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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.25 - 4votes)


Alt Names: alt B壱alt B・壱
Author: Ookubo Atsushi
Artist: Ookubo Atsushi
Genres: Comedy ComedyFantasy FantasyShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Mana, a cheerful teenage girl who travels from town to town arrives in the central city of Toykyo to enjoy herself. There, she meets a not particularly bright boy named Showtaro, who she soon discovers is a "Clown": a human who can use a special power in exchange for a specific condition. The boy can use the power of various animals by biting one of their bones, but his condition is to achieve "one good deed every day". Mana soon decides to help Showtaro in his journey to find his long-lost friend Emine.
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Jan 19 2018 05:10 PM
A bit messy the brain explanation then the clown who are humans then the fact that his power is super cool but was eh at the start. Took wayyyy too long to build something . It has potential and great design

Hum, this is unlikely to happen. First because the series ended 11 years ago, and second because it was already licensed and published by Yen Press in the US. So if you live there, you can maybe buy the volumes (there are only 4 of them), otherwise…

If I could I would, but I live in the Caribbean.

Hmmm this looks interesting, Imma read this when an english scanlator picks it up.


Hum, this is unlikely to happen. First because the series ended 11 years ago, and second because it was already licenced and published by Yen Press in the US. So if you live there, you can maybe buy the volumes (there are only 4 of them), otherwise…

If this guys brain has a majority % used for a very specific function, no wonder he a bit stupid, although if a person used 100% of their brain simultaneously they'd probably die from a seizure.

Hmmm this looks interesting, Imma read this when an english scanlator picks it up.

We do use all of our brains, but not at the same time. So 30% is actually not that inaccurate.


But anyways… this detail is completely irrelevant to the story in the end.

Yeah... Humans actually use nearly 100% of their brains. So technically the fundamental idea of this manga is extremely flawed. 

i don't know about most people but i use 100 % of my brain

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