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Boichi versus Matsumoto Jiro

SKR Boichi Matsumoto Jiro

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I've just read 30 chapters from some works of Matsumoto Jiro .It is a crazy and fantastic art . A Boichi much darker. If you are a kid please DON'T READ anything written by Matsumoto Jiro .

Edited by ernabc, 28 April 2013 - 10:48 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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I love what Matsumoto Jiro has done. But it has absolutely nothing to do with Boichi's works...
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Evan Dark

Evan Dark

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If you are a kid please DON'T READ nothing written by Matsumoto Jiro.

Seconded, sometimes I wonder how is it that the picky Batoto admins still tolerate Jiro's works, or if they were just uploaded so early, that they escaped their attention.

SKR, follows the "traditional" battle manga setup: Ken faces many enemies, each proves to be more difficult that the previous ones, and portrays Ken as the cool hero. It's not a brand new idea, but why screw with it, if it's good? And SKR is very good.

On the other hand, Jiro's works has a "unique" feeling. Instead of a real story, it's more like you're exploring a crazy world, at least that was the feeling I got. That's why he seems to better at short stories, because it's not the story, but the world that grabs your attention.

Matsumoto Jiro is clearly crazy (in a good way), but I don't see anything common in his and Boichi's works, except for the nude female characters, but even that is something they use for entirely different things.

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I've just read 30 chapters from some works of Matsumoto Jiro .It is a crazy and fantastic art . A Boichi much darker. If you are a kid please DON'T READ nothing anything written by Matsumoto Jiro .





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@Evan Dark  

 Jiro gave me the same sensation in the perception of the world - about it's dark side : cruel assasinations, groups of interets , Of couse you might add the fact they both think that our world is the world of men. To add that in such ugly worlds you won't see an ugly woman is also futile.There are some excellent manga where physical appearances of all characters are ugly like hell , the mangaka being focused in the development of relationships and sentiments. Those manga are indeed different than boichi's manga (or jiro's) , no matter the other aspects involved in them.