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Should just be a comedy

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    Potato Sprout

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This manga doesn't strike a good balance between comedy & serious drama for me. There's too big of a contrast between the serious parts & the over the top, crazy comedy parts. The funny chapters are funny, the serious & tragic moments just feel out of place.


If you want something that strikes a good balance between humor & drama, watch the film One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest. Brilliant movie.



    Potato Spud

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Hmm, some of the drama I found effective. Namely the turning of Nymph and Astraea. But I kinda agree. Sometimes you don't feel like reading all this drama, but now it looks like its a runaway train to the end. Its like he's specializing in tragic or weird endings. Which is sad, because I found some of the comedic parts in here to be pure genius.


Personally, I think you can only mess with a series so much before it ruins the whole experience and just leaves a bitter taste.


Thankfully there are other quirky humor gems out there.



    Potato Sprout

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I do agree that this last bit was kinda forced... I don't understand why Hiyori killed herself... If you think about it logically, she could have just talked chaos down at that point. Though I will say that harem manga are generally a mix between humor and drama. They have random ecchi and then an actual plot. Some weigh more heavily to one side than others, but most do contain drama.



    Potato Sprout

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I personally think the series balances comedy and tragedy quite well. The chapters where Nymph was abused and Chaos was an outcast truly made me feel despair. The moment where Astraea broke her chain made me feel triumphant. When Nymph's wings grew back, I felt overjoyed. When the Harpies self-destructed for their master, I was bawling. Minazuki is great at introducing and developing unique characters as well as having you feel for them. While all the constant drama now may feel a tad forced, that's because the series is coming to an end. I believe he's just trying to show how dire and hopeless the situation seems, with characters dying left and right and the very world itself ending. I'm sure it's all building up to what will be an outstanding conclusion, and I couldn't be more glad this series isn't solely a comedy.

Edited by angelicpervert, 06 September 2013 - 03:19 PM.

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