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Magic Book to Start from Zero

Alt Names: alt ゼロから始める魔法の書alt Grimoire of Zeroalt Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Shoalt Zero Mahou
Author: Kobashiri Kakeru
Artist: Iwasaki Takashi
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasySeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Year 526 of the Liturgical Calendar.
The world knew that witches existed, and that they practiced the notorious art of sorcery.
Nevertheless, the world did not know anything about the study of magic.

Our story follows a half-man, half-beast mercenary; humans mockingly call his kind the “fallen beasts”.
He always dreamt of becoming a human, but one day, he met a witch who would change his life forever.

“Do you desire a human form? Then be my escort, mercenary!”

The witch introduced herself as “Zero”, and explained that she was searching for a one-of-a-kind magical tome that bandits had stolen from her lair. Entitled “The Book of Zero”, the grimoire supposedly contained valuable magical knowledge that could be used to effortlessly bring the world to its knees.

Thus, in order to realize his dream of becoming a human, the mercenary must accompany Zero on her journey—despite her being one of the witches he so loathed.

This is the story of a haughty sorceress and a kindhearted beast.

(Source: Nanodesu Translations)
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  • 1 Replies


Well, I don't think Thirteenth's backstory has really been explained yet, so there's a good chance those ten years will be explained at some point in the future. I'll go back and re-read everything to double check about the time gap thing.

Anyone else who reads the LN at nanodesu notice that basically all of the dialogue in Ch.003 was lifted straight from the light novel translation?

yes, i translated the chapters from english to italian, and to be honest, i think i actually prefer this, if we have to choose betweeen a shitty translation or a brought-from the novel translation, i choose the second... i still don't understand the book off zero paradox though:the coven of zero was created from the death of solena, and solena died a year before. but the dude says the book of zero was part of the coven for like 10 years... ??? my guess is that there was a typo somewhere and either the book has been used for only a year or solena actually died 10 years ago, but the first option would make little sense world-building-wise(the war was present from before, but only started to be pretty hefty since the death of solena, which happened long time enough that zero knows about the war but not about solena's death) and the second would mean that zero stayed in that cave for 10 years after thirteen was out doing... nothing.

it just doesn't make sense.

Anyone else who reads the LN at nanodesu notice that basically all of the dialogue in Ch.003 was lifted straight from the light novel translation?

For the scanlators, i have the first vol in HQ. If anyone wants it, pm me.

i haven't read any tags or description. i just came here because i'm lured by those thighs mmm....

for me, it was all about dat midriff.


but seriously, didn't even notice it was released, how long it was since? and who made it? when will next chapterbe made?

I have a feeling the new kid is baiting them.
Chap 1 : talk, talk, talk Chap 2 : talk, talk, talk Chap 3 : just more talk, with new talky character It appears that at this point i should just accept that attention span has gotten really short with LN. It's not enough that exposition has to be spoken in lengthy manner, but everything else must also freeze in place while the characters are doing so. 5 pages of awesome display of practical magic only to be followed with dozens of magic lectures. Yeah but, no.

The proper course of action is to reach the coven then impale the kid through the back.


Nobody that stupid deserves to live.

Minus the magic and fantasy element, their world isn't all too different from IRL... except the real world is full of far more idiots like this witch boy, down to the part of him asking for a handout in the end even after having logic and reasoning explained to him.

what a fkin delicious little witch

Aug 21 2016 01:02 PM




I preordered the figurine too xD.


Soooo cute~

i haven't read any tags or description. i just came here because i'm lured by those thighs mmm....

Oh she has plenty of ill will. Towards them that is.

Oh, there was a manga of this ?

I recently discovered the Light Novel (translated by Nanodesu, so it's good quality translation) and got really hooked. The art of the manga is nice tho.

can we have standardized chapter labeling. 

well, this is all nice and dandy especially with people starting to read it, but is there any group who's decided to start translating it seriously?

Someone slept through the proofreading stage.

That's pretty much it, but she does specifically say it's the soul that tries to return to the witch and gets reborn. Whether or not it's reincarnation depends on if she was just being dramatic and meant the spell returns, or if souls really do work like that, but it really isn't that important and isn't brought up again in at least the first three chapters (which is all I've read).

'Soul' obviously not meant to be taken literally in this case, or is the translation trying to fit the English language. If the translator used the term 'spirit' or 'continuous effect of the spell', you'd be singing a different tune.

Shimakaze is back \o/

> Boar charging
> 'that looks tasty'
Is what I saw on her face

I'm gonna be honest...I totally forgot everything. Even following this

only 1 chapter for 4 months. anyone will forget.

I'm gonna be honest...I totally forgot everything. Even following this



Nanodesu has you covered for the LN.


I must confess that this is a very pleasant surprise!  I figured nobody was interested in this series, since on my thread to spearhead it there was no reaction.  Glad to see that wasn't the case, and further that Nanodesu is covering it. 



Nanodesu has you covered for the LN.




Yoshinori-sensei might just be a lolicon


But he's also the artist behind Yamato and Musashi, so it alternates between loli and big breasted women.  A little of something for everyone.


As for this series itself, I tried to see if there was anyone at Baka-Tsuki that was interested in starting the LN project with me and a year later I still haven't heard anything back.  I wouldn't mind seeing the manga translated by any group that was interested, because even if it goes off the rails there will be no way of knowing for people who can't read the original work.

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