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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.47 - 373votes)


Alt Names: alt กันสึalt ガンツalt 간츠alt 杀戮都市alt جانتز
Author: Oku Hiroya
Artist: Oku Hiroya
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Somewhere in Tokyo, there is a room. In that room is a black sphere. Periodically, people who should otherwise have died are transferred to the room. There, the sphere gives them special suits and weapons, and sends them out on a mission to kill aliens here on Earth. While these missions take place, the rest of the world is largely oblivious to them. These missions are lethal--few participants survive them. The sphere calls the shots, and it's not the slightest bit nice. Its name... Gantz.

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at this point, there is no difference between the "original" and the "clone", just a matter of who came out first. and who knows what the "clone" is thinking. I'm guessing that there might even be a 2 kurono vs 1 alien fight.
Crazy question but why can't the kurono clone who hates these aliens fight the alien rather then the original Kurono that was told to not kill the aliens?
Skinny Arnold of the manga world! Finally kurono is being badass again. Only took 2000eps.
It's easy to understand if you compare it to gundam
« Hey Kurono, take your girlfriend with you !
She'll make a good shield ! »

BOMF! Pulverized.

« Oh, shit. Maybe not. Well, there was no harm in trying, right ? »
Posted Image
"Bye Bye Kurono

You will die like a Saint"


Anyone else seen the movie? If he doesn't die straight out, it will at least be a self-sacrifice.
Bye Bye Kurono

You will die like a Saint
called out! better put up or shut up!
me da rabia que la gente se ponga a pedirle a kurono que se vaya es que no piensan que el pueda tener sus razones para decir que no, pero por el otro laod si no va se mueren todos
To be continued on Feb. 14... I wonder if the scanlators have a date on that day...
@GSMonkeyRobo. myB those vampires and the gang fear to new aliens come, then they those vampires and the gang run like bitch to safe area. WTF!!
Something happens when you're reading a manga and you have to wait every week or month for the release...
You get excited to read the newest release, and when it comes out and it's not exactly what you wanted, it gives you an awkward feeling... I understand how people may say that gantz has deteriorated, but i just reread everything since the very beggining this past two days... and FUCK!
It was fucking great! It made me cry, laugh, scream, and everything... the fucking art couldn't be better, all the turning tables, the fucking waaah
i'm left amazed, just that...
I guess you just have to reread everything again so it makes more sense, and that you can understand everything correctly again... I think the manga improved every arc!
Sometimes things seemed to go a little way too fast, but it was okay : P. I luuuv gantz!
I just finished reading the entire series up to recent in one go and I'm left wondering:

What was the point of the vampires? They just showed up, killed a few people, and disappeared off the face of the earth. The only explantion I can remeber being given for them was a few lines about nanomachines, but there was zero explanation for why they were hunting the gantz team or why they just kinda stopped.
That's exactly it, thanks!

So, now my memories are fresh once again:
Kurono did kill the Alien's brother (I remembered correctly after all), but since that brother wasn't alone and Kurono didn't kill both, the Alien got notified, and that's why the latter's so fixated on killing Kurono.
Fuck you Gantz. Damn you for pushing all the right buttons to make me excited again. lol
What do people have against Tae? I think she's refreshing. Shh about it already.

Question: The only Kurono left is the one with Tae... And he's in Japan. How does he get back? And why the h*ll would he -_-"
fk wheres the real kurono in time like this...
Is Kurono again together with this little girl? And the beautiful model is dead? I dont know if I should start read it again...
Damn so sorry I forgot to add the chapter in Batoto. My sincere apologies.
Woops, looks like I remembered wrong.

Kei didn't kill him. (As for why I think they're brothers: I believe it was explained later on, but I'll have to cover a lot more chapters to dig up that particular fact again)
That alien's brother has fought against Kei (and killed in the process) when the aliens first landed on Earth, which is why he's so fixated on Kei.

You guys seriously forgot?
I mean, come on! It's not like Gantz' story has a lot of content in between the near-endless seeming action scenes.
well according to awmagawd's link this alien guy has fought/met/seen both Keis (original and clone) so I guess it doesn't matter that one of them is already gone. (Or is he I never who if someone will actually stay dead in this manga)
boss fight?

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