the very least, while also tackling an interesting "industry", should Seo follow that more corporate/business route down the line. Also, assuming Tama will indeed consolidate herself as a rival, it should be neat seeing them fight it off in two different fronts, be it the love one as well as the professional one.


I'm excited for more. And good thing we're getting 2 chapters next week.

Edited by burucchi, 15 March 2014 - 04:02 PM.

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    Fingerling Potato

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Quite relieved that Seo is going for the music route this time, which is something new for him as well. On the other hand, we might never know just how good the talent passed from Suzuka and Yamato, although this chapter could provide a glimpse.


So, for this time, the battle would be done in the same field!

Both Fuuka and Tama-chan could become a very good friend and then the battle is on. We might know who the winner is, but getting there would be interesting to see (or in this instance, read).


One thing though, this route might be crucifying to bear in the future, and maybe this one would be more 'painful' to read than KNIM was.

But well, Seo, surprise me.