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Beelzebub anime done?

Beelzebub Anime done

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    Potato Sprout

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I am watching the Beelzebub anime and I'm at episode 50. I noticed that the anime ends at 60 episodes and I'm curious if anyone knows if more episodes are going to come out. As well as how the show did ratings wise in japan. I checked on wikipedia about any info, but didn't see anything about why it ended. Any info would be helpful thanks.



    Potato Sprout

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considering that it got an original anime ending (and a crappy one to boot), I doubt we'll see a second season. A set of OVAs maybe, but probably not a full season. Also, the ratings were pretty mediocre for a long running season and the fillers killed the show. Not to mention that the manga is not too far off from where the series ended.

I'd suggest continuing with the series by following the manga. It comes out weekly so it's not so bad, but it's pretty slow since it's a typical shonen 20pg release. Anyway, you would start at around ch120ish (the "training" arc)...The anime pretty much dipped into filler in the middle of this arc

Edited by justinefremlouw, 09 November 2012 - 05:31 AM.

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    Potato Sprout

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yeah i finished watching it and out of the last ten episode like 7 of them we just fillers. i could see why i didnt do to well as a anime. I started by reading the manga i was just hoping the show would of been as good at the manga. thanks for the info. i still read the manga but i do hate the 20 pg release. im use too fullmetal alchemist and deadman wonderland with like forty page average.



    Potato Sprout

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FMA was a monthly series, so FMA 40pg/mo ~= 10pg/wk. Worse than Beelzebub. If you can wait the month, then just wait and read four chapters of Beelzebub each month (~80pg)...Deadman...never bothered to pick it up but it is also in a monthly magazine so same as FMA.
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    Potato Spud

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No news so far on another season of it. Although I enjoy watching the animated versions of manga I like, I didn't really care for the adaptation of Beelzebub. Bowdlerised too much. Fights were very watered down and for some reason a few scenes were changed. A bit of the character development was left out too. I think this was one of the causes of the mediocre ratings... At least a few people were probably expecting entertaining, and maybe even extended, fight scenes. Instead you got watered down content across the board.



    Potato Sprout

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im not surprised about there not being another series with the anime. But i did have higher expectations for it. I completely agree that the anime was too watered down compared to manga




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Regarding the anime:

My opinion: The reception of it was poor; the animation was poor; Pierrot did a very horrible job. Sure it was a challenge because the series runs on morning time so they toned down the violent theme, however, they toned it down way too much.

Fact: DVD sales, though were decent, it did poorly compare to other Jump series. Even the recent Kuroko anime surpassed its DVD and even its comic sales already.

Overall: The anime won't likely continue. You could choose to blame the time slot it's in, or blame Pierrot (Since, also in my opinion, Pierrot is one of the worst animation studio there is.)
  • Uroboe , Sir Flashâ„¢ , UpgraDDe and 2 others like this



    Potato Spud

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Wow a lot of people are hating on the anime and animation?
Well I for one enjoyed the anime and found the fillers rather amusing, course i found the ending rushed but it was okay.
I think they might (they should) continue the series, i think the reason why it's not continuing is probably because of how far the manga is.
And as you mentioned they had like 7 fillers near the end, you say...that's also probably because of lack of manga resource to finish the season.
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    Potato Sprout

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Well, I enjoyed the anime too (in fact, that's what got me started on following the manga). But, the fact is, studios look at DVD/Blu-ray sales to determine whether or not a second season is viable, and in the case of Beelzebub, sales were not as expected. Does that mean that there is no chance of a second season? no. But it is unlikely.




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What justinefremlouw said is true.

Wow a lot of people are hating on the anime and animation?
Well I for one enjoyed the anime and found the fillers rather amusing, course i found the ending rushed but it was okay.
I think they might (they should) continue the series, i think the reason why it's not continuing is probably because of how far the manga is.
And as you mentioned they had like 7 fillers near the end, you say...that's also probably because of lack of manga resource to finish the season.

True you could say that; however, If the lack of materials is indeed the deciding factor to continue the series, then they could have at least finish the battle with Jabberwock properly since it's within the remaining material. But they choose not to do so. And remember it ended abruptly with a nonsense development in the end? It suggest they haven't thought of anything good as an ending yet because they didn't expect it to end that quickly. Another factor is also because the timeslot it's in is going to be taken by another series in a matter of weeks, which they might also didn't expect so quickly; hence the rash ending.

Edited by wintercry, 05 December 2012 - 06:31 AM.



    Potato Spud

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I agree that the anime ending is unsatisfying at all.
But there is so much aspect of the anime that I found better than the manga. Like the relationships between character.
Like Kazu and Azusa. and also toujou and shizuka (they even have a flashback of those two's childhood time). So, I regret that the anime overall rate went down because of the rushed ending. I bet if it ended a few episodes more, most of us would be happier.



    Potato Sprout

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that is true

But there is so much aspect of the anime that I found better than the manga. Like the relationships between character.
Like Kazu and Azusa. and also toujou and shizuka (they even have a flashback of those two's childhood time).

those parts are what made me watching the anime cause of events that they might not sure in the manga for certain reasons.