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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.3 - 64votes)

Ane no Kekkon

Alt Names: alt Ablanฤฑn DรผฤŸรผnรผalt ๅงŠๅงŠ็š„ๅฉšไบ‹alt ๅง‰ใฎ็ตๅฉšalt Elder Sister's Marriage
Author: Nishi Keiko
Artist: Nishi Keiko
Genres: Drama DramaJosei JoseiRomance RomanceSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Yori Iwatani is close to her 40s and is giving up on love and marriage. She has decided to live a quiet solitary life in her hometown. But when a handsome former classmate appears, things change for her.
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...I don't think he was crying, lol. 

ok he's using a lot of tissue for some reason. is he doing what I think he's doing...crying...? on another note, I really like how she's resisting his advances after that one night stand

Ahahahahah che tecnica eccellente! voglio proprio vedere il seguito! ^_^

non mi รจ dispiaciuto!!

Turtle is an aphrodisiac right. So is his wife openly banging another guy? If that's the case, I'm perfectly fine with what he's doing. Their marriage seems arranged, right.

I know that he wanted to check out if she wouldn't get pregnant (even if these calculations can be not very accurate and you still have the chance to have a baby, to be honest) but wasn't it like...out of the blue?! It was weird. That's what I didn't like.
But after reading chapter 2 I'm starting to see what kind of man he is so maybe it was kind of...his style? He seems a bit direct.


Obviously it was kind of random, but it's not really his "style" it's more at their age ( late thirties ) you can't really pretend that you have no ulterior motives anymore.Everyone is experienced, probably had many partners.


It may have been a tad bit too straight forward but it's a manga and it's the first chapter, you know how it goes "go hard or go home" you have to throw the hook so readers might be interested in knowing more about the 2 characters.

I know that he wanted to check out if she wouldn't get pregnant (even if these calculations can be not very accurate and you still have the chance to have a baby, to be honest) but wasn't it like...out of the blue?! It was weird. That's what I didn't like.
But after reading chapter 2 I'm starting to see what kind of man he is so maybe it was kind of...his style? He seems a bit direct.

@pantsu: I know what he meant, but the fact that he chose 'are you ovulating today?' is slightly different from 'is today a safe day?'


The former is 'today', given that sperm can last a few days inside the body if it's near her cycle she can still get pregnant.


Although once he mentioned he's a doctor's son, it make a bit more sense that he's used to...more medicinal term (not to mention he's a psychiatrist himself)

Thank you for clarifying this with everyone else. When I read the comments and saw that people didn't seem to know what it was, I laughed. 


FYI kids, depending on ovulation patterns is not a safe method of contraception.


It's not like he's solely relying on that, because I'm pretty sure that Love hotel has condoms available for their customers.


As for chapter 2 - Oh boy, he made her break dem heels. As for his wife, looks like they don't like each other and don't live together ? Since he was surprised she was there.

That wasn't a pickup line, he was asking if it was safe so he wouldn't get her pregnant.

Thank you for clarifying this with everyone else. When I read the comments and saw that people didn't seem to know what it was, I laughed. 


FYI kids, depending on ovulation patterns is not a safe method of contraception.

ahahahah bellissimo!!! non vedo l'ora di leggere gli altri capitoli!!..grazie per averlo messo!! :D
Wow. I'll try that line.
That wasn't a pickup line, he was asking if it was safe so he wouldn't get her pregnant.

@fracchan, really? so it's have a probability of 100% to succeed?
I know it's going to be pardoned by him having some kind of life-long infatuation with her, but that line... what a scumbag.
that escalated quickly

...*Hit Follow*

I like these characters.
Hmm...wont say its good till more comes out, but its worth trying out.
Well, that's a way to start.
I like it.

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