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* * * * * (4.61 - 38votes)

Smarg wa Utawanai

Alt Names: alt 魔物は歌わないalt Mamono wa Utawanaialt Smarglar Şarkı Söylemezalt Smargs Don't Singalt Smargs Won't Sing
Author: Yamamoto Kumiko
Artist: Yamamoto Kumiko
Genres: Drama DramaFantasy FantasyOneshot OneshotShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Oneshot:
Around three years ago, a village was destroyed by an evil Smarg (magical creature), in this case, a dragon. The sole survivors of the massacre, the sisters Chloe and Iria, fled to a nearby village. The younger sister, Chloe, doesn't speak, but is a friendly and diligent worker who is loved by all. The older sister, Iria, is disruptive, rude, and cruel, especially towards the unfailingly loyal Chloe. But how did two young girls manage to escape such a powerful creature in the first place? Is it possible that one of them made a pact with the Smarg?
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This is soooo good, at least this is way better than shitty ecchi harem shounen mangas~
    • Ravin and Ada like this
Dec 20 2013 07:08 AM

I feel like I need more. How much money does it cost to pay a mangaka per chapter?

    • Kmi likes this
plus the art aren't bad, and the little sister was cuuuuuuuuute~~~
Lowlightt yep the part of the older sister's act of bitching could use a few more pages to build up the tension, but the plot was packed nicely in a way that the twist and climax can be easily digested by the reader in one read, and the revelation of the sister had to endured the act for 3 years made up for it.

yes i agree the plot wasn't as awesome and seem rushed, but for it was a oneshot, the light plot was seem just right, maybe because the author intended for this story to be a standalone, and not aiming for serialization. the reason i think of that was because everything was just in the perfect balance, satisfying the reader in just one chapter that the ending of the oneshot seem to be the the perfect ending of the plot. everything was there, and nothing more should be added.

as you said, for a series, it will be just meh. but for a oneshot, this is a real good reading.
    • Ada and Lepcamon like this
It was ok, but the story line felt very rushed. Could have used more pages building up the sister into a more unlikeable person before the switcheru. Also all of the bitch scenes felt very forced, yes I understand shes acting like a bitch but as the story says she has to make everyone believe shes a bitch and her scenes don't really sell it as much. So over all its ok but not that great, as well besides how would you serialize this?

Follow the wolf guy?
Follow the sisters whose story ended?
Make it a series of morality tales?

None of those seem very appealing so I can see quite well why this is only a one shot.
this was so good >< i thought there was guna be more ...
it was really good can't speak for the guy below me since his or her opinion doesn't matter.
Unlike most of the people here, I thought it wasn't that great.
still an interesting read, with a nice touch of poesy, but the plot isn't outstanding
So, so good...!
This one is more worthy than mamy many mangas out there. I'm speechless at the story quality. Could definetly have more of these.
Sweet one shot.
just one work...WOW...
Awesome one shot, especially well written.
its rare to see good(or any) good fantasy manga that isn't totally battle oriented

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