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Wolf Girl Laura

Alt Names: alt 狼少女ローラ
Author: Nishioka Kyoudai
Artist: Nishioka Kyoudai
Genres: Oneshot Oneshot
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: From Garo 1992-01.
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Ok, this is my own personal opinion about the story, but i think this is about a violent childhood:


-The girl was raised by a single man (probably by her father). The fact her mother abandoned her, just means she wasnt present (either ran away from a violent relationship with the father or dead, or another reason).

-Along the way, the wolf (father) is showing eating small childrens (probably meaning: sexually abusing them). And Laura starts to "eat" those childrens with the wolf always wtching her (like she was being forced to).

-All the time the girl says the wolf is just "fattening her up" so he could eat her. Eventually when she is "fat as a piglet" (meaning she is more mature, her boobs are bigger, and so on), she says she doenst like the way the wolf looks at her (the wolf is starting to be interested in the girl body). She doenst want to end up like the other "wolf preys", so she starts to think of ways of protecting herself (she took the knife).

-One day the girl is abuse (probably several times). Then she decided to protect herself and kill the wolf.

-The last pages show her with pain in the lower abdomen, probably about to give birth or because of the violent abuse. The last pages can either show a new "Laura" that is no longer afraid of the wolf and is free...or a new-born, daughter of Laura that wont have to live in the same "world" as her mother


Well...thats how i saw this manga

I think that the pain is both from the abuse and entering labor. She got the crap beaten out of her enough and was stressed enough during the confrontation that labor was induced. She identifies with the baby as if with her own circumstance (abandoned by mother), since she's dying at the same time and will leave her baby to be alone. However, I think the last pages are profoundly more pessimistic than you found them to be. I think that the girl not moving from her position, just after saying that she'll rejoin the world, is a sign that both Laura is dead and that the baby has no where to go (and will probably die as well).


There are a number of ways for the story to be interpreted, and I think this is probably the intended meaning.

So disturbing, but enchanting, still, disturbing...


I always have mixed feelings about Nishioka BroSis' story...


Ok, this is my own personal opinion about the story, but i think this is about a violent childhood:


-The girl was raised by a single man (probably by her father). The fact her mother abandoned her, just means she wasnt present (either ran away from a violent relationship with the father or dead, or another reason).

-Along the way, the wolf (father) is showing eating small childrens (probably meaning: sexually abusing them). And Laura starts to "eat" those childrens with the wolf always wtching her (like she was being forced to).

-All the time the girl says the wolf is just "fattening her up" so he could eat her. Eventually when she is "fat as a piglet" (meaning she is more mature, her boobs are bigger, and so on), she says she doenst like the way the wolf looks at her (the wolf is starting to be interested in the girl body). She doenst want to end up like the other "wolf preys", so she starts to think of ways of protecting herself (she took the knife).

-One day the girl is abuse (probably several times). Then she decided to protect herself and kill the wolf.

-The last pages show her with pain in the lower abdomen, probably about to give birth or because of the violent abuse. The last pages can either show a new "Laura" that is no longer afraid of the wolf and is free...or a new-born, daughter of Laura that wont have to live in the same "world" as her mother


Well...thats how i saw this manga

    • Maya MM , neorasp , sterrebloem and 3 others like this


Jun 12 2015 01:51 AM

Uh... anyone have painkillers? My head hurts from trying to figure this piece of crap out. Not coherent at all... move on people.

What in the name of all that is coherent did I just read?  


Seriously, if you are into abstraction and surrealism on a cosmic scale, or you just need a good mind warping than this may be the oneshot for you.  Otherwise move on.

What the hellllll was dat??? What did it even mean??? (that guy's d*ck is smaller than an earthworm LOL)

Seriously all that I could get was NAK*D wolf GIRL ----->  NAK*D human GIRL

I'm sorry but I seriously don't have the processing capacity to figure what I just read !!!!

This was just an excuse so the author could draw a ****, right?


This reminds me of Borges and his Magical Realism school.  Urk!

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