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* * * * - (4.39 - 94votes)

Bullet Armors

Alt Names: alt BULLET ARMORS子彈裝甲alt 불렛 아머즈alt BULLET ARMORS
Author: Moricha
Artist: Moricha
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureMecha MechaSci-fi Sci-fiShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: In this world there are mysterious machines known as TREMORS. The reason they came and who built them are still unknown.The most mysterious part of the tremors, however, would be their ability to continuously EVOLVE.
And in this world a boy is on a journey looking for his missing father.
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  • 11 Replies


Such a dump ending....
This should have stopped after the left arm dude's arc if the next arc gotta be this dump.

Idk when did they decide to axe this, but this last arc was suck ass from the very start. Look at that human organization, its lacks the deep, the power, the everything.

I guess this got axed because the female lead looks exactly like lucy from fairy tail or more so that female lead from Rave Master. I say this was actually Rave Master 2nd.

Bth, I was frustrated reading the last 10 chapter or so. So I was kinda fine with it got axed, 'cus I would drop otherwise.

I seem to remember a time back in the 80's and 90's when manga like this (and some manga much worse...) could go on for 10-20 volumes just because everybody bought paper copies...

Today, the world is just different I guess...hard to say whether the 1484 people who followed this series on Batoto could have made a difference, but it is a fact that while we all loved the manga, almost none of us did anything to support the author or pay for the manga =(

Idk, some manga I liked that first public around that time got axed or stop mid way, and they was far better than this. (In both their story and the way they stopped)
AND as of right now, many manga that worse than this still go on strong 10+ volumes and counting.
Shits get axed whenever they couldnt sell well or stop whenever its creator got bored of it, whatever age it is in.
anime skeleton
Jul 24 2014 08:52 AM

Well, it was a nice story about the friendship between a boy and his robot arm.


I'm supremely disappointed such a novel concept was axed like this. The conflict between man and robot, as well as the partnership between them was an interesting idea. I would have really like to have seen it progress. So many opportunities for cool robot designs and cool abilities.


A shame it was axed so early. I was really looking forward to seeing where the plot went. So many plot points introduced that were never met.


Ah well, it'll live fondly in my heart next to all the other series I enjoyed with short lives.

So much wasted potential, thank you Mr. Axe!



Aww... It's a sad, sad day. This is a series that was going to go places, sadly it was strike down before it's time. :( It was diffidently a fun read.

Are U serious this cant be the end!!!!

This is just like the ending of Double Arts!!!!

It just like ends it like that. Double Arts and Bullet Armors both could have been major serious in Shounen Jump!!


(Please Remember this is my own opinion!!! ) 

Dont hate me for it

._. Im going to go be depressed now because of manga

You are not alone. They are the same in a way that they are axe just when they got their powers/skills going.

why the rage guys? it was axed becoz it wasnt that good in japan, and they dont friggin care about our opinions since we read pirated manga and we dont buy theyre stuff.. so its pretty normal, but still im very sad

Are U serious this cant be the end!!!!

This is just like the ending of Double Arts!!!!

It just like ends it like that. Double Arts and Bullet Armors both could have been major serious in Shounen Jump!!


(Please Remember this is my own opinion!!! ) 

Dont hate me for it

._. Im going to go be depressed now because of manga

anonymous preferred
Jun 29 2014 12:20 PM

There ain't no god of manga, only japanese stupidity.

And foreign-born digital pirates? What a balanced world we live in.
    • kosmaj and Asukalasin like this

this is just a rant about the unfairness and bullshit of the life of manga. so don't bother reading unless you want to feel my frustration yourself. (also i got bit bored but at least the font isn't neon yellow)



well its basically about whats popular towards the target audience. Manga that are mostly about nakama, friendship,trust and other melodramatic bullshit are more popular for teens and thus sell better. Its kinda tough when their are some works that don't stick to the formula get axed quite often,but thats the problem with the industry itself. Manga itself is a business, and the bottom line is what sells well will predominate the market.

Oh. Breaker VS Baker? Welp. On the French official published book, it's written as "Baker".

