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* * * * * (4.57 - 245votes)

Goblin Slayer

Alt Names: alt ゴブリンスレイヤーalt 고블린 슬레이어alt GOBLİN AVCISIalt Pembantai Goblinalt Убийца Гоблинов
Author: Kagyuu Kumo
Artist: Kurose Kousuke
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenSmut SmutTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The series centers on a man who desires to become an "adventurer" whose motto is: "I won't save the world, I just kill goblins." After hearing rumors about him, a female elf approaches him with a request.

Adapted from the light novel of the same name.

Available from Yen Press in print and ebook format. New chapters simulpubbed on the 25th of every month where ebooks are sold.

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y todavía no termina de adaptar el primer volumen de la novela

What a shame.. this is one of those grim hero stories i love. Gotrek and felix has similar feeling to it.. funny nonsense, even if there is such included, doesnt exceed the amount of blood, guts and grim atmosphere.


I also love these kinds of stories, can link those two comics?

What a shame.. this is one of those grim hero stories i love. Gotrek and felix has similar feeling to it.. funny nonsense, even if there is such included, doesnt exceed the amount of blood, guts and grim atmosphere.

Yo soy un brazuka que vivo cerca de la frontera con ARG y PY. Juego algunos juegos con amigos latinos de sudamerica, la pronunciacion más dificile de comprender es de los chilenos.


Este capítulo ha sido toda una sorpresa en muchos sentidos, que no me hubiera esperado en esta historia. Me he reído mucho, sobretodo con la página 5 y la 22.

This sixth chapter has been a nice surprise, in many senses, that i wouldn't expect from this story. I laughed out a lot, specially with pages 5 and 22.
Me alegra ver un comentario sensato, Untoten König, por lo que te responderé seriamente y en profundidad, aunque no sea el lugar. Me esperaba una respuesta tipo Youtube, de odio nacido de la ingorancia, uno de los motivos por los que me planteé varias veces borrarlo.

En los tiempos que corren te evitas un problema usando ese dialecto, eso puedo entenderlo, pues es un dialecto ampliamente usado en Internet, pero jamás apoyaré un dialecto artificial de una región pequeña (no se libra de tener una buena cantidad de localismos), nacido por motivos de dinero y que acaba siendo usando como una forma de colonialismo cultural. Por aquí los intentos de destruír la cultura de la zona se están intensificando, como pasa por grandes partes del mundo desde hace siglos, y el castellano neutro es uno de los más recientes, y un problema muy grave.

Dejando aparte el origen y consecuencias del uso de ese dialecto, personalmente prefiriría que cada uno hablase en su idioma/dialecto, que se notase la personalidad de cada zona que no hay en otras.
Si bien hará que la lectura dé algo más de trabajo, la diferencia es mínima, y el resultado es mejor. Si se quiere hacer más fácil de entender, con eliminar las formas coloquiales es suficiente, no usar algo sin personalidad, que además seguirá siendo incluso más difícil de entender para alguien no familiarizado con él, que tedrá que recurrir al contexto para entenderlo al haber eliminado los ''modismos''. No se debe recurrir a un extremo para solucionar el uso de otro, por muy aceptado que esté ese error. Tú lo has dicho, exceso de ''modismos'', eso no significa que el extremo opuesto sea algo bueno. pero tengo que decir que esto no da la sensación de ser un castellano neutro estricto, parece que tiene algo de personalidad.


I'm gladly pleased to see a sensate comment, Untoten König, so I'll answer in a serious and deeper way, even though it isn't the place for this topic. I expected a Youtube-like type of comment, surging from hate born from the ignorance, one of the reasons why i thought of erasing it several times. Don't feed the troll strategy or more like don't end up myself as one.

In the last decade you can save yourself from many problems if you use that dialect as it is widely spread and accepted on the Net, i can understand and agree to that, but I'll never support an artificial dialect from an small region (It still has lots of local forms), born from greed with no concern for people and that it ends up being used as cultural colonialism. Around here, like in most of the world, the attempts to remove the culture from a zone or turn it into a way to get money have intensified, and the use of neutral castillian is one of the most recent ones, and a very big problem.

Leaving aside the origin and consequences of the ample use of this dialect, I personally prefer that each person would use their own language/dialect, so the unique personality and way of expressing would shine.
While this would make it a bit harder to read, the difference is minimal, and the end result way better. If someone wants to make it more understandable, deleting or scarce use of colloquial forms is more than enough, there's no need to use something without personality or feeling, that will be even harder to understand for those not familiar with it, and would have to rely heavily on context to understand. Using the opposite extreme to solve the problems from other won't work, no matter how accepted on the Net is. You wrote it yourself, ''heavy'' localized, that doesn't mean that complete lack of it is good either.

