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* * * * - (3.97 - 105votes)


Alt Names: alt Rubyalt RWBY
Author: Monty Oum & Rooster Teeth Productions
Artist: Miwa Shirow
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureFantasy FantasySci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The future-fantasy world of Remnant is filled with ravenous monsters, treacherous terrain, and more villains than you can shake a sniper-scythe at. Fortunately, Beacon Academy is training Huntsmen and Huntresses to battle the evils of the world, and Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are ready for their first day of class.
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Woah this series is really nice. Much better focus so on the actual main characters compared to the actual animated series. Monty was a beast of a animator and choreographer, but he really couldn't write.

Did anyone else read fuanas ah funhaus?

It was done for the viewer, because back when Black Trailer came out the viewer didn't know that Blake is a faun.

That's part of the problem though. It's... a continuity error, I guess? Anyway, it just makes very little sense. At the same time though, maybe she just likes the ribbon.

From the chapters so far, the manga seems to be more supplementary rather than an adaption.

I guess that's iight. Welp, there's Miwa Shirow though ouo~

Blake didn't have a reason to hide her ears with that ribbon when she was still with the White Fangs, right?

It was done for the viewer, because back when Black Trailer came out the viewer didn't know that Blake is a faun.

Blake didn't have a reason to hide her ears with that ribbon when she was still with the White Fangs, right?

What i think is that point of the story she was already rejecting Adam, the current state of the white fang was diferent than the organization that she joinned in first place so that is her method of showing a bit of disagreement.

Blake didn't have a reason to hide her ears with that ribbon when she was still with the White Fangs, right?

I'm excited for Blake's chapters. She's my favorite of the main four and I always thought her backstory was the most interesting. Though I do wonder whether it'll go into
or if it'll be more focused on the White Fang in general.

Weiss in the prequel comic 

"I'm not just playing house, I'm not just a Schnee" 


Weiss's introduction in the show

"This is dust from the Schnee quarry... finally some recognition!"

She is young, atitudes like that are common, principaly when she still strugling to create a new sense of self, but you are right that introduction was the first thing to come to my mind, but hey i can forgive something like this for something that i like.

Weiss in the prequel comic 

"I'm not just playing house, I'm not just a Schnee" 


Weiss's introduction in the show

"This is dust from the Schnee quarry... finally some recognition!"

Why is this marked as mature? There's no swearing or suggestive content and the violence is heavily stylized and relatively bloodless. There's nothing to warrant the mature warning.
Edit: Nevermind, it's been fixed.

Hmm... The art is really nice looking, and the idea of RWBY getting even more adaptations excites me, but I'm not sure how I feel about the manga's story progression. It's kinda awkward, to be honest. I understand their choice to start out with things already underway and stuff, but the odd points of skipping around and a flash-back so early on really breaks the flow. I hope it gets a bit smoother down the line, because I definitely want to enjoy it.

Definitely like the art style. Very active, and I like that it strays from the show. Also it's nice to see Weiss with the more serious personality that I wanted her to have in the show.

I haven't read anything yet, but could it just be that it was lost in the translation?


Doubtful. The infodump that Weiss gave, and her reaction (which amounted to "This is an obvious thing, how do you not know this?") suggest that she actually was asking the stupid question that it looks like she was asking. Specifically, "What is this thing that keeps our society running?"

Um, dude. She knows what dust is used for, she was just asking what dust is made of. Presumably Weiss would know because her family's company sells the stuff. But she gives her the company spiel instead. And right after that she just says "There's still a lot we don't know about where it comes from".


I'm fairly certain that you're wrong about this, but granting it just for the sake of argument, that would mean that instead of a character asking a stupid question and getting an obvious (in-story) answer, we have a character asking a somewhat less stupid question and getting an irrelevant answer for purposes of infodumping. From a writing standpoint, that's really not better. It's still a poorly executed infodump.

It's odd that they felt the need to throw that particular bit of exposition on us while completely skipping all the other stuff that establishes the setting up to this point. If they assume that the reader doesn't know what Dust is, then it follows that the reader probably doesn't know how all these characters got to where they are, and they should probably have started from earlier in the story instead of picking up somewhere halfway through season 1. If they assume that the reader is familiar with the story and just want to get right into things, then the Dust exposition is unnecessary. There is inconsistency in how much they seem to assume the reader already knows. It's bad writing.

Holy crap, this writing is awful. Just bad.

Consider the option to introduce Dust. This is basic information that everybody in the setting knows, so the best way to convey that is via some sort of narrative exposition at the start. That way you don't have to break the flow of the story to get everybody up to speed. Instead, they have Ruby ask "What is Dust?" Well, gee, it's only the power source for her entire society and everyone's weapons. This is like having a character in the real world ask what gasoline is, or a military cadet ask what gunpowder is. Handling this via a shoehorned "As you know..." speech is just really ham-handed, but I guess they just didn't want to spend one page introducing the setting before getting on with the fight scenes. Then she goes on to complain about how Weiss is always talking about Dust, so why the hell is she asking what Dust is in the first place?

The answer: because whoever is writing this didn't care to spend five minutes thinking about how to introduce the idea without making a character who already knows the answer ask a stupid question just for the sake of kicking off an infodump.

If they want to focus on the fight scenes, then fine, whatever. But at least they could make it so the basic exposition wasn't utter shit. Too much to ask, I guess.

