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Replying to Logging out whenever I change page.

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Posted 19 November 2015 - 05:58 AM winters

I asked around groups in facebook about the frilchi website auto redirects. And someone asked me if I have a wazam program installed. told me to look in Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall Programs and uninstall it if I do. I did find the program and uninstalled it. Not only it fixed the auto redirect but also the automatic logging out in bato.to too whenever I open a new page. He said wazam is a kind of program that messes up browsers. After I uninstalled the program, everything is normally working again.

Posted 16 November 2015 - 09:06 AM mhh

What did you actually do? (In case somebody else has the same problem?)

Posted 16 November 2015 - 02:52 AM winters



I think its fixed. I browsed around the net and I found something in a facebook page which I followed. so far, no trouble for the last 30 min i'm in bato.to.

Posted 13 November 2015 - 01:19 PM winters

Added Info. The site batoto keeps me redirecting is flirichi.


I removed all my browser extensions, deleted all my temp files. Used anti malware and anti virus programs, all clean. Please help.

Posted 12 November 2015 - 02:14 PM winters

Thank you. Please do.


Here are the specifics to help.


-I log in to batoto and go to the main page (the one with the list of updated manga)

-I open multiple tabs of diff manga. (i do this to read the synopsis and decide if i will read it or follow it. I browse the updates and I just mousewheel click to open it in a diff tab the ones i find the title interesting until i reach the end of the update page before i click the diff tabs to view it.)

-the opened tabs this way does not keep me signed in. so i have to sign-in in every opened tab if i want to follow that specific manga.


This is what I always do and works just fine until this problem arised.


also just recently, the tabs i open this way keeps redirecting me to other sites automatically and some of my tabs, when i close it, it pops a warning saying my downloads will be cancelled if i close that tab and i need to press ok to close it. The thing is, i'm not downloading anything.


The weird thing is, it only happens on bato.to site. I tried replicating what I'm doing here it on other sites like bakabt.me and on my google mail just to check if it will log me out of my account or redirect me to other pages. But it doesnt. Other sites works perfectly fine.


I'd really appreciate it if you found what is causing this.


Thank you very much.

Posted 08 November 2015 - 04:52 PM mhh

It accepts cookies. And I'm definitely not using it in incognito / private mode. I'll try to clear my cache and observe. But I tried it in different browsers like safari and internet explorer. Problem still persists so I thought it might be a problem on the server side.

Anyways, I'll try clearing and deleting my cookies and cache and see what happens. Thanks for the help.

Well, nothing worked. I tried clearing cache and cookies. I tried resetting chrome. I tried putting batoto in the exemption list. :(

If you give me permission I will log in as you and see if I have the problem as well or if it is confined to your computer. (I do not need your password for this.)

Posted 07 November 2015 - 01:12 AM winters

It accepts cookies. And I'm definitely not using it in incognito / private mode. I'll try to clear my cache and observe. But I tried it in different browsers like safari and internet explorer. Problem still persists so I thought it might be a problem on the server side.

Anyways, I'll try clearing and deleting my cookies and cache and see what happens. Thanks for the help.

Well, nothing worked. I tried clearing cache and cookies. I tried resetting chrome. I tried putting batoto in the exemption list. :(

Posted 06 November 2015 - 11:53 AM frangipiani

Are you accessing Batoto through the InPrivate/Incognito/Hidden Mode of your Internet browser?

Posted 06 November 2015 - 06:14 AM OMGWTFBBQPONIES

Shouldn't happen.


Have you tried the "remember me" option?

Do you accept cookies from batoto?

Clear cache and delete batoto cookies and try again?


I recall someone in the past fixing a similar problem by changing their theme from default to a different one. Might be worth a try if the above fails? (change theme button is in the lower-left corner of the page)

Posted 06 November 2015 - 01:00 AM winters

As it says, I log in. Then after I click a link to check other mangas or refresh the page, I instantly and automatically log out and need to relog in again. I tried using other browsers but problem still persists. Is it from server side?

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