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* * * * - (4.18 - 87votes)

Nonbiri VRMMOki

Alt Names: alt のんびりVRMMO記alt Nonbiri VRMMO-ki
Author: Maguro Neco
Artist: Yamagodiofou
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyCooking CookingEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasySlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In the year 2xxx, the VR technology in Japan advanced by leaps and bounds. Although it was a little strange at first, it soon become commonplace. By the recommendation of his twin sisters Hibari and Hitaki, he started to play the VRMMO [REAL & MAKE]. While being taught by these two people…. Playing a game that doesn’t seem to be a game while feeling both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. Single-mindedly playing, hunting, charmfully taming, producing realistic feats of dexterity and cooking realistic cuisine with the force of a household husband. It is a story of being watched by the players and AI inhabitants of the bulletin board.

(Description from NovelUpdates)

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He's clearly whipped already~ 



I don't want to overly be a prickly pain in the butt, but I have to say that the MC's own choices do not really seem like they mattered when it comes to their success. It's more like the authors of those stories just gave away success for free, because they favored their protagonists. Ossan is a particular obvious case, seeing how much unbelievable plot-armor and luck he had.

With Ossan, his success seems as unbelievably unlikely as it gets. For a player who basically put points into everything, yet manages to stay ahead of the curve of people who dedicate themselves to specific fields.
With Only Sense, the MC's success is more like because nobody even bothered to do what he did. For completely unknown reasons, too. It seems like nobody has tried to have their own fields, their own potion shop...He was practically the first guy to do all of those things, as far as the plot is concerned, and because of that he became incredibly successful in his community.

So, it's basically a combination of "Plot armor" and "The world starts with the Protagonist".
Can't say I had an issue reading those stories, though. But I think it is pretty easy to spot the author's mentality.


In Ossan, he stayed ahead of the curve in the beginning due to his persistence in his chosen paths, and then the AI essentially giving him a free pass to extra boosts and overpowered equipment. If you want to consider the AI to be plot armor, so be it. It was briefly mentioned how much time he was putting into the game, and his ability to think outside the box (like the cross bow) gave him an advantage over others that go down the more traditional routes. It also recall that there was certain equipment he couldn't make due to not specializing, but he made up for it by having access to raw materials others do not, again courtesy of the AI. I think the true plot armor in Ossan is how he is able to make all the AIs fall in love with him without actually doing anything.


For OSO, remember the game is relatively new, and the MC joined just when the game was being released to the general public. By then, bias from the beta testers had already permeated the forums. If you consider this along with the fact that most players would choose to go down the adventuring rather than crafting route, it is not unreasonable to think that he is the first to go down this path. In addition, he chooses not to share this information on the forums, so people's bias against those skills aren't going to change anytime soon. Also, while he is successful and unique as a crafter, it has been implied that his sisters are more successful (in terms of income) as adventurers. The fact that the MC and his crafting group couldn't afford the guild item while many other people can also implies that there are plenty of players more successful than they are. Therefore, it is not that the MC is super successful, we just don't have a proper perspective of how successful other players are.



I don't want to overly be a prickly pain in the butt, but I have to say that the MC's own choices do not really seem like they mattered when it comes to their success. It's more like the authors of those stories just gave away success for free, because they favored their protagonists. Ossan is a particular obvious case, seeing how much unbelievable plot-armor and luck he had.

With Ossan, his success seems as unbelievably unlikely as it gets. For a player who basically put points into everything, yet manages to stay ahead of the curve of people who dedicate themselves to specific fields.
With Only Sense, the MC's success is more like because nobody even bothered to do what he did. For completely unknown reasons, too. It seems like nobody has tried to have their own fields, their own potion shop...He was practically the first guy to do all of those things, as far as the plot is concerned, and because of that he became incredibly successful in his community.

So, it's basically a combination of "Plot armor" and "The world starts with the Protagonist".
Can't say I had an issue reading those stories, though. But I think it is pretty easy to spot the author's mentality.

I think in the cases of Ossan and OSO, it was the authors thumbing their noses at most MMOs where "common knowledge" causes everyone to pick only certain classes or lines of skills because the other choices are considered weak. I agree that this manga isn't QUITE the same because rather than picking skill combinations no one else has/wants to use, the MC appears to be using skills that are supposed to have a high degree of difficulty and (so far) has yet to fail a skill check. Perhaps in a later chapter this will be explained.

Oh please, I prefer Spinarak there... to evolve into a more dog like Spider who probably interacts with the lol twins as well as his master

Spinarak doesn't have boobs, my friend, unless we go to 4chan, in which case.........

Hello Spid, your new mission in life is evolving into a sexy spider-lady like Rachnee-san, if you fail, you will be moved to pet Storage for the remainder of your disappointing existence, Good luck~

Oh please, I prefer Spinarak there... to evolve into a more dog like Spider who probably interacts with the lol twins as well as his master

Well, about Only Sense. There several reasons why it is like this.



Hello Spid, your new mission in life is evolving into a sexy spider-lady like Rachnee-san, if you fail, you will be moved to pet Storage for the remainder of your disappointing existence, Good luck~

I don't want to overly be a prickly pain in the butt, but I have to say that the MC's own choices do not really seem like they mattered when it comes to their success. It's more like the authors of those stories just gave away success for free, because they favored their protagonists. Ossan is a particular obvious case, seeing how much unbelievable plot-armor and luck he had.

With Ossan, his success seems as unbelievably unlikely as it gets. For a player who basically put points into everything, yet manages to stay ahead of the curve of people who dedicate themselves to specific fields.
With Only Sense, the MC's success is more like because nobody even bothered to do what he did. For completely unknown reasons, too. It seems like nobody has tried to have their own fields, their own potion shop...He was practically the first guy to do all of those things, as far as the plot is concerned, and because of that he became incredibly successful in his community.

So, it's basically a combination of "Plot armor" and "The world starts with the Protagonist".
Can't say I had an issue reading those stories, though. But I think it is pretty easy to spot the author's mentality.

Well, about Only Sense. There several reasons why it is like this.


If I recall correctly, in Toaru Ossan, it was his unique way of handling his skills that allowed him to do excel, in addition to being persistent. Being favored by the AI certainly doesn't hurt either. In Only Sense Online, it is the unique synergy of said skills, though he (she) still is not a strong character. It also took some trial and error to get there. In this one though... there has been no plausible explanation so far as to why he is unusually good at his skills.


I still like it though, the relaxed style and the BBS is fun in its own way.

I don't want to overly be a prickly pain in the butt, but I have to say that the MC's own choices do not really seem like they mattered when it comes to their success. It's more like the authors of those stories just gave away success for free, because they favored their protagonists. Ossan is a particular obvious case, seeing how much unbelievable plot-armor and luck he had.

With Ossan, his success seems as unbelievably unlikely as it gets. For a player who basically put points into everything, yet manages to stay ahead of the curve of people who dedicate themselves to specific fields.
With Only Sense, the MC's success is more like because nobody even bothered to do what he did. For completely unknown reasons, too. It seems like nobody has tried to have their own fields, their own potion shop...He was practically the first guy to do all of those things, as far as the plot is concerned, and because of that he became incredibly successful in his community.

So, it's basically a combination of "Plot armor" and "The world starts with the Protagonist".
Can't say I had an issue reading those stories, though. But I think it is pretty easy to spot the author's mentality.

This manga is following in the footsteps of Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki and Only Sense Online.


...at least in the sense that the MC takes non-standard skills and seems unusually adept at using them.


If I recall correctly, in Toaru Ossan, it was his unique way of handling his skills that allowed him to do excel, in addition to being persistent. Being favored by the AI certainly doesn't hurt either. In Only Sense Online, it is the unique synergy of said skills, though he (she) still is not a strong character. It also took some trial and error to get there. In this one though... there has been no plausible explanation so far as to why he is unusually good at his skills.


I still like it though, the relaxed style and the BBS is fun in its own way.

that inn part just made me confused how time and day and night works in this online game vs the rl



Autistic License abuse by translator(s)? Rigu > Spid I can sorta see the why of it but it's really kinda awful cutesy naming sense. Especially when the Japanese name is right there in the panel.

Can you explain how you see it? I think the change is retarded, but maybe there's proper logic that I'm just not seeing.

Spid is very obviously taken from spider, but I'm just not seeing the same connection with kumo and Rigu that would warrant the use of Spid. I don't see any possibility of Rigu being taken from spider either, which is what it's name as a creature/monster was in the game.

This manga is following in the footsteps of Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki and Only Sense Online.


...at least in the sense that the MC takes non-standard skills and seems unusually adept at using them.

Autistic License abuse by translator(s)? Rigu > Spid I can sorta see the why of it but it's really kinda awful cutesy naming sense. Especially when the Japanese name is right there in the panel.

Does anyone have any idea how Rigu turned into Spid?

I thought by fighting with a whip I would become a sex god ... dafuq is with this mc ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Never nuke them twice...

'A place so nice they bombed it twice'

That spider is going to get a lot of work trapping these freaky shadow lolicons.

soo cuuuute =3 

"Daily life in an FBI-run MMORPG"


Interesting(?) alternate title...


Yeah, it's a pity that (judging by the description) that intriguingly strange title does not appear to be representative of the work in question.


A slice-of-life-in-MMO tale against the backdrop of a dystopian psycho-crime-thriller drama really sounds much more interesting. Though I suspect things would get a bit convoluted. I guess such a thing might end up a bit like Natsu no Kumo? Except maybe with more slice-of-like focus and less rampant depression.

Man, despite the hate for it here, I do love me some isekai/vrmmo mangas; 

but even I gotta admit, this one is dull as shit.

"Daily life in an FBI-run MMORPG"


Interesting(?) alternate title...

i think there was an error on page 10 with the two sister's statuses. I think they got switched somewhere along the scanlation process. 

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