Um, dude. She knows what dust is used for, she was just asking what dust is made of. Presumably Weiss would know because her family's company sells the stuff. But she gives her the company spiel instead. And right after that she just says "There's still a lot we don't know about where it comes from".

Holy crap, this writing is awful. Just bad.

Consider the option to introduce Dust. This is basic information that everybody in the setting knows, so the best way to convey that is via some sort of narrative exposition at the start. That way you don't have to break the flow of the story to get everybody up to speed. Instead, they have Ruby ask "What is Dust?" Well, gee, it's only the power source for her entire society and everyone's weapons. This is like having a character in the real world ask what gasoline is, or a military cadet ask what gunpowder is. Handling this via a shoehorned "As you know..." speech is just really ham-handed, but I guess they just didn't want to spend one page introducing the setting before getting on with the fight scenes. Then she goes on to complain about how Weiss is always talking about Dust, so why the hell is she asking what Dust is in the first place?

The answer: because whoever is writing this didn't care to spend five minutes thinking about how to introduce the idea without making a character who already knows the answer ask a stupid question just for the sake of kicking off an infodump.

If they want to focus on the fight scenes, then fine, whatever. But at least they could make it so the basic exposition wasn't utter shit. Too much to ask, I guess.

I haven't read anything yet, but could it just be that it was lost in the translation?

Holy crap, this writing is awful. Just bad.

Consider the option to introduce Dust. This is basic information that everybody in the setting knows, so the best way to convey that is via some sort of narrative exposition at the start. That way you don't have to break the flow of the story to get everybody up to speed. Instead, they have Ruby ask "What is Dust?" Well, gee, it's only the power source for her entire society and everyone's weapons. This is like having a character in the real world ask what gasoline is, or a military cadet ask what gunpowder is. Handling this via a shoehorned "As you know..." speech is just really ham-handed, but I guess they just didn't want to spend one page introducing the setting before getting on with the fight scenes. Then she goes on to complain about how Weiss is always talking about Dust, so why the hell is she asking what Dust is in the first place?

The answer: because whoever is writing this didn't care to spend five minutes thinking about how to introduce the idea without making a character who already knows the answer ask a stupid question just for the sake of kicking off an infodump.

If they want to focus on the fight scenes, then fine, whatever. But at least they could make it so the basic exposition wasn't utter shit. Too much to ask, I guess.

Honestly with how many times I've seen each episode, I would totally hate just a manga rehash. Loathe, actually. It would add nothing story-wise, and none of the Monty goodness that was his choreography would be there. The story I already know and a manga version cannot have amazing fight scenes like the webshow, so I am glad it is new. Shirow could not do this without permission from RT, so I am sure that RT supplied the manga with the main points. If anything is original and "not canon" it would be small side things, like certain minor conversations. The thing with the suit of armor from chapter 3? That's a massive plot point. It was definitely supplied by RT.

Yup, RT is overseeing this. They said it on one of their streams before, they tell him or rather the publisher what they can and can't use since they want to keep some stuff secret until they're revealed in the show.

As someone who has been following RWBY since the beginning, as in when the first trailer was show post-credits of RvB's Season 10 finale, I firmly consider that which is provided by RT to be canon. As I am incapable of knowing if RT fed the information to the the makers of this manga, I do not consider it canon.
In all truth, what I expected was a manga version of each chapter/episode. I am a bit disappointed of what we got instead.

Honestly with how many times I've seen each episode, I would totally hate just a manga rehash. Loathe, actually. It would add nothing story-wise, and none of the Monty goodness that was his choreography would be there. The story I already know and a manga version cannot have amazing fight scenes like the webshow, so I am glad it is new.

Shirow could not do this without permission from RT, so I am sure that RT supplied the manga with the main points. If anything is original and "not canon" it would be small side things, like certain minor conversations. The thing with the suit of armor from chapter 3? That's a massive plot point. It was definitely supplied by RT.

As someone who has been following RWBY since the beginning, as in when the first trailer was show post-credits of RvB's Season 10 finale, I firmly consider that which is provided by RT to be canon. As I am incapable of knowing if RT fed the information to the the makers of this manga, I do not consider it canon.

In all truth, what I expected was a manga version of each chapter/episode. I am a bit disappointed of what we got instead.

Eh, so far it doesn't sound contradicting, so until the show says otherwise, this will also be canon for me now, or has some version of the events actually taking place.

As someone who has been following RWBY since the beginning, as in when the first trailer was show post-credits of RvB's Season 10 finale, I firmly consider that which is provided by RT to be canon. As I am incapable of knowing if RT fed the information to the the makers of this manga, I do not consider it canon.

In all truth, what I expected was a manga version of each chapter/episode. I am a bit disappointed of what we got instead.

Seeing as I absolutely despise the animation style and some of voices and dialogue combination, this is great! Hope they go with the details.


The I take it you don't like Red Vs Blue and X-Ray and Vav for the same reasons? Seeing as many of the voice actors from that also work in RWBY.

Also, it should be noted that the "series" consisted only the web series until WB Japan bought the rights to dub in in Japanese, to which prompted a manga series to be made.

fuck...oum's dead and that sucks, but I'm happy there's still love for his creation.


I apologize if this offends you, but have you just recently started watching RWBY? Monty died just last year this day.

fuck...oum's dead and that sucks, but I'm happy there's still love for his creation.



Seeing as I absolutely despise the animation style and some of voices and dialogue combination, this is great! Hope they go with the details. And yes, I HATE THE ANIME. NOT THE SERIES.

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