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His Father?

game gamer the gamer father

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Ninjacat Dude

Ninjacat Dude

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If I remember correctly the main character mentioned his father being 'out of town'. If I understand the

flow of the story, his father is probably someone important to the later story, but it'll be a 'suprise'.



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If I remember correctly the main character mentioned his father being 'out of town'. If I understand the

flow of the story, his father is probably someone important to the later story, but it'll be a 'suprise'.




Probably the Black Summoner's boss, is my guess.

Ninjacat Dude

Ninjacat Dude

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I would say thats a pretty good guess, but... good? evil? or somewhere in between?

Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.

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With his mom being gaia and his dad being the third, as-of-yet only vaguely mentioned as an anonymous entity, the guy who also rules beside chunbumoon and the other clan. Which makes him the guy the black summoner is trying to overthrow.

Or... His dad really is a just a businessman, which is why his mom is all incognito, and she is in fact the future important character.

OR! Jihans memory is partially forged because his mom is gaia, and he doesnt have a dad, because his mom is gaia. (And gaia doesnt need a mate to produce offspring. She's ef'ing Gaia!)

My money is on the first one. But i would really, really like it if it were the last one!

Edited by Agonal, 11 January 2014 - 02:54 AM.

Ninjacat Dude

Ninjacat Dude

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hmmm... All good theories. I think the first three are the most likely given the psychology the writer has so far displayed, give the

writing style he has showed so far the most likely senario is the first one, that his father is some kind of bad az king and left to

lead some badies away from his family. The writer seems to favor the typical 'turn the characters life upside down and tell him

everything he's ever known is a lie' story type. He is whimsical and I think everything will be done in an unconventional manor, though.



.......What!? don't give me that look, my father has a PHD in Psychology!

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Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.

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    Potato Spud

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The author is selectively foreshadowing by showing us only certain times Jee-han uses his observe skill. Same with the level displays. I would have taken a walk through my local town to check out townspeople for comparison to find out about anyone else with hidden levels and then maybe connect the dots. The author seems to be eluding enough to his mom is special etc that I do not think he will troll us and say she is only like lvl 10 but was <??> for some unknown reason.

Ninjacat Dude

Ninjacat Dude

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The author is selectively foreshadowing by showing us only certain times Jee-han uses his observe skill. Same with the level displays. I would have taken a walk through my local town to check out townspeople for comparison to find out about anyone else with hidden levels and then maybe connect the dots. The author seems to be eluding enough to his mom is special etc that I do not think he will troll us and say she is only like lvl 10 but was <??> for some unknown reason.


Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.

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I like that Jee-Han is already suspicious of the fact that his dad is always away.



    Potato Spud

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He mentions that his dad is a mystery to him but now that I look back, he doesn't mention much on his mother either. He also doesn't have much friends (naturally growing up in a secret holding environment) so I doubt the fact the father is a simple businessman is almost out of the question. If his father was evil wouldn't they have been moving around allot or some kind of danger is always happening in Jee Hans life? But all that I can say, if his father is an ability user, he is most likely strong.

Edited by hajiaweis, 25 February 2014 - 09:17 PM.



    Potato Spud

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we ar just in chapter 25 in a seemingly long manhwa and you guys are already arguing about his father. why? i just don't get it. why don't you just take it slow and follow the flow of the manhwa? the plot is barely starting right now and you .. nah i don't say it twice.

Edited by TychoGreen, 25 February 2014 - 10:19 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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We actually do see a small bit of his father in one of the earlier chapters.  Just from the nose down, and he's wearing a suit which is very similar to the Black Summoner's.  Granted they're both just wearing pretty normal business suits, but they're also both the only two characters shown wearing suits.


The Gamer's noted both of them as being mysterious and suspected a connection between them and The Abyss, but he doesn't have much to actually go on so he has sort of just filed it away for future reference.

Edited by JCVocke, 26 February 2014 - 02:19 AM.



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my thoughts split into 4 simple concepts you should all be able to understand (percentage is likelihood in my mind)


1) dad is no-one important and has simply not been slated to show his face at home yet or at all (its not unusual for officer workers and business mend to take company trips and not be around for a while, the higher the position the longer the trips) = 50% likely


2) dad is an ability user out doing whatever it is he does - 25%


3) dad turns out to be part of top brass in a secret group inside the abyss - 20%


4) regardless of what he is or isn't, we simply find out he is dead later on - 5%


enjoy :)




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we ar just in chapter 25 in a seemingly long manhwa and you guys are already arguing about his father. why? i just don't get it. why don't you just take it slow and follow the flow of the manhwa? the plot is barely starting right now and you .. nah i don't say it twice.

I can only speak for myself, but I speculate because its fun.


OR! Jihans memory is partially forged because his mom is gaia, and he doesnt have a dad, because his mom is gaia. (And gaia doesnt need a mate to produce offspring. She's ef'ing Gaia!)

His mom is Gaia is an interesting theory but my money is on her just being someone powerful so I'm going to assume his dad does exist. With that being said my money is on his dad being someone important in the abyss. The Abyss Auction branch manager mentioned someone Ji-Han is connected to that is the reason he warned him. I don't think it's the Chunbumoon, so I'm thinking its his mother or father, and I'm guessing its the father.



    Fingerling Potato

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Well Black Summoner said something like that he got permission from "Chaos Magician" ? What is it, if the Magician ist allowed to give permission about the land, it should be the mediator between to fractions or someone stronger than both.


So I guess it's his mother, if not then his father. But I guess, it's his mother, because, she is 24/7 here and "guarding" her home. It's possible that his father works for Auctions house and sells info about his son at weak people so his son can grow stronger?





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Hm so after this latest chapter I would say there's a decent chance his father is the "Existence Eater" that controls the area and that Hwan Sung-Gon got permission from. It would explain why the family has no current connection to the abyss but still seems to be hiding something.



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In the latest chapter sun il said that the existence eater is only a high school graduate!
And i don't think that means that he is newly graduated.
And he is not around now right?, so his father has to be the existence eater! Cause he is not around right?
And Lives in the neighbourhood...
Just feels like it's the most logical plot!



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what if they build his dad up but he actually turns out to be a boring old business man



    Potato Spud

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The President of the company and a few others mention that Jee-Han is under the protection of the ¨Harem King.¨ What if that´s his father? 



    Potato Sprout

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my money is on the harem king