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Replying to Username or password incorrect

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Posted 15 September 2013 - 06:19 AM hakki90

ok dont need to reply the post above. i found it :D

Posted 15 September 2013 - 06:07 AM

i have a similar problem. my account was saved in firefox and i log in automatically for years now and i forgot my login id. and i had tons of follows . can i get my login id or at least somehow those follows?  my username is: hakki90

Posted 03 July 2013 - 12:33 PM mhh

Thanks  :) 
I am afraid it still doesn't work though  :blush:

I already answered your E-Mail. So this is mostly for the benefit of others that might be experiencing similar issues.


Are you sure you are actually trying to login with your Login ID? (This is your first username - the one you signed up with. Changing the display name doesn't change the login ID.)


As a reminder your old login ID is 'Ramona Raftevold'.


Sorry I should have checked that earlier. I'm still not used having access to all the admin functions, it seems. :/

Posted 02 July 2013 - 10:17 PM

Thanks  :) 
I am afraid it still doesn't work though  :blush:

Posted 01 July 2013 - 06:56 PM mhh

Make sure that you do not include any spaces, or anything like that. 
Try to paste it in notepad, and delete white spaces, unneeded text and copy and paste again.

That should work. Or you can manually type it as well. (Which is basically the same solution: making sure you have no additional things copied.)

If that doesn't help, you can contact me via mhh[at]batoto.com and I will manually change your password.(replacing [at] with @)

Posted 01 July 2013 - 02:34 PM Laurens D

Make sure that you do not include any spaces, or anything like that. 


Try to paste it in notepad, and delete white spaces, unneeded text and copy and paste again.

Posted 30 June 2013 - 09:45 PM

My username is Escaroth.

Ever since Facebook-login was removed I haven't been able to login. I have tried password recovery, and I got the e-mail; but when I use the login info in the mail I always get "Username or password incorrect". It happens even when I copy-paste from the e-mail.

What am I suposed to do?


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