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* * * * * (4.67 - 564votes)

Hoshi no Samidare

Alt Names: alt Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammeralt The Lucifer and Biscuit Hammeralt Wakusei no Samidarealt 惑星のさみだれ
Author: Mizukami Satoshi
Artist: Mizukami Satoshi
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The world is in mortal peril. Sir Noi Crezant, the Lizard Knight, has been sent to gain the aid of the great warrior Amamiya Yuuhi in hopes of finding the Princess Samidare and protecting the planet from the incredible 'Biscuit Hammer' poised to crack the Earth in two. Unfortunately Yuuhi wants no part of it, and the Princess doesn't prove to be the shining 'hero of justice' role model that Noi had hoped for.
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MAKE THIS AN ANIME!!! (that's all)

One of the best.

This is the type of manga where you come back to time and time again just to indulge yourself in the awesomeness once more.


New reader? Read and you will never regret it.


Old timer? Welcome back.

Joining the re-readers ranks.

As everyone says in here, if you're new to the story I'll only say that I fucking envy you, you lucky bastard you won't be disappointed in the slightest with the series. Probably after you read it, you'll come back, read the comments of people who finished it (For the first, second, twelfth time), and maybe, just maybe, you'll give it another go. Because this is just THAT awesome.

Just here to re-read this brilliant piece of work.

This was soo good, definitely a must read. This is the sort of story that continues to stay with you way after you're done reading it.


The characters, the emotions, the story... man it was beautiful. I'm definitely coming back to relive the journey one day so until then...

Read it in one sitting.
I don't know how many hours I have been reading.


Welcome to the comments sections, reader! If you're here because you've read the series and you're back for another go, welcome back! If you're a first-time reader, just take me at my word when I say that all you need to know about this series is that you need to start reading it, right now. It's awesome beyond what I could tell you about.

Just go for it. I promise you won't regret it.

It's really awesome.

Finished the manga in two days and I must say, it's downright awesome. It's like the offspring of Bokurano and Parasyte (albeit only limited to the relationship between Shinichi and Migi) with a lighter tone befit a shounen-ish manga. It's also amazing to marathon the manga and realize just how much the artist's improve himself, especially when drawing the eyes of the character. The comedies which heavily rely on tropes are well done as well; not to mention the mandatory panty shot. A highly recommendable manga for anyone needing a boost in their life.


Oh, and all hail monthly serialization.


Gainax is crazy, an anime of Hoshi no Samare would be 10 times better than Panty & Stocking...

If  only Shaft manages to do the anime...

It was beautiful from the beginning to the end. Thank you, Mizukami Satoshi for creating such an artwork just for us. Thank you, all contributors, for making it possible for people like me to be able to read such a heartwarming story. Thank you, thank you very much.

Started it today, read 50 chapters in a row. Almost made me cry 3 times. I get the feeling I´ll bawl my eyes out when I finish it.


Gainax is crazy, an anime of Hoshi no Samare would be 10 times better than Panty & Stocking...

Definitely a masterpiece tho I dislike parts of it, easily in the top 3 of action mangas. I cannot believe that there is no anime of this.

wow, this is one of the best seinen action manga I have ever read.

you can see that the author had planned this out and didn´t just try to make it as long as possible to earn more money...

Mizukami Satoshi you have my respect!!!

Just finished reading this amazing manga. I stumbled upon Hoshi no Samidare while reading your other works. It really gives me a feeling of true originality. Never before have I truthfully laughed, cried, and smiled at anything like this. You truly are a genius and an author I respect, whom I'll never forget. Thank you, Mizukami Satoshi. Great things are ahead for you.

Commence rage.

A worthy suggestion.

Motherloving sons of BI-

Okay. Okay...

Just. Frustrated at the idea. Yes, I am a ridiculous fanboy over it, but if any series deserved animation it's this one. Augh. To think that the adaptation came so close and then died because of freaking music licensing. That even the band was on board with! argleblarglegah
I didn't translate that, btw.
And now we know why there's been no Hoshi no Samidare/The Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer anime.

From the new Newtype, an interview with Mizukami Satoshi (Mangaka of Hoshi no Samidare), translated by me. Not the whole article, just the important part.

>NT: Have you been approached about an anime for Hoshi no Samidare?
>MS: Yes. I talked with Gainax about it, but there were problems.
>NT: What kind of problems?
>MS: Well, I wanted The Pillows to do the soundtrack.
>NT: I think that was obvious!
>MS: Yes, of course. Gainax was interested and wanted The Pillows to do the soundtrack. We talked to the band and they were interested too.
>NT: What happened then?
>MS: Well it seems like the whole thing should be good to go, right?
>NT: Right.
>MS: But the labels for The Pillows music did not want to give up the licensing rights. The current label, Avex Trax wouldn't budge and King Records, their previous label, wouldn't either.
>NT: Why not just make new music or not use The Pillows?
>MS: Well... there is the next problem. We fought about it for several months trying to get them on board, and then...
>NT: And then?
>MS: The offer was off the table. Funding went to something else and the offer for a Hoshi no Samidare anime was removed.
>NT: Where did the funding go?
>MS: I think to Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt.
>NT: And you haven't had any other anime offers since.
>MS: Nope.

Commence rage.
This is the kind of story I aspire to write someday, but doubt I will ever match. I can't think of any other series I read that has such a perfectly contained character arc for its protagonists, taking them from their emotionally stunted adolescences and making them truly grow over the story. The series knows what its core theme is and plays to it strongly, fleshing it out through all the characters. It's a powerful, character-driven drama dressed up as a fantastically-written comedy and action story, and Mizukami Satoshi is probably my favorite author for it in any language for the wondrous balancing act he pulled off in making it work. This series honestly works on every level for me, and if I am gushing, it is only because I cannot help but do so. I fall in love with it over and over again, and in new ways, every time I come back to it.

And I love the art. I don't care if it's not super-polished, perfectly proportioned (er, insofar as such can be said of any manga, really), or ridiculously flashy. For one, Mizukami's style is distinctive, a trait I highly value - I love being able to look at a picture and say, "Hey, it's him!" The art also doesn't get in the way of the action. I can always tell what's going on, whereas in other series with much more detailed and polished art I can easily get lost during action sequences because all that detailed art is too detailed for me to follow easily (yes, I'll cop to this being a personal failing, at least for some series). I can almost see the animation during fights in this, though, as everything is drawn so cleanly and clearly. It's never too busy for its own good.

And probably the best part, it's not up its own ass.
I... really can't ask for more.... It's complete.
One of the best manga written by one of the best authors. I always have mixed feelings when the good mangas end, but I suppose one of the things that make them good is the fact that they're not strung out for hundreds of chapters past when they should've ended.
Same here, but it's my first time. He sure know how to hit it right on the spot.
I'm re-reading this manga. Still love it. That is all.

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