 I liked how even Dark Murmur scans changed it to Breaker during the last few chapters, that was just complete nonsense xD



well, I don't think anglicized transcriptions are necessary,though, because there is only one way to read it right in Japanese, just by writing it like this everyone who's hasn't got tomatoes for eyes and hay for brains will be able to spell it correctly (although spelling isn't necessary anyways because it's solely for reading purposes and not for  recitation to an audience)...

well...i would like to know ho to support them...i mean should i buy it from japan or something like that??

frankly, yes. Use Chrome auto-translate and buy manga that you really like if you can find it on japanese sites

Pure Darkness
Jun 23 2014 08:44 PM

Back then most of the 1484 people following this would have never heard of this. Manga is still mainly a Japanese thing, and only gets exported once it's proven successful in Japan.

don't forget the widespread usage of the internet and the all-time high of pirating going on nowadays. that also creates a false representation of how popular something is since they base popularity on income and not worldwide views.

I seem to remember a time back in the 80's and 90's when manga like this (and some manga much worse...) could go on for 10-20 volumes just because everybody bought paper copies...


Today, the world is just different I guess...hard to say whether the 1484 people who followed this series on Batoto could have made a difference, but it is a fact that while we all loved the manga, almost none of us did anything to support the author or pay for the manga =(

Back then most of the 1484 people following this would have never heard of this. Manga is still mainly a Japanese thing, and only gets exported once it's proven successful in Japan.

I wanted to see the helmet/head T-T


Yeah, who cares about the legs, I bet the head would have been awesome.

Jun 23 2014 04:07 PM

Rest in (tiny little machine) Pieces, Bullet Armors.

    • Zael , SpyMonkey3D and file like this

I seem to remember a time back in the 80's and 90's when manga like this (and some manga much worse...) could go on for 10-20 volumes just because everybody bought paper copies...


Today, the world is just different I guess...hard to say whether the 1484 people who followed this series on Batoto could have made a difference, but it is a fact that while we all loved the manga, almost none of us did anything to support the author or pay for the manga =(

well...i would like to know ho to support them...i mean should i buy it from japan or something like that??

I seem to remember a time back in the 80's and 90's when manga like this (and some manga much worse...) could go on for 10-20 volumes just because everybody bought paper copies...


Today, the world is just different I guess...hard to say whether the 1484 people who followed this series on Batoto could have made a difference, but it is a fact that while we all loved the manga, almost none of us did anything to support the author or pay for the manga =(

Is anyone else disappointed that we never saw bullet's legs?

I wanted to see the helmet/head T-T

Is anyone else disappointed that we never saw bullet's legs?

    • dinamitek , Ricardo Condinho , Qverty and 11 others like this

this is just a rant about the unfairness and bullshit of the life of manga. so don't bother reading unless you want to feel my frustration yourself. (also i got bit bored but at least the font isn't neon yellow)



I agree with you on everything except Toriko which is very good if not a little fast in the "power up" stage of things. Yeah, Bleach and Naruto should die. One Piece now, One Piece later, One Piece forever.

    • starkiller4299 , Forgame Cheatcode , NajaSnake and 2 others like this
Jun 23 2014 07:43 AM

Did anyone else completely forget about Ion's dad?

No, which is one of the reasons I'm disappointed it ended like this. There was so much potential! :(

    • Rol , TitanBlade , 907samfolife and 8 others like this

Did anyone else completely forget about Ion's dad?

    • vycom01 , Theoderich , NighTerror and 8 others like this

"Final Volume"



Please be joking.

It can't just end here.

It's just getting more and more awesome with every chapter.

This is a joke, right?


God of manga, why do you hate us so?! This is one of my favorite shounen in a decade, and there's still so much story to be told! Why must you end it here?!


There ain't no god of manga, only japanese stupidity.

Pure Darkness
Jun 20 2014 03:52 PM

this is just a rant about the unfairness and bullshit of the life of manga. so don't bother reading unless you want to feel my frustration yourself. (also i got bit bored but at least the font isn't neon yellow)



-世界死神- chaos_animagic
Jun 19 2014 03:10 PM

"Final volume"


looks like this manga got axed....


It's no where near completion, only 2 hands... the story should have gone on for at least 10 more volumes as the other armor pieces reveal themselves...


o well...



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