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* * * * - (4.31 - 142votes)

Saiteihen no Otoko -Scumbag Loser-

Alt Names: alt Saiteihen no Otokoalt Ultimate Scumbag Loseralt 最底辺の男 -Scumbag Loser-alt 最底限渣男alt Полный неудачник
Author: Yamaguchi Mikoto
Artist: Yamaguchi Mikoto
Genres: Action ActionHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Murai Masahiko (16) has a fetish for the smell lingering around a scumbag in his class. One day, a beautiful girl named Mizusawa Haruka transfers into his class, but when they start dating he spills the truth: "Mizusawa Haruka died 5 years ago...." Who the hell is she!? What are her intentions!? The heart pounding suspense horror Scumbag Loser begins!
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Topic That's seriously the end....? **possible spoilers** New Window HardBoiled
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It wasn't a perfect ending, but it was kind of an interesting ending, and I honestly feel like that's the most we can reasonably hope for these days.

Am I stupid for not understanding what he was going to say..?

'I don't know how to end my manga. Hey let's copy Evangelion!'


This writer is trash.

lol fat kaneki haha

Ok interesting ending.

I don't get it.

This is terrible...I LOVE IT


Is this some tokyo ghoul shit or something ?

all these territory , man.. 

It seems masahiko will end up as haruka's toy again 

It should ended with 4th chapter...

Best girl !

WTF did I just read....................I need mawr !

Damn, I wonder what's next. Thank you, Shitbread Scans!

the third cover is creepy has hell

Damn what a twist! I'm gonna go on a limb and say that haruka is being genuine, it does make sense if her ultimate goal was to fool him to eat him, she would have already done it. Second, I'm glad that the old police officer is still alive, they definitely need to keep him around. Finally, and the biggest one, the original haruka is a total bitch

. Can't wait for the next chapter


She's probably gonna


holy shit what a twisted series.  lol @ the end of volume gags though.

There's so many things still unrevealed that makes the wait difficult.

But the way things are developing is really interesting

ch12. Am I forgetting something or the teacher's case really doesn't go along with Maya's story? It's still interesting but I feel like the 'setting/story' is getting a bit toomessy.

I suppose that'll likely be explained later on.

The wait for the reveal is killing me!


Also deep stuff.

kannade marry me

man been awhile since last chap and now forgot everythin... hope it ends soon so I can re-read it

Thank you, based Shitbread Scans.

ch12. Am I forgetting something or the teacher's case really doesn't go along with Maya's story? It's still interesting but I feel like the 'setting/story' is getting a bit toomessy.

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