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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.89 - 35votes)

Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji: One Poker Hen

Alt Names: alt 賭博堕天録カイジ ワン・ポーカー編alt Kaiji Part 5alt Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji - One Poker Arc
Author: Fukumoto Nobuyuki
Artist: Fukumoto Nobuyuki
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A continuation of Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji: Kazuya-Hen. With new allies Chang and Mario, it's finally time for Kaiji to wager his 400 Million Yen against the son of Chairman Hyoudou, Kazuya! The gamble's name is One Poker... but what kind of poker is that?!

***Please Note***
The Kaiji series as of now is divided into 5 parts, and this is the 5th of those parts. The series follows this order:

Part 1: Tobaku Mokushiroku Kaiji (Has an Anime Adaptation, but Manga is not fully translated)

Part 2: Tobaku Hakairoku Kaiji (Has an Anime Adaptation, and Manga is fully translated)

Part 3: Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji (Not yet animated, Manga is fully translated)

Part 4: Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji - Kazuya-hen (Not yet animated, Manga is fully translated)

Part 5: Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji: One Poker Hen (Not yet animated, Manga is being translated)
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And this concludes Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji: One King Hen.


*Sees new chapter*

oh no, it's only beginning.

Local man can't stop getting owned

And this concludes Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji: One King Hen.


Not yet. Kazuya still doesn't know if Kaiji has a king or not.

Part 5 in a nutshell:


And this concludes Tobaku Datenroku Kaiji: One King Hen.

The absolute madman.

And that completly crushed kazuya and his ambition :l.

That was a great gambaroou.

OH FINALLY!!! It's been a 10 chapter long arc just for his monologue alone.

I can't believe he just did that

Let's go for another few chapters of zawawawa, kazuya

I bet the next chapter will be Kazuya being: STOP! STOP! DONT DO IT YOU RETARD!

Next chapter prediction:


Kazuya calls.


Kaiji places his last 2 red guys.


Zawa zawa for the next 5 chapters.



Kazuya's biggest problem right now is that he still hasn't wised up to the fact that he's facing an absolute madman. Kaiji already bet all 3 of their lives on a bloody 2 so of course he'd do the same exact thing again later on (with an as of yet unknown card).



Those are the eyes of a man who's ready to go all in.


I told him to go all in and he actually did it, the absolute madman

Given that it would require both minion(s) willing to actually die for Kazuya and for Kaiji to actually accept it when the only thing he cares about is the money, I would say no. Probably not.

Fair point, maybe he can get a supply of lives from the cornered gamblers that were not so lucky as kaiji? they are already betting their lives in these games after all.

i want a deck of cards with those faces.

I want a deck of cards where the kings click their teeth.

Kazuya calls Kaiji place ONE more red life Zawa zawa for 5 chapters Kazuya calls again Kaiji places the last red life Zawa zawa for 5 more chapters Kazuya calls AUTHOR DIES. ...greatest cliffhanger EVER!


The raw is already in chapter 252 though

Next chapter prediction:
Kazuya calls.
Kaiji places his last 2 red guys.
Zawa zawa for the next 5 chapters.

Kazuya calls

Kaiji place ONE more red life

Zawa zawa for 5 chapters

Kazuya calls again

Kaiji places the last red life

Zawa zawa for 5 more chapters

Kazuya calls


...greatest cliffhanger EVER!

Next chapter prediction:


Kazuya calls.


Kaiji places his last 2 red guys.


Zawa zawa for the next 5 chapters.


Only the next 5 chapters?

Next chapter prediction:


Kazuya calls.


Kaiji places his last 2 red guys.


Zawa zawa for the next 5 chapters.

I'm gonna bet it gonna be a draw, after all that card is strong enough for you to go for a solid raise

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