Sorry guys for the heavy off-topic. I'll end it with this and topic closed.


It's weird they haven't post the new chapters,we have like 7 chapters translated by this point :0

Batoto doesn't allow rips of licensed releases.

It's weird they haven't post the new chapters,we have like 7 chapters translated by this point :0

it is uploaded, when somebody reviews it and gives it a go you can read it here too

It's weird they haven't post the new chapters,we have like 7 chapters translated by this point :0

Wow, this DM doesn't forgive stupidity. At least he threw them a lifeline at the end to prevent a TPK.


Seriously though, I like this one.  The main character is a hard ass without being an asshole. No quest to take down a demon lord just goblin killin - because Fk goblins.  

Even......the younglings
Hmm.... at least I got an Ex account

Wow, no one uploaded it here yet. Fuck it, I'll upload the scan that was done by anons and dumped on /a/ few weeks ago. Also as ANN news say YenPress started digital release of manga so I doubt anyone will be scanlating it = no releases on batoto.


According to some LN readers it turns into trash like AgK anyway.

It was taken down because of yen press sniping it

And Yen Press killed my hype =/

Dont worry, there are plenty of "fan fiction" goblin slayer releases by people who actually care. Check around other manga sites or certain image forums.

Este capítulo ha sido toda una sorpresa en muchos sentidos, que no me hubiera esperado en esta historia. Me he reído mucho, sobretodo con la página 5 y la 22.

This sixth chapter has been a nice surprise, in many senses, that i wouldn't expect from this story. I laughed out a lot, specially with pages 5 and 22.


Bueno más bien español neutro por lo que parece, pero mejor que nada es, como dices. Aparte de haber hecho esa elección Raven Scans ha hecho un buen trabajo.
Well, seems more like neutral castillian after taking a look at it, but its better than nothing, as you said. Apart from that choice of dialects, Raven Scans has done a good job, so gotta praise 

En lo personal considero que neutro es la mejor elección ya que si usas modismos de alguna región se vuelve difícil para individuos de habla hispana de otras regiones poder interpretar lo dicho de esta forma es diversifica-ble y accesible para cualquier persona del habla capaz de entender español en esencia .

Esto lo digo con experiencia personal ya que ha ávido situaciones que he abandonado algunas traducciones de grupos no porque sea esencialmente mal pero por un exceso de modismo se volvió difícil tanto entender la historia y tienden a transformarla o perder la sensación que debe de dar. Algunas versiones del español tienden a contener demasiados modismos y formas de expresión que alteran demasiado la naturaleza del contenido.

​Se ve también en ingles se usa un ingles neutral para evitar la perdida del contenido del material original. He encontrado ese problema en ingles en algunas ocasiones.


In my personal opinion a neutral approach for the Spanish translation is the best choice there is too much changes done by a local version of the language on any region to cause it to get distorted and lost its original meaning in Spanish this tend to happen often  when adding expressions belonging to specific regions, then for a Spanish speaker no used to this form of dialect tends to become confusing.

I personally had stooped reading some of this translations with heavy localize language as I feel it change it the contend of the story too much. In English is also prefer to use a neutral approach as is easier to understand regardless of the region you belong too. I had also encounter this in English as well.

Dark Souls: Goblin Edition

This dude is the most badass in the world, only when it comes to goblins.

Bueno al menos en español seguira saliendo :D. Gran trabajo

Bueno más bien español neutro por lo que parece, pero mejor que nada es, como dices. Aparte de haber hecho esa elección Raven Scans ha hecho un buen trabajo.
Well, seems more like neutral castillian after taking a look at it, but its better than nothing, as you said. Apart from that choice of dialects, Raven Scans has done a good job, so gotta praise them.

"Busquense a alguien mas. Yo cazo goblins o nada"


jajaja me mato esa parte

Bueno al menos en español seguira saliendo :D. Gran trabajo

Where is the Goblins' Rights Association when you need it the most?

Goblin Slayer everyone

Why would yenpress pick up something like this?
Its hard to believe it will get much sales in the west.

I means it definitely has those dark souls vibe y'know? Gritty and stuff is kinda of the vibe the west has I guess.

I feel like this one is gonna make me nausious honestly. Feels like it's gonna be pretty dark all the way through.

I was a bit worried about this one, but ch.2-3 changed my opinion of it quite drastically. It is now a manga I can confidently recommend.

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