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* * * * * (4.5 - 135votes)

Isekai Houtei -Rebuttal Barrister-

Alt Names: alt 異世界法廷〜反駁の異法弁護士
Author: Kawamoto Homura
Artist: Ohba Kamon
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyMystery MysterySeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Yuuto Shiba is a 29-year old who, despite his desire to be a barrister, is a complete failure of a man. In a fit of drunkenness, he gets hit by a truck and dies. In the afterlife, he is brought into the world of Luanolde, and is tasked with implementing Japanese law into the country's court systems.

Basically, Phoenix Wright with magic and elves.
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But it wasn't Truck-san's fault. It was a dumb drunk lawyer doing things he shouldn't have. Like standing on a banister.


You mean a barrister on a banister, right?

Superior japanese laws folded over 1000 times

That said, this is an interesting manga with a somewhat novel premise, even if Truck-san is done to death.

But it wasn't Truck-san's fault. It was a dumb drunk lawyer doing things he shouldn't have. Like standing on a banister.

Give this truck-kun the award for best person transferred!




Your honor, as you can see from the cover of this series, the main character has no spiky hair.

Now look at this photo of Phoenix Wright. 


*gives photo*

This evidence shows that the main character of this series lack the defining traits of Phoenix Wright, his spiky hair.

Therefore, any similarities of this series with Phoenix Wright series are just superficial.

Even the bluffing, or the part where he is going into court unprepared.



Well then on the hair thing... more fair to compare this to Apollo Justice? :P

    • whh likes this

There will be an arc where he has to solve a case without his tie, won't there?

Give this truck-kun the award for best person transferred!


Basically, Phoenix Wright with magic and elves.


Your honor, as you can see from the cover of this series, the main character has no spiky hair.

Now look at this photo of Phoenix Wright. 


*gives photo*

This evidence shows that the main character of this series lack the defining traits of Phoenix Wright, his spiky hair.

Therefore, any similarities of this series with Phoenix Wright series are just superficial.

Even the bluffing, or the part where he is going into court unprepared.



The first court case seems to be quite farcical... Is this how things usually go in the real world as well?

I don't know much about trials, however, I'm pretty sure it's probably worse. Edit: At least in countries with a reigning monarchy . . . so maybe not as much nowadays.

truck-san strikes again!!!... insta-follow...

kinda hoping for a romance/harem tag soon. Seems possible since law stuff gets boring after a while.


Did you click on the name of the author? cause not gonna happen Romance is possible but no harem.  also if you have read the authors other works then you know that he doesn't work that way.

Truck-Kun brings legal reform to a fantasy world.
This just earned my follow. I don't care if Truck-Kun is overworked. 

>Fallacy or not, as long as it makes some sense, nobody will challenge the King's verdict.


Uh.... What?


Why the confusion? It's just Saudi Arabia 101.

kinda hoping for a romance/harem tag soon. Seems possible since law stuff gets boring after a while.



he gets hit by a truck and dies


Truck-kun does it again.

>Fallacy or not, as long as it makes some sense, nobody will challenge the King's verdict.


Uh.... What?

As long as it at least sounds logical and it's said by the king they wouldn't challenge it.

>Fallacy or not, as long as it makes some sense, nobody will challenge the King's verdict.


Uh.... What?

The first court case seems to be quite farcical... Is this how things usually go in the real world as well?

Can we talk for a minute about how lucky Donatella was that her intervention had the result that it did? Setting off that explosion right behind that horse should have caused it to panic and stampede over the little girl anyway, or if it was prevented from doing so because it was harnessed to the carriage, it should have been fatally injured when the carriage tipped over. Even in a best case scenario I think the damages to chattel would have been severe enough that the prosecutor would have an easier time arguing she caused greater harm than good, even with the protagonists roundabout logic.


I believe that the carriage actually really heavy when tipped over so the horse couldn't go anywhere even if it panics. Or maybe it was really trained that the coachman can easily command it to stay put.


About the damage to the chattel, isn't that exactly the point of MC's logic?

He managed to convinced everyone that the damage the Chattel sustained is no greater to the damage the little girl could receive if she's really got run over by the carriage.


In my understanding, People didn't mostly won a Psychological debate because they present an undeniable point, but because they manage to made their opponent or judges believe their roundabout point is undeniable. So in this case, IMO MC really did a good job.

I want this a lot... like a lot a lot... I never knew how much I wanted this.. 


This comes close.

Misread that part of the title as "Rebuttal Barista", was expecting a story about someone being transported to another world and becoming a sarcastic-as-hell coffee shop owner.

I want this a lot... like a lot a lot... I never knew how much I wanted this.. 

Misread that part of the title as "Rebuttal Barista", was expecting a story about someone being transported to another world and becoming a sarcastic-as-hell coffee shop owner.

Can we talk for a minute about how lucky Donatella was that her intervention had the result that it did? Setting off that explosion right behind that horse should have caused it to panic and stampede over the little girl anyway, or if it was prevented from doing so because it was harnessed to the carriage, it should have been fatally injured when the carriage tipped over. Even in a best case scenario I think the damages to chattel would have been severe enough that the prosecutor would have an easier time arguing she caused greater harm than good, even with the protagonists roundabout logic.

I am liking this Half Elf already more then the one in Re/Zero knowing the author she could be hiding her true crazy personality :P

B-but Ace Attorney already has magic. Kurain's channeling technique and Trucy's magic pantaloons! Especially Trucy's pantaloons!


But for real though this series is good.

enter the Ace Attorney jokes.

Ah yes, the inquisitorial Japanese legal system, where the prosecutor is in total cahoots with the police. Where they rely on forced confessions all the time, and you're practically presumed guilty until proven innocent.  Where you don't  even have the right to remain silent (never mind what Article 38 says), as refusal to answer questions can be construed as "a lack of remorse" and lead to more severe punishment. Heck, you don't even get a damned jury, and your own lawyer can be forced to testify against you, because fuck attorney-client privileges. THAT system.


("You're guilty, aren't you? Just confess already and get on with it. We don't have time for all thise mumbo-jumbo legal defense bullshit. How else are we supposed to maintain our >99% conviction rate?")


That said, this is an interesting manga with a somewhat novel premise, even if Truck-san is done to death.

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