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* * * * - (4.4 - 164votes)


Alt Names: alt リカ
Author: Miyano Tomochika
Artist: Miyano Tomochika
Genres: Drama DramaEcchi EcchiPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: It's about a boy named Nishizawa Kazuya who is in 2nd year of middle school. Unlike his younger sister, Rika, He is good at a lot of thing and is the fastest runner in the school. Parents and others think he is responsible and hard working child. It seems that he is perfect good child but he has a secret that he can't tell anyone. Every day he enjoys taking a peek at his sister, undressing herself.
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The inertia from his boner messed up his timing.

Lol we are so angry at the MC because he keeps on thinking with his "Little Head"...sort of reflects us normal guys101.gif

based on what we've seen, the MC just wants something to stick his dick in, which isn't uncommon for guys his age. I still wanna punch him in the face, but I understand. I just hope Shii doesn't get hurt when she finds out this dickhead doesn't feel the same way she does.


btw: getting a little far away from our main heroine, dontcha think??

New chapter should be soon ?

Some comments are too extreme, labelling them as "arcs" when there is barely 20 chapters out. Note that Shii isn't any random strangers out of nowhere, in fact Kazuya knew her.
There are various possible reasons why he used "love" to describe his relation with Shii. Lets not forget Kazuya isn't comfortable being with Rika as he know it is taboo. It could be because he wanted to divert his attentions or whatever...
Plus, is it really fair to judge every single chapters after they are uploaded by scanlation group(s)? cough*didn't support the Mangaka*cough.
And everyone is different, you can't expect them to act the way you desired. Thank you & no offense.

Good! An a$$hole MC! I'm getting kinda sick of typical harem/romance dense goody two-shoes.

...and out of left field! Another love interest!


I think we can stick our baseball bat in this one!

Reading the new arc. Developments:
Eh, this girl is kinda cool...
Isn't he staring too much...
I wan't to punch this MC in the face...
I really want to punch this MC in the face...
What!? Now he's just an innocent kid exploring his sexual organs and knows nothing of "responsibility"? Still want to punch him in the face, go real estate dude!

The hell... I'd really get along with this author, twisted sense of humor(Not the "funny" kind of humor) and same taste in imoutos(Seriously, Rika is both the perfect little sister AND daughter. Ah~, Rika).

Well, this just gives me more fuel for my fantasies, anyone else here have fantasies like that? One where you steal a heroine from the MC and(if he's enough of a jerk) punch hime in the face?

This mangaka likes to start off with an interesting setup and an MC that's clueless, who quickly starts sticking his dick in everything. By the time he is with his 'one true love' interest, you'll feel nothing but bad for her.


At the end of Yubisaki Milk Tea I felt bad for the MC rather than for his "one true love" interest. She is much more clueless than MC in the end. Even if MC was a huge dick he still had some good points but ultimately nobody understands him.


And now, that dick can go places...as in people.


I won't deny the awesomeness and truth of your comment but I know for sure that not everyone acts that way, since at least I didn't really act that way back then and I knew many people that were quite reasonable at that age. Since it is possible to have self-control even at that age, hormones can't be used as an excuse for what MC does, otherwise there would be no difference between brute beasts and human beings and we wouldn't need laws, since pretty much everything in our behaviour can be traced back to hormones and instincts, so that the concept of "responsibility" and maybe even "free will" would become chimeric.


haha I don't know what's going on anymore.

suddenly the MC is a jackass and I don't think I even want him near Rika anymore.


Sadly, I was expecting this.


For those of you confused or just hoping that the MC gets back to having a 'pure' love with his sister, I'm sorry to say that that is just not the way Miyano-sensei does his smut. I say smut instead of 'romance' because that's really how things will go. This mangaka likes to start off with an interesting setup and an MC that's clueless, who quickly starts sticking his dick in everything. By the time he is with his 'one true love' interest, you'll feel nothing but bad for her.


So, if you're really hoping for a shining romance you'll likely be sadly disappointed.

Yeah, right. A manga should only have one character and consists of a long monologue spanning several volumes.


No one is having problems with a love rival in a Romance manga. In fact, we expected it. BUT not one where the MC just decides that he "loves" her because she flashed him some tits with what is 5 pages worth of development while the actual love interest is sideline the WHOLE arc who had more than 10 chapters worth of development. That is the problem here. Basically, the author just made MC into jerkface where he would just fuck anyone that flashed him tits without consideration that he confessed to another and proclaimed his love for.

i like rika, but i also like the other girl... man if they want to fuck just get the kid a condom. lol

Yeah I really like Shii too. I'm hoping at some point she manages to go to school in his town 

Ok, sorry. All jokes and bullcrap aside, time for a serious observation. Get ready for a wall of text. 




Seriously, guys

If you are confused about some of the developments in this...

Try to remember middle school.


Remember yet? If not, let me refresh you on the details.


Everyone is now "in love" and no one knows what the hell they're doing.

Suddenly, your dick is a lot more wondrous and magical than ever before. It can do things, man.

And now, that dick can go places...as in people. And by golly it's going to or else...or else...or else you'll explode or something. 

Nothing quite makes sense anymore, and there's no one that has quite the right answers, so all you can do is fumble around in the dark and make stupid growing up "I can't believe I did that stuff, so embarrassing" mistakes that you'll pretend never happened in the years to come.

Hope that puts things into perspective, people.


Kazuya's still a dick though. Pretty sure it's written in the bro code to "Treasure your imouto and always return her love" or something. Or maybe it was something else? lol

i like rika, but i also like the other girl... man if they want to fuck just get the kid a condom. lol

"Hey, I should totally write a romance manga centered entirely around a single character, to the point where their name is the name of the manga, and then sideline this character into unimportance for a character I introduce out of nowhere!"



Yeah, right. A manga should only have one character and consists of a long monologue spanning several volumes.

Why are so many people QQing about the presence of--GASP--a love rival in a romance manga!? "this incest isn't pure enough for me" boo hoo

"Hey, I should totally write a romance manga centered entirely around a single character, to the point where their name is the name of the manga, and then sideline this character into unimportance for a character I introduce out of nowhere!"



Oh geez.

Inb4 timeskip, yo.

that whole thing felt WAY TOO RUSHED, a couple of chapters more and i think he would hav looked less like an ass

Guys, don't you think it's stupid to compare boy in his puberty and adult.

Of course, his farther is much wiser and have more experience in life.

MC simply acts accordingly to his age, that's all.

heh, now he forgot all his passion for his sister and going for some old friend in couple days? what a forced arc that made me laugh hard. unfollow button seems delicious.

mh, why? up till now his sister was the only girl to his eyes, now he found another juicy girl ready for him. what's strange about it?


its been quite a long time since i read the first chapters but if i dont recall bad he's pretty young, isnt he? hormons have quite a role at his age.

suddenly the MC is a jackass and I don't think I even want him near Rika anymore